FFSM++  1.1.0
French Forest Sector Model ++
ModelData Class Reference

Regional data, including macros and settings. More...

#include <ModelData.h>

Inheritance diagram for ModelData:
Collaboration diagram for ModelData:

Public Member Functions

 ModelData (ThreadManager *MTHREAD_h)
 ~ModelData ()
void loadInput ()
 Unzip the OpenOffice input file (NEW 2008.05.13) More...
LLData getTableFromFile (string tablename, string filename_h)
 Load and return a data table from a file (instead that from a spreadsheet sheet) More...
vector< string > getScenarios ()
int getScenarioIndex ()
bool delDir (QString dirname)
 Recursivelly delete a directory. More...
void setScenarioData ()
 Set the infos about this scenario (long description and overriding tables) More...
void setDefaultSettings ()
void setScenarioSettings ()
void createRegions ()
void setDefaultForData ()
void setScenarioForData ()
void setDefaultProdData ()
void setScenarioProdData ()
void setDefaultProductResourceMatrixLink ()
void setScenarioProductResourceMatrixLink ()
void setForestTypes ()
void setReclassificationRules ()
void setDefaultPathogenRules ()
void setScenarioPathogenRules ()
void applyOverrides ()
 Cancel all reg1 level data and trasform them in reg2 level if not already existing. More...
void applyDebugMode ()
 Works only a specified subset of regions and products. More...
void setSpace ()
string getOutputDirectory () const
 Return a vector of objects that together provide the specified resource in the specified quantity. More...
int getFilenamesByDir (const string &dir, vector< string > &files, const string &filter="")
 Return a list of files in a directory. More...
string getFilenameByType (string type_h)
LLData getTable (string tableName_h, int debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR)
vector< IFilesgetIFilesVector () const
string getBaseDirectory () const
ModelRegiongetRegion (int regId_h)
bool regionExist (const int &regId_h) const
vector< ModelRegion * > getAllRegions (bool excludeResidual=true)
vector< int > getRegionIds (int level_h, bool excludeResidual=true)
vector< vector< int > > getRegionIds (bool excludeResidual=true)
string regId2RegSName (const int &regId_h) const
int regSName2RegId (const string &regSName_h) const
int getNForTypes ()
int getNReclRules ()
forTypegetForType (int position)
forTypegetForType (string &forTypeId_h)
int getForTypeCounter (string &forTypeId_h, bool all=false)
 By default it doesn't return forTypes used only as input. More...
vector< string > getForTypeIds (bool all=false)
 By default it doesn't return forTypes used only as input. More...
string getForTypeParentId (const string &forTypeId_h)
vector< string > getForTypeChilds (const string &forTypeId_h)
vector< int > getForTypeChilds_pos (const string &forTypeId_h, bool all=false)
vector< string > getForTypeParents ()
int getNForTypesChilds (const string &forTypeId_h)
reclRulegetReclRule (int position)
vector< string > getDiameterClasses (bool productionOnly=false)
const bool assessProdPossibility (const string &prod_h, const string &forType_h, const string &dClass_h)
 A simple function to assess if a specified product can be made by a certain forest type and diameter class. More...
const int getMaxYearUsableDeathTimber (const string &prod_h, const string &forType_h, const string &dClass_h)
const int getMaxYearUsableDeathTimber ()
void setErrorLevel (int errorLevel_h)
int getErrorLevel ()
bool getTempBool ()
void setTempBool (bool tempBool_h)
bool getValueFoundBool ()
void setValueFoundBool (bool valueFoundBool_h)
vector< vector< int > > createCombinationsVector (const int &nItems)
 Return a vector containing any possible combination of nItems items (including any possible subset). The returned vector has in each slot the items present in that specific combination. More...
double getTimedData (const vector< double > &dated_vector, const int &year_h) const
 Return the value for the specified year in a timelly ordered vector, taking the last value if this is smaller than the required position. More...
void setTimedData (const double &value_h, vector< double > &dated_vector, const int &year_h, const int &MSG_LEVEL=MSG_WARNING)
int getIntSetting (const string &name_h, int position=0, int reg=WORLD) const
double getDoubleSetting (const string &name_h, int position=0, int reg=WORLD) const
string getStringSetting (const string &name_h, int position=0, int reg=WORLD) const
bool getBoolSetting (const string &name_h, int position=0, int reg=WORLD) const
vector< int > getIntVectorSetting (const string &name_h, int reg=WORLD) const
vector< double > getDoubleVectorSetting (const string &name_h, int reg=WORLD) const
vector< string > getStringVectorSetting (const string &name_h, int reg=WORLD) const
vector< bool > getBoolVectorSetting (const string &name_h, int reg=WORLD) const
const double getProdData (const string &type_h, const int &regId_h, const string &prodId_h, const int &year=DATA_NOW, const string &freeDim_h="")
const double getForData (const string &type_h, const int &regId_h, const string &forType_h, const string &freeDim_h, const int &year=DATA_NOW)
void setProdData (const double &value_h, const string &type_h, const int &regId_h, const string &prodId_h, const int &year=DATA_NOW, const bool &allowCreate=false, const string &freeDim_h="")
void setForData (const double &value_h, const string &type_h, const int &regId_h, const string &forType_h, const string &freeDim_h, const int &year=DATA_NOW, const bool &allowCreate=false)
string makeKeyProdData (const string &parName, const string &regId, const string &prod, const string &freeDim="") const
string makeKeyForData (const string &parName, const string &regId, const string &forType, const string &diamClass) const
void unpackKeyProdData (const string &key, string &parName, int &regId, string &prod, string &freeDim) const
void unpackKeyForData (const string &key, string &parName, int &regId, string &forType, string &diamClass) const
vector< pathRule * > getPathMortalityRule (const string &forType, const string &dC)
 Return the pathogen mortality rule(s) associated with a given ft and dc (plural as more than a single pathogen could be found) More...
double calculateAnnualisedEquivalent (const double &amount_h, const int &years_h, const double &ir) const
 Calculate the annual equivalent flow. More...
double calculateAnnualisedEquivalent (const double &amount_h, const double &years_h, const double &ir) const
 Transform the double to the highest integer and call calculateAnnualisedEquivalent(double amount_h, int years_h) More...
void setOutputDirectory (const char *output_dirname_h)
void setBaseDiretory (string baseDirectory_h)
void addSetting (string name_h, vector< string > values_h, int type_h, string comment_h)
void addSetting (string name_h, string value_h, int type_h, string comment_h)
void cacheSettings ()
 Called after input reading, it fix frequently used data;. More...
int getCachedInitialYear ()
void deathTimberInventory_incrOrAdd (const iisskey &thekey, double value_h)
void deathTimberInventory_incr (const iisskey &thekey, double value_h)
double deathTimberInventory_get (const iisskey &thekey)
map< iisskey, double > * getDeathTimberInventory ()
double getAvailableDeathTimber (const vector< string > &primProd_h, int regId_h, int year_h)
 Returns the timber available for a given set of primary products as stored in the deathTimberInventory map. More...
double getAvailableAliveTimber (const vector< string > &primProd_h, int regId_h)
 Returns the timber available for a given set of primary products as stored in the px->vol_l vector. More...
vector< int > getAllocableProductIdsFromDeathTimber (const int &regId_h, const string &ft, const string &dc, const int &harvesting_year, int request_year=DATA_NOW)
 Returns the ids of the primary products that is possible to obtain using the timber recorded death in the specific year, ft, dc combination. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseClass
 BaseClass ()
 ~BaseClass ()
void msgOut (const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
 Overloaded function to print the output log. More...
void msgOut (const int &msgCode_h, const int &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
 Overloaded function to print the output log. More...
void msgOut (const int &msgCode_h, const double &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
 Overloaded function to print the output log. More...
int s2i (const string &string_h) const
 string to integer conversion More...
double s2d (const string &string_h) const
 string to double conversion More...
double s2d (const string &string_h, const bool &replaceComma) const
 string to double conversion More...
bool s2b (const string &string_h) const
 string to bool conversion More...
string i2s (const int &int_h) const
 integer to string conversion More...
string d2s (const double &double_h) const
 double to string conversion More...
string b2s (const bool &bool_h) const
 bool to string conversion More...
vector< int > s2i (const vector< string > &string_h) const
 string to integer conversion (vector) More...
vector< double > s2d (const vector< string > &string_h, const bool &replaceComma=false) const
 string to double conversion (vector) More...
vector< bool > s2b (const vector< string > &string_h) const
 string to bool conversion (vector) More...
vector< string > i2s (const vector< int > &int_h) const
 integer to string conversion (vector) More...
vector< string > d2s (const vector< double > &double_h) const
 double to string conversion (vector) More...
vector< string > b2s (const vector< bool > &bool_h) const
 bool to string conversion (vector) More...
int getType (const string &type_h) const
 Return a type according to enum TYPE_* from a string (eg: "string" -> TYPE_STRING (2)) More...
void refreshGUI () const
 Ping to periodically return the control to the GUI. More...
template<typename T >
string toString (const T &x) const
template<typename T >
stringTo (const std::string &s) const
int vSum (const vector< int > &vector_h) const
double vSum (const vector< double > &vector_h) const
int vSum (const vector< vector< int > > &vector_h) const
double vSum (const vector< vector< double > > &vector_h) const
void tokenize (const string &str, vector< string > &tokens, const string &delimiter=" ") const
 Tokenize a string using a delimiter (default is space) More...
void untokenize (string &str, vector< string > &tokens, const string &delimiter=" ") const
template<typename K , typename V >
findMap (const map< K, V > &mymap, const K &key, const int &error_level=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, const V &notFoundValue=numeric_limits< V >::min()) const
 Lookup a map for a value. Return the value starting from the key. More...
template<typename K , typename V >
void changeMapValue (map< K, V > &mymap, const K &key, const V &value, const int &error_level=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR)
 Change the value stored in a map given the key and the new value. More...
template<typename K , typename V >
void incrMapValue (map< K, V > &mymap, const K &key, const V &value, const int &error_level=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR)
 Increments a value stored in a map of the specified value, given the key. More...
template<typename K , typename V >
void incrOrAddMapValue (map< K, V > &mymap, const K &key, const V &value)
 Increments a value stored in a map of the specified value, given the key. More...
template<typename K , typename V >
void resetMapValues (map< K, V > &mymap, const V &value)
 Reset all values stored in a map to the specified one. More...
template<typename K , typename V >
map< K, V > vectorToMap (const vector< K > &keys, const V &value=0.0)
 Returns a map built using the given vector and the given (scalar) value as keys/values pairs. More...
template<typename T >
vector< T > positionsToContent (const vector< T > &vector_h, const vector< int > &positions)
 Return a vector of content from a vector and a vector of positions (int) More...
template<typename V >
void debugMap (const map< iisskey, V > &mymap)
 Debug a map. More...
template<typename K , typename V >
void debugMap (const map< K, V > &mymap, const K &key)
template<typename K >
int getMaxPos (const vector< K > &v)
 Returns the position of the maximum element in the vector (the last one in case of multiple equivalent maxima) More...
template<typename K >
int getMinPos (const vector< K > &v)
 Returns the position of the minimum element in the vector (the first one in case of multiple equivalent minima) More...
template<typename K >
getMax (const vector< K > &v)
 Returns the value of the maximum element in the vector (the last one in case of multiple equivalent maxima) More...
template<typename K >
getMin (const vector< K > &v)
 Returns the value of the minimum element in the vector (the first one in case of multiple equivalent minima) More...
template<typename K >
double getAvg (const vector< K > &v)
 Returns the average of the elements in the vector. More...
template<typename K >
double getSd (const vector< K > &v, bool sample=true)
template<typename K >
int getPos (const K &element, const vector< K > &v, const int &msgCode_h=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR)
template<typename K >
bool inVector (const K &element, const vector< K > &v)
double normSample (const double &avg, const double &stdev, const double &minval=NULL, const double &maxval=NULL) const
 Sample from a normal distribution with bounds. Slower (double time, but still you see the diff only after milion of loops). More...
template<typename K >
normSample (normal_distribution< K > &d, std::mt19937 &gen, const K &minval=NULL, const K &maxval=NULL) const
 Sample from a normal distribution with bounds. Faster (half time) as the normal_distribution is made only once. More...
template<typename T >
std::string toString (const T &x) const

Public Attributes

scenarioData scenario

Private Member Functions

string getBaseData (const string &name_h, int type_h, int position=0, int regId_h=WORLD)
vector< string > getVectorBaseData (const string &name_h, int type_h, int regId_h=WORLD)
bool dataMapCheckExist (const DataMap &map, const string &search_for, const bool &exactMatch=true) const
double dataMapGetValue (const DataMap &map, const string &search_for, const int &year_h, const bool &exactMatch=true)
int dataMapSetValue (DataMap &map, const string &search_for, const double &value_h, const int &year_h, const bool &exactMatch=true)

Private Attributes

string inputFilename
string outputDirname
string baseDirectory
map< string, vector< double > > forDataMap
 Forestry data. More...
map< string, vector< double > > prodDataMap
 Product data. More...
vector< forToProdforToProdVector
 Vector of coefficients from forest resources to primary products. More...
vector< IFilesiFilesVector
 List of all input files. Simple (struct) More...
vector< BasicDataprogramSettingsVector
 Setting data. Simple (struct) More...
vector< LLDataLLDataVector
 Vector of Low Level Data. More...
vector< ModelRegionregionsVector
 Vector of modelled regions. More...
vector< forTypeforTypes
 Vector of forest types. More...
vector< reclRulereclRules
 Vector of reclassification rules. More...
vector< pathRulepathRules
 Vector of pathogen rules. More...
vector< vector< int > > l2r
 Region2 ids. More...
map< iisskey, double > deathTimberInventory
 Map that register the death of biomass still usable as timber by year, l2_region, forest type and diameter class [Mm^3 wood]. More...
vector< string > diamClasses
 Diameter classes. More...
int cached_initialYear
vector< string > priProducts
vector< string > secProducts
vector< string > allProducts
bool tempBool
 a temporary bool variable used for various functions More...
bool valueFoundBool
 a bool used in getForData() and getProdData() to communicate they didn't found a variable More...
InputNode mainDocument
 For each agricultural soil type (as defined in the setting "agrLandTypes") this list define the objects that can be placed on that soil type. More...
int errorLevel


void Output::printForestData (bool finalFlush)
void Output::printProductData (bool finalFlush)

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Attributes inherited from BaseClass
 Pointer to the Thread manager. More...

Detailed Description

Regional data, including macros and settings.

All regional data are within this class. It may have linked other data-classes.
On some variables ModelData has just the definition of the objects, but the values may change at the agent-level. This is why each agent has a "personal copy" of them.

Antonello Lobianco

Definition at line 80 of file ModelData.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ModelData ( ThreadManager MTHREAD_h)

Definition at line 61 of file ModelData.cpp.

61  {
64  tempBool = true;
65  valueFoundBool = true;
66 }
Print an ERROR message, but don&#39;t stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:61
int errorLevel
Definition: ModelData.h:244
bool tempBool
a temporary bool variable used for various functions
Definition: ModelData.h:239
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
bool valueFoundBool
a bool used in getForData() and getProdData() to communicate they didn&#39;t found a variable ...
Definition: ModelData.h:240
~ModelData ( )

Definition at line 68 of file ModelData.cpp.

68  {
70 }

Member Function Documentation

void addSetting ( string  name_h,
vector< string >  values_h,
int  type_h,
string  comment_h 

Definition at line 281 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by addSetting().

281  {
283  for (uint i=0;i<programSettingsVector.size();i++){
284  if (programSettingsVector.at(i).name == name_h){
285  msgOut(MSG_ERROR, "I already have setting "+name_h+".. Nothing is added..");
286  return;
287  }
288  }
289  BasicData SETT;
290  SETT.name = name_h;
291  SETT.values = values_h;
292  SETT.type= type_h;
293  SETT.comment = comment_h;
294  programSettingsVector.push_back(SETT);
295 }
string comment
Definition: ModelData.h:273
Print an ERROR message, but don&#39;t stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:61
Basic data units (struct)
Definition: ModelData.h:267
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
int type
Definition: ModelData.h:271
string name
Definition: ModelData.h:268
vector< string > values
Values are stored as "string" because we don&#39;t yet know at this point if they are string...
Definition: ModelData.h:270
vector< BasicData > programSettingsVector
Setting data. Simple (struct)
Definition: ModelData.h:222

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void addSetting ( string  name_h,
string  value_h,
int  type_h,
string  comment_h 

Definition at line 298 of file ModelData.cpp.

298  {
299  vector <string> values;
300  values.push_back(value_h);
301  addSetting(name_h, values, type_h, comment_h);
302 }
void addSetting(string name_h, vector< string > values_h, int type_h, string comment_h)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:281

Here is the call graph for this function:

void applyDebugMode ( )

Works only a specified subset of regions and products.

The applyDebugMode flag all level2 regions not in the "debugRegions" option as "residual" (so they are in the map but not in the model code) and remove the primary and secondary products that are not included in the debugPriProducts and debugSecProducts options.

Definition at line 957 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by Init::setInitLevel1().

957  {
958  if(! getBoolSetting("debugFlag")) return;
960  vector <int> debugRegions = getIntVectorSetting("debugRegions");
961  vector <string> debugPriProducts = getStringVectorSetting("debugPriProducts");
962  vector <string> debugSecProducts = getStringVectorSetting("debugSecProducts");
964  for(uint i=0;i< regionsVector.size();i++){
965  if (regionsVector[i].getRegLevel()==2){
966  bool found= false;
967  for(uint j=0;j<debugRegions.size();j++){
968  if (debugRegions[j] == regionsVector[i].getRegId()){
969  found = true;
970  break;
971  }
972  }
973  if(!found){ // not in the list to keep
974  regionsVector[i].setIsResidual(true);
975  }
976  }
977  }
979  for (uint i=0; i<programSettingsVector.size();i++){
980  if (programSettingsVector.at(i).name == "priProducts"){
981  programSettingsVector.at(i).values = debugPriProducts;
982  } else if (programSettingsVector.at(i).name == "secProducts"){
983  programSettingsVector.at(i).values = debugSecProducts;
984  }
985  }
987 }
bool getBoolSetting(const string &name_h, int position=0, int reg=WORLD) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1117
vector< string > getStringVectorSetting(const string &name_h, int reg=WORLD) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1129
vector< int > getIntVectorSetting(const string &name_h, int reg=WORLD) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1121
vector< ModelRegion > regionsVector
Vector of modelled regions.
Definition: ModelData.h:224
vector< BasicData > programSettingsVector
Setting data. Simple (struct)
Definition: ModelData.h:222

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void applyOverrides ( )

Cancel all reg1 level data and trasform them in reg2 level if not already existing.

Definition at line 749 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by Init::setInitLevel1().

749  {
751  if(!getBoolSetting("applyOverriding")) return;
752  msgOut(MSG_INFO, "Starting regional overriding analysis..");
754  DataMap::iterator p;
755  string parName,prod,freeDim,forType,diamClass, key;
756  int regId;
757  DataMap toBeAdded;
758  vector <string> keysToRemove;
761  //apply override from level 0 to level 1 for forestry data
762  toBeAdded.clear();
763  keysToRemove.clear();
764  for(p=forDataMap.begin();p!=forDataMap.end();p++){
765  unpackKeyForData(p->first,parName,regId,forType,diamClass);
766  if(!regionExist(regId)){
767  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR,"Forest variable has a unknown region code If you want not to model a region, set residual=true.: "+parName+"\t"+i2s(regId));
768  continue;
769  }
770  if(getRegion(regId)->getRegLevel() == 0){
771  vector<ModelRegion*> childs = getRegion(regId)->getChildren(false);
772  for(uint j=0;j<childs.size();j++){
773  bool found = false;
774  key = makeKeyForData(parName,i2s(childs[j]->getRegId()),forType,diamClass);
775  if (!dataMapCheckExist(forDataMap,key,true)){
776  toBeAdded.insert(DataPair(key,p->second));
777  }
778  }
779  keysToRemove.push_back(p->first);
780  }
781  }
782  forDataMap.insert(toBeAdded.begin(),toBeAdded.end());
783  for(uint i=0;i<keysToRemove.size();i++){
784  DataMap::iterator rem = forDataMap.find(keysToRemove[i]);
785  if(rem != forDataMap.end()){
786  forDataMap.erase(rem);
787  }
788  }
793  //apply override from level 1 to level 2 for forestry data
794  toBeAdded.clear();
795  keysToRemove.clear();
796  for(p=forDataMap.begin();p!=forDataMap.end();p++){
797  unpackKeyForData(p->first,parName,regId,forType,diamClass);
798  if(!regionExist(regId)){
799  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR,"Forest variable has a unknown region code If you want not to model a region, set residual=true.: "+parName+"\t"+i2s(regId));
800  continue;
801  }
802  if(getRegion(regId)->getRegLevel() == 1){
803  vector<ModelRegion*> childs = getRegion(regId)->getChildren(false);
804  for(uint j=0;j<childs.size();j++){
805  bool found = false;
806  key = makeKeyForData(parName,i2s(childs[j]->getRegId()),forType,diamClass);
807  if (!dataMapCheckExist(forDataMap,key,true)){
808  toBeAdded.insert(DataPair(key,p->second));
809  }
810  }
811  keysToRemove.push_back(p->first);
812  }
813  }
814  forDataMap.insert(toBeAdded.begin(),toBeAdded.end());
815  for(uint i=0;i<keysToRemove.size();i++){
816  DataMap::iterator rem = forDataMap.find(keysToRemove[i]);
817  if(rem != forDataMap.end()){
818  forDataMap.erase(rem);
819  }
820  }
822  //apply override from level 0 to level 1 for production data
823  toBeAdded.clear();
824  keysToRemove.clear();
825  for(p=prodDataMap.begin();p!=prodDataMap.end();p++){
826  unpackKeyProdData(p->first,parName,regId,prod,freeDim);
827  if(!regionExist(regId)){
828  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR,"Product variable has a unknown region code If you want not to model a region, set residual=true.: "+parName+"\t"+i2s(regId));
829  continue;
830  }
831  if(getRegion(regId)->getRegLevel() == 0){
832  vector<ModelRegion*> childs = getRegion(regId)->getChildren(false);
833  for(uint j=0;j<childs.size();j++){
834  bool found = false;
835  key = makeKeyProdData(parName,i2s(childs[j]->getRegId()),prod,freeDim);
836  if (!dataMapCheckExist(prodDataMap,key,true)){
837  toBeAdded.insert(DataPair(key,p->second));
838  }
839  }
840  //prodDataMap.erase(p);
841  //p--;
842  keysToRemove.push_back(p->first);
843  }
844  }
845  prodDataMap.insert(toBeAdded.begin(),toBeAdded.end());
846  for(uint i=0;i<keysToRemove.size();i++){
847  DataMap::iterator rem = prodDataMap.find(keysToRemove[i]);
848  if(rem != prodDataMap.end()){
849  prodDataMap.erase(rem);
850  }
851  }
854  //apply override from level 1 to level 2 for production data
855  toBeAdded.clear();
856  keysToRemove.clear();
857  for(p=prodDataMap.begin();p!=prodDataMap.end();p++){
858  string debug = p->first;
859  unpackKeyProdData(p->first,parName,regId,prod,freeDim);
860  if(!regionExist(regId)){
861  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR,"Product variable has a unknown region code If you want not to model a region, set residual=true.: "+parName+"\t"+i2s(regId));
862  continue;
863  }
864  if(getRegion(regId)->getRegLevel() == 1){
865  vector<ModelRegion*> childs = getRegion(regId)->getChildren(false);
866  for(uint j=0;j<childs.size();j++){
867  bool found = false;
868  key = makeKeyProdData(parName,i2s(childs[j]->getRegId()),prod,freeDim);
869  if (!dataMapCheckExist(prodDataMap,key,true)){
870  toBeAdded.insert(DataPair(key,p->second));
871  }
872  }
873  //prodDataMap.erase(p);
874  //p--;
875  keysToRemove.push_back(p->first);
876  }
877  }
878  prodDataMap.insert(toBeAdded.begin(),toBeAdded.end());
879  for(uint i=0;i<keysToRemove.size();i++){
880  DataMap::iterator rem = prodDataMap.find(keysToRemove[i]);
881  if(rem != prodDataMap.end()){
882  prodDataMap.erase(rem);
883  }
884  }
886  //apply override from level 0 to level 1 for reclassification rules
887  for(uint i=0;i<reclRules.size();i++){
888  if(reclRules[i].regId == 0){
889  if(!regionExist(reclRules[i].regId)){
890  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR,"Reclassification rule has a unknown region code If you want not to model a region, set residual=true.: "+i2s(reclRules[i].regId));
891  continue;
892  }
893  for(uint j=0;j<getRegion(reclRules[i].regId)->getNChildren(false);j++){
894  vector<ModelRegion*> childs = getRegion(reclRules[i].regId)->getChildren(false);
895  bool found = 0;
896  for(uint z=0;z<reclRules.size();z++){
897  if( reclRules[z].regId == childs[j]->getRegId()
898  && reclRules[z].forTypeIn == reclRules[i].forTypeIn
899  && reclRules[z].forTypeOut == reclRules[i].forTypeOut
900  ){
901  found = true; // do nothing, this child has been already manually overritten
902  break;
903  }
904  }
905  if(!found){
906  reclRule RR;
907  RR.regId = childs[j]->getRegId();
908  RR.forTypeIn = reclRules[i].forTypeIn;
909  RR.forTypeOut = reclRules[i].forTypeOut;
910  RR.coeff = reclRules[i].coeff;
911  reclRules.push_back(RR);
912  }
913  }
914  reclRules.erase(reclRules.begin()+i);
915  i--;
916  }
917  }
919  //apply override from level 1 to level 2 for reclassification rules
920  for(uint i=0;i<reclRules.size();i++){
921  if(!regionExist(reclRules[i].regId)){
922  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR,"Reclassification rule has a unknown region code. If you want not to model a region, set residual=true.: "+i2s(reclRules[i].regId));
923  continue;
924  }
925  if(getRegion(reclRules[i].regId)->getRegLevel() == 1){
926  for(uint j=0;j<getRegion(reclRules[i].regId)->getNChildren(false);j++){
927  vector<ModelRegion*> childs = getRegion(reclRules[i].regId)->getChildren(false);
928  bool found = 0;
929  for(uint z=0;z<reclRules.size();z++){
930  if( reclRules[z].regId == childs[j]->getRegId()
931  && reclRules[z].forTypeIn == reclRules[i].forTypeIn
932  && reclRules[z].forTypeOut == reclRules[i].forTypeOut
933  ){
934  found = true; // do nothing, this child has been already manually overritten
935  break;
936  }
937  }
938  if(!found){
939  reclRule RR;
940  RR.regId = childs[j]->getRegId();
941  RR.forTypeIn = reclRules[i].forTypeIn;
942  RR.forTypeOut = reclRules[i].forTypeOut;
943  RR.coeff = reclRules[i].coeff;
944  reclRules.push_back(RR);
945  }
946  }
947  reclRules.erase(reclRules.begin()+i);
948  i--;
949  }
950  }
951 }
bool getBoolSetting(const string &name_h, int position=0, int reg=WORLD) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1117
Forest types (struct)
Definition: ModelData.h:293
string i2s(const int &int_h) const
integer to string conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:219
IO production matrix between the forest resources and the primary products (struct) ...
Definition: ModelData.h:306
vector< reclRule > reclRules
Vector of reclassification rules.
Definition: ModelData.h:227
string forTypeOut
Definition: ModelData.h:309
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
map< string, vector< double > > prodDataMap
Product data.
Definition: ModelData.h:218
void unpackKeyProdData(const string &key, string &parName, int &regId, string &prod, string &freeDim) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1903
bool dataMapCheckExist(const DataMap &map, const string &search_for, const bool &exactMatch=true) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1812
string forTypeIn
Definition: ModelData.h:308
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
int getNChildren(bool excludeResidual=true)
Definition: ModelRegion.cpp:69
string makeKeyForData(const string &parName, const string &regId, const string &forType, const string &diamClass) const
Definition: ModelData.h:173
bool regionExist(const int &regId_h) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:356
map< string, vector< double > > DataMap
Definition: ModelData.cpp:56
int regId
Definition: ModelData.h:307
double coeff
Definition: ModelData.h:310
vector< ModelRegion * > getChildren(bool excludeResidual=true)
Returns a pointer to the parent regions.
Definition: ModelRegion.cpp:55
pair< string, vector< double > > DataPair
Definition: ModelData.cpp:57
Print an INFO message.
Definition: BaseClass.h:59
ModelRegion * getRegion(int regId_h)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:346
string makeKeyProdData(const string &parName, const string &regId, const string &prod, const string &freeDim="") const
Definition: ModelData.h:172
void unpackKeyForData(const string &key, string &parName, int &regId, string &forType, string &diamClass) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1922
map< string, vector< double > > forDataMap
Forestry data.
Definition: ModelData.h:217

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

const bool assessProdPossibility ( const string &  prod_h,
const string &  forType_h,
const string &  dClass_h 

A simple function to assess if a specified product can be made by a certain forest type and diameter class.

Definition at line 441 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by getAllocableProductIdsFromDeathTimber(), getAvailableAliveTimber(), and getAvailableDeathTimber().

441  {
442  bool ok=false;
443  for(uint i=0;i<forToProdVector.size();i++){
444  if( forToProdVector[i].product == prod_h
445  && forToProdVector[i].forType == forType_h
446  && forToProdVector[i].dClass == dClass_h
447  ){
448  return true;
449  }
450  }
451  return false;
452 }
Forest types (struct)
Definition: ModelData.h:293
vector< forToProd > forToProdVector
Vector of coefficients from forest resources to primary products.
Definition: ModelData.h:219

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void cacheSettings ( )

Called after input reading, it fix frequently used data;.

Definition at line 305 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by Init::setInitLevel1().

305  {
306  cached_initialYear = getIntSetting("initialYear");
307  diamClasses = getStringVectorSetting("dClasses");
308  priProducts = getStringVectorSetting("priProducts");
309  secProducts = getStringVectorSetting("secProducts");
311  allProducts.insert( allProducts.end(), secProducts.begin(), secProducts.end() );
312 }
int getIntSetting(const string &name_h, int position=0, int reg=WORLD) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1105
vector< string > getStringVectorSetting(const string &name_h, int reg=WORLD) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1129
vector< string > priProducts
Definition: ModelData.h:235
vector< string > secProducts
Definition: ModelData.h:236
int cached_initialYear
Definition: ModelData.h:234
vector< string > allProducts
Definition: ModelData.h:237
vector< string > diamClasses
Diameter classes.
Definition: ModelData.h:233

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double calculateAnnualisedEquivalent ( const double &  amount_h,
const int &  years_h,
const double &  ir 
) const

Calculate the annual equivalent flow.

calculating the discount factor

Revenues at years n will be transforemed as average year rate as

av.y.rev = rev(n)/ ( (1+ir)^(n-1)+(1+ir)^(n-2)+(1+ir)^(n-3)+...+(1+ir)^(n-n) )

Objective is to have the present value of the final harvest (A) equal to the sum pf the present values of yearly activities (B):

Comparing present values

\[ PV(A) = SUM(PV(B) \]

\[ A/(1+r)^n = B/(1+r)^1 + B/(1+r)^2 + … + B/(1+r)^n \]

\[ A/(1+r)^n = B * ( 1/(1+r)^1 + 1/(1+r)^2 + … + 1/(1+r)^n ) \]

\[ A/(1+r)^n = B * ( (1+r)^(n-1) + (1+r)^(n-2) + … + (1+r)^(n-n) ) \]

\[ B = A / ( (1+r)^(n-1) + (1+r)^(n-2) + … + (1+r)^(n-n) ) \]

  1. Changed for the equivalent but simpler eai = rev(t)*i / ((1+i)^t-1)

Definition at line 1961 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by calculateAnnualisedEquivalent(), ModelCore::runManagementModule(), and ModelCoreSpatial::runManagementModule().

1961  {
1962  // modified and tested 20120912. Before it was running this formula instead:
1963  // av.y.rev = rev(n)/ ( (1+ir)^1+(1+ir)^2+(1+ir)^3+...+(1+ir)^n )
1964  // the difference is that in this way the annual equivalent that is calulated doesn't need to be further discounted for yearly activites (e.g. agric)
1966  //loop(fy$(ord(fy)=1),
1967  // df(fy)= (1+ir)**(ord(fy));
1968  //);
1969  //loop(fy$(ord(fy)>1),
1970  // df(fy)=df(fy-1)+(1+ir)**(ord(fy));
1971  //);
1972  if(years_h<0) return 0.;
1973  if(years_h==0) return amount_h;
1974  //double ir = getDoubleSetting("ir",DATA_NOW);
1975  double eai = amount_h * ir / (pow(1.0+ir,years_h)-1.0);
1977  return eai;
1979  /*
1980  vector <double> df_by;
1981  for(int y=0;y<years_h;y++){
1982  double df;
1983  if(y==0){
1984  df = pow((1+ir),y);
1985  } else {
1986  df = df_by.at(y-1)+pow((1+ir),y);
1987  }
1988  if (y==years_h-1) {
1989  cout << eai << " " << amount_h/df << endl;
1990  return amount_h/df; // big bug 20120904
1991  }
1992  df_by.push_back(df);
1993  }
1994  exit(1);
1995  return 0; // never reached, just to avoid compilation warnings
1996  */
1997 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double calculateAnnualisedEquivalent ( const double &  amount_h,
const double &  years_h,
const double &  ir 
) const

Transform the double to the highest integer and call calculateAnnualisedEquivalent(double amount_h, int years_h)

Definition at line 2000 of file ModelData.cpp.

2000  {
2001  //ceil(x) DNLP returns the smallest integer number greater than or equal to x
2002  //loop( (u,i,lambda,essence),
2003  // cumTp(u,i,lambda,essence) = ceil(cumTp(u,i,lambda,essence));
2004  //);
2005  int ceiledYear = ceil(years_h);
2006  return calculateAnnualisedEquivalent(amount_h, ceiledYear, ir);
2007 }
double calculateAnnualisedEquivalent(const double &amount_h, const int &years_h, const double &ir) const
Calculate the annual equivalent flow.
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1961

Here is the call graph for this function:

vector< vector< int > > createCombinationsVector ( const int &  nItems)

Return a vector containing any possible combination of nItems items (including any possible subset). The returned vector has in each slot the items present in that specific combination.

ModelData::createCombinationsVector Return a vector containing any possible combination of nItems items (including all subsets).

For example with nItems = 3: 0: []; 1: [0]; 2: [1]; 3: [0,1]; 4: [2]; 5: [0,2]; 6: [1,2]; 7: [0,1,2]

nItemsnumber of items to create p
A vector with in each slot the items present in that specific combination subset.

Definition at line 2055 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by ModelCoreSpatial::computeInventary(), and ModelCoreSpatial::runMarketModule().

2055  {
2056  // Not confuse combination with permutation where order matter. Here it doesn't matter, as much as the algorithm is the same and returns
2057  // to as each position always the same subset
2058  vector < vector <int> > toReturn;
2059  int nCombs = pow(2,nItems);
2060  //int nCombs = nItems;
2061  for (uint i=0; i<nCombs; i++){
2062  vector<int> thisCombItems; //concernedPriProducts;
2063  for(uint j=0;j<nItems;j++){
2064  uint j2 = pow(2,j);
2065  if(i & j2){ // bit a bit operator, p217 C++ book
2066  thisCombItems.push_back(j);
2067  }
2068  }
2069  toReturn.push_back(thisCombItems);
2070  }
2071  return toReturn;
2072 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void createRegions ( )

Definition at line 317 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by Init::setInitLevel1().

317  {
318  // first create regions and assign basic data...
319  LLData table = getTable("regions");
320  for (int i=0; i< table.nrecords();i++){
321  ModelRegion REGION(MTHREAD,
322  s2i(table.getData(i,"regId")),
323  table.getData(i,"regSName"),
324  table.getData(i,"regLName"),
325  s2i(table.getData(i,"regLevel")),
326  s2i(table.getData(i,"parRegId")),
327  s2b(table.getData(i,"isResidual")));
328  regionsVector.push_back(REGION);
329  }
330  // Now let's assign the parent/children pointers..
331  for (int i=0; i< regionsVector.size();i++){
332  // let's assign the parent:
333  regionsVector[i].setParent(this->getRegion(regionsVector[i].getParRegId()));
334  // let's assign the children:
335  vector<ModelRegion*> kids;
336  for (int y=0; y< regionsVector.size();y++){
337  if(regionsVector[y].getParRegId() == regionsVector[i].getRegId() ){
338  kids.push_back(&regionsVector[y]);
339  }
340  }
341  regionsVector[i].setChildren(kids);
342  }
343 }
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
int nrecords()
Definition: ModelData.h:336
LLData getTable(string tableName_h, int debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1801
int s2i(const string &string_h) const
string to integer conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:149
string getData(const int &pos_h, const string &header_h, const int &debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:2186
vector< ModelRegion > regionsVector
Vector of modelled regions.
Definition: ModelData.h:224
bool s2b(const string &string_h) const
string to bool conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:208
ModelRegion * getRegion(int regId_h)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:346
Low level data. XML input is reversed here after unzipping oocalc file and parsing content...
Definition: ModelData.h:329

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool dataMapCheckExist ( const DataMap map,
const string &  search_for,
const bool &  exactMatch = true 
) const

Definition at line 1812 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by applyOverrides().

1812  {
1813  /*int dummyYear=MTHREAD->SCD->getYear();
1814  if(dataMapGetValue(map, search_for, dummyYear, exactMatch)==DATA_ERROR) {
1815  return false;
1816  } else {
1817  return true;
1818  }
1819  return false;
1820 }*/
1821  bool found = false;
1822  DataMap::const_iterator i;
1823  if(!exactMatch){
1824  i = map.lower_bound(search_for);
1825  for(;i != map.end();i++){
1826  const string& key = i->first;
1827  if (key.compare(0, search_for.size(), search_for) == 0) {// Really a prefix?
1828  return true;
1829  } else {
1830  return false;
1831  }
1832  }
1833  } else {
1834  i = map.find(search_for);
1835  if (i!=map.end()){
1836  return true;
1837  }
1838  }
1839  return false;
1840 }

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double dataMapGetValue ( const DataMap map,
const string &  search_for,
const int &  year_h,
const bool &  exactMatch = true 

Definition at line 1844 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by getForData(), and getProdData().

1844  {
1845  double toReturn = 0;
1846  tempBool = false;
1847  DataMap::const_iterator i;
1848  if(!exactMatch){
1849  i = map.lower_bound(search_for);
1850  for(;i != map.end();i++){
1851  const string& key = i->first;
1852  if (key.compare(0, search_for.size(), search_for) == 0) {// Really a prefix?
1853  tempBool = true;
1854  toReturn += getTimedData( i->second, year_h );
1855  } else {
1856  break;
1857  }
1858  }
1859  } else {
1860  i = map.find(search_for);
1861  if (i!=map.end()){
1862  tempBool = true;
1863  return getTimedData( i->second, year_h );
1864  }
1865  }
1866  return toReturn;
1867 }
bool tempBool
a temporary bool variable used for various functions
Definition: ModelData.h:239
double getTimedData(const vector< double > &dated_vector, const int &year_h) const
Return the value for the specified year in a timelly ordered vector, taking the last value if this is...
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1480

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int dataMapSetValue ( DataMap map,
const string &  search_for,
const double &  value_h,
const int &  year_h,
const bool &  exactMatch = true 

Definition at line 1872 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by setForData(), and setProdData().

1872  {
1873  bool found = false;
1874  DataMap::iterator i;
1875  if(!exactMatch){
1876  i = map.lower_bound(search_for);
1877  for(;i != map.end();i++){
1878  const string& key = i->first;
1879  if (key.compare(0, search_for.size(), search_for) == 0) {// Really a prefix?
1880  found = true;
1881  setTimedData(value_h, i->second, year_h);
1882  } else {
1883  break;
1884  }
1885  }
1886  } else {
1887  i = map.find(search_for);
1888  if (i!=map.end()){
1889  found = true;
1890  setTimedData(value_h, i->second, year_h, errorLevel);
1891  }
1892  }
1893  // removed 20120903 as the insertion of new values must be explicitly done, not in all cases we want a new insertion
1894  /*if(!found){
1895  vector < double> newValues;
1896  setTimedData(value_h, newValues, year_h, MSG_NO_MSG); // don't warning if we are making a multi-year value vector, as it is a new one
1897  map.insert(DataPair (search_for,newValues));
1898  }*/
1899  return found;
1900 }
int errorLevel
Definition: ModelData.h:244
void setTimedData(const double &value_h, vector< double > &dated_vector, const int &year_h, const int &MSG_LEVEL=MSG_WARNING)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1501

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double deathTimberInventory_get ( const iisskey thekey)

Definition at line 197 of file ModelData.h.

Referenced by ModelCoreSpatial::allocateHarvesting().

197 {return findMap(deathTimberInventory, thekey);}
V findMap(const map< K, V > &mymap, const K &key, const int &error_level=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, const V &notFoundValue=numeric_limits< V >::min()) const
Lookup a map for a value. Return the value starting from the key.
Definition: BaseClass.h:286
map< iisskey, double > deathTimberInventory
Map that register the death of biomass still usable as timber by year, l2_region, forest type and dia...
Definition: ModelData.h:230

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void deathTimberInventory_incr ( const iisskey thekey,
double  value_h 

Definition at line 196 of file ModelData.h.

196 {incrMapValue(deathTimberInventory,thekey, value_h);}
void incrMapValue(map< K, V > &mymap, const K &key, const V &value, const int &error_level=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR)
Increments a value stored in a map of the specified value, given the key.
Definition: BaseClass.h:312
map< iisskey, double > deathTimberInventory
Map that register the death of biomass still usable as timber by year, l2_region, forest type and dia...
Definition: ModelData.h:230
void deathTimberInventory_incrOrAdd ( const iisskey thekey,
double  value_h 

Definition at line 195 of file ModelData.h.

Referenced by ModelCoreSpatial::allocateHarvesting(), ModelCoreSpatial::initialiseDeathTimber(), and ModelCoreSpatial::runBiologicalModule().

195 {incrOrAddMapValue(deathTimberInventory,thekey, value_h);}
void incrOrAddMapValue(map< K, V > &mymap, const K &key, const V &value)
Increments a value stored in a map of the specified value, given the key.
Definition: BaseClass.h:325
map< iisskey, double > deathTimberInventory
Map that register the death of biomass still usable as timber by year, l2_region, forest type and dia...
Definition: ModelData.h:230

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool delDir ( QString  dirname)

Recursivelly delete a directory.

Definition at line 1769 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by loadInput().

1769  {
1770  bool deleted = false;
1771  QDir dir(dirname);
1772  //msgOut(MSG_DEBUG, dir.absolutePath().toStdString());
1773  dir.setFilter(QDir::Dirs | QDir::Files | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::NoSymLinks);
1774  QFileInfoList list = dir.entryInfoList();
1775  deleted = dir.rmdir(dir.absolutePath());
1776  if (deleted) return true;
1778  for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) {
1779  QFileInfo fileInfo = list.at(i);
1780  if (fileInfo.isFile()){
1781  //msgOut(MSG_DEBUG, "A file, gonna remove it: "+fileInfo.absoluteFilePath().toStdString());
1782  QFile targetFile(fileInfo.absoluteFilePath());
1783  bool fileDeleted = targetFile.remove();
1784  if (!fileDeleted){
1785  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "We have a problem: can't delete file "+fileInfo.absoluteFilePath().toStdString());
1786  }
1787  }
1788  else if (fileInfo.isDir()){
1789  //msgOut(MSG_DEBUG, "A directory, gonna go inside it: "+fileInfo.absoluteFilePath().toStdString());
1790  delDir(fileInfo.absoluteFilePath());
1791  dir.rmdir(fileInfo.absoluteFilePath());
1792  }
1793  }
1795  deleted = dir.rmdir(dir.absolutePath());
1796  if (deleted) return true;
1797  return false;
1798 }
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
bool delDir(QString dirname)
Recursivelly delete a directory.
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1769

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

vector< int > getAllocableProductIdsFromDeathTimber ( const int &  regId_h,
const string &  ft,
const string &  dc,
const int &  harvesting_year,
int  request_year = DATA_NOW 

Returns the ids of the primary products that is possible to obtain using the timber recorded death in the specific year, ft, dc combination.

Definition at line 2105 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by ModelCoreSpatial::allocateHarvesting().

2105  {
2106  vector<int> allocableProductIds;
2107  if (!getBoolSetting("useDeathTimber",DATA_NOW)) return allocableProductIds;
2108  if (request_year == DATA_NOW) request_year = MTHREAD->SCD->getYear();
2109  for(uint p=0;p<priProducts.size();p++){
2110  string primProd = priProducts[p];
2111  if(assessProdPossibility(primProd,ft, dc)){
2112  int maxYears = getMaxYearUsableDeathTimber(primProd, ft, dc);
2113  if (request_year-harvesting_year < maxYears){
2114  allocableProductIds.push_back(p);
2115  }
2116  }
2117  }
2118  return allocableProductIds;
2119 }
The required data is for the current year.
Definition: BaseClass.h:73
bool getBoolSetting(const string &name_h, int position=0, int reg=WORLD) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1117
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
Scheduler * SCD
the scheduler object (simulation-loops scheduler)
Definition: ThreadManager.h:75
int getYear()
Definition: Scheduler.h:49
vector< string > priProducts
Definition: ModelData.h:235
const int getMaxYearUsableDeathTimber()
Definition: ModelData.cpp:456
const bool assessProdPossibility(const string &prod_h, const string &forType_h, const string &dClass_h)
A simple function to assess if a specified product can be made by a certain forest type and diameter ...
Definition: ModelData.cpp:441

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

vector< ModelRegion * > getAllRegions ( bool  excludeResidual = true)

Definition at line 379 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by ModelRegion::getSiblings().

379  {
380  vector <ModelRegion*> toReturn;
381  for(uint i=0;i<regionsVector.size();i++){
382  if( (!excludeResidual) || (!regionsVector[i].getIsResidual())){
383  toReturn.push_back(&regionsVector[i]);
384  }
385  }
386  return toReturn;
387 }
vector< ModelRegion > regionsVector
Vector of modelled regions.
Definition: ModelData.h:224

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double getAvailableAliveTimber ( const vector< string > &  primProd_h,
int  regId_h 

Returns the timber available for a given set of primary products as stored in the px->vol_l vector.

Definition at line 2124 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by ModelCoreSpatial::computeInventary().

2124  {
2125  double toReturn = 0.0;
2126  ModelRegion* REG = MTHREAD->MD->getRegion(regId_h);
2127  vector <Pixel*> regPx = REG->getMyPixels();
2128  vector <string> forTypesIds = getForTypeIds();
2129  for (uint i=0;i<forTypesIds.size();i++){
2130  string ft = forTypesIds[i];
2131  for(uint u=0;u<diamClasses.size();u++){
2132  string dc = diamClasses[u];
2133  bool possible = false;
2134  for (int p=0; p<primProd_h.size();p++){
2135  string primProd = primProd_h[p];
2136  if(assessProdPossibility(primProd,ft, dc)){
2137  possible = true;
2138  }
2139  }
2140  if(possible){
2141  for (uint p=0;p<regPx.size();p++){
2142  Pixel* px = regPx[p];
2143  toReturn += px->vol_l.at(i).at(u)*px->avalCoef.at(i);
2144  }
2145  }
2146  }
2147  }
2148  return toReturn;
2149 }
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
ModelData * MD
the model data object
Definition: ThreadManager.h:72
vector< double > avalCoef
Availability (of wood resources) coefficient. A [0,1] coefficient (new: by forest type) that reduces ...
Definition: Pixel.h:148
vector< vector< double > > vol_l
store the volumes of the previous year
Definition: Pixel.h:129
Pixel-level class.
Definition: Pixel.h:47
vector< string > getForTypeIds(bool all=false)
By default it doesn&#39;t return forTypes used only as input.
Definition: ModelData.cpp:430
vector< Pixel * > getMyPixels()
Definition: ModelRegion.h:86
ModelRegion * getRegion(int regId_h)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:346
const bool assessProdPossibility(const string &prod_h, const string &forType_h, const string &dClass_h)
A simple function to assess if a specified product can be made by a certain forest type and diameter ...
Definition: ModelData.cpp:441
vector< string > diamClasses
Diameter classes.
Definition: ModelData.h:233

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double getAvailableDeathTimber ( const vector< string > &  primProd_h,
int  regId_h,
int  year_h 

Returns the timber available for a given set of primary products as stored in the deathTimberInventory map.

Definition at line 2076 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by ModelCoreSpatial::computeInventary().

2076  {
2077  if (!getBoolSetting("useDeathTimber",DATA_NOW)) return 0;
2078  double toReturn = 0.0;
2079  vector <string> forTypesIds = getForTypeIds();
2080  for (uint i=0;i<forTypesIds.size();i++){
2081  string ft = forTypesIds[i];
2082  for(uint u=0;u<diamClasses.size();u++){
2083  string dc = diamClasses[u];
2084  bool possible = false;
2085  int maxYears = 0;
2086  for (int p=0; p<primProd_h.size();p++){
2087  string primProd = primProd_h[p];
2088  if(assessProdPossibility(primProd,ft, dc)){
2089  possible = true;
2090  maxYears=max(maxYears,getMaxYearUsableDeathTimber(primProd, ft, dc));
2091  }
2092  }
2093  if(possible){
2094  for(int y=year_h;y>year_h-maxYears;y--){
2095  iisskey key(y,regId_h,ft,dc);
2096  toReturn += findMap(deathTimberInventory,key,MSG_NO_MSG,0.0);
2097  }
2098  }
2099  }
2100  }
2101  return toReturn;
2102 }
Class to provide a simple integer-integer-string-string key in std maps.
Definition: BaseClass.h:213
The required data is for the current year.
Definition: BaseClass.h:73
bool getBoolSetting(const string &name_h, int position=0, int reg=WORLD) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1117
Do not actually output any message.
Definition: BaseClass.h:57
vector< string > getForTypeIds(bool all=false)
By default it doesn&#39;t return forTypes used only as input.
Definition: ModelData.cpp:430
V findMap(const map< K, V > &mymap, const K &key, const int &error_level=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, const V &notFoundValue=numeric_limits< V >::min()) const
Lookup a map for a value. Return the value starting from the key.
Definition: BaseClass.h:286
const int getMaxYearUsableDeathTimber()
Definition: ModelData.cpp:456
const bool assessProdPossibility(const string &prod_h, const string &forType_h, const string &dClass_h)
A simple function to assess if a specified product can be made by a certain forest type and diameter ...
Definition: ModelData.cpp:441
vector< string > diamClasses
Diameter classes.
Definition: ModelData.h:233
map< iisskey, double > deathTimberInventory
Map that register the death of biomass still usable as timber by year, l2_region, forest type and dia...
Definition: ModelData.h:230

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

string getBaseData ( const string &  name_h,
int  type_h,
int  position = 0,
int  regId_h = WORLD 

Returns the value stored in the settings database.

Regional overriding.

Concerning the param regId_h: it expect either world (default), a L2 or L1 region. Settings in the memory are stored also with data in one or more of these levels (e.g. we may have a general WORLD value and then a more specific L2 value. The function is done such that if WORLD is used to query it, it returns only a world value, if L1 is used instead, it looks for this L1 value and then eventually (if nothing is found) for WORLD. Finally, if L2 is used, it query, in the order, for L2, L1 or world levels.

Definition at line 1015 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by getBoolSetting(), getDoubleSetting(), getIntSetting(), and getStringSetting().

1015  {
1016  // If the data is called with DATA_NOW we interpret the array of values as a temporal array and we return the value at the current time.
1017  if(position == DATA_NOW) {
1018  position = MTHREAD->SCD->getIteration();
1019  }
1021  vector <int> regIds;
1023  if(regId_h == WORLD){
1024  regIds.push_back(WORLD);
1025  } else if (getRegion(regId_h)->getRegLevel()==1){
1026  regIds.push_back(regId_h);
1027  regIds.push_back(WORLD);
1028  } else if (getRegion(regId_h)->getRegLevel()==2) {
1029  regIds.push_back(regId_h);
1030  regIds.push_back(getRegion(regId_h)->getParRegId());
1031  regIds.push_back(WORLD);
1032  } else {
1033  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "Error in getBaseData(). Data requested for a unknown region level.");
1034  }
1037  for (uint j=0; j<regIds.size();j++){
1038  int regId = regIds[j];
1039  for (uint i=0; i<programSettingsVector.size();i++){
1040  if (programSettingsVector.at(i).name == name_h & programSettingsVector.at(i).regId == regId){
1041  int type = programSettingsVector.at(i).type;
1042  if(type != type_h){msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "mismatching type in calling getBaseData() for "+name_h);}
1043  if(programSettingsVector.at(i).values.size() > ((uint)position)) {
1044  return programSettingsVector.at(i).values.at(position);
1045  } else if (programSettingsVector.at(i).values.size() > 0 ){
1046  // returning the last available value...
1047  return programSettingsVector.at(i).values.at( programSettingsVector.at(i).values.size()-1 );
1048  }
1049  else {msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "Error: "+name_h+" doesn't have any value, even on the first position(year)!"); }
1050  }
1051  }
1052  }
1054  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "Error calling getBaseData() for "+ name_h +". No setting option or macro data found with this name.");
1056 // switch(type_h){
1057 // case TYPE_BOOL:
1058 // return "0";
1059 // case TYPE_INT:
1060 // return "0";
1061 // case TYPE_DOUBLE:
1062 // return "0.0";
1063 // case TYPE_STRING:
1064 // return "";
1065 // default:
1066 // msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "Error calling getBaseData() for "+ i2s(type_h) +". I don't know this type.");
1067 // }
1068  return "";
1069 }
The required data is for the current year.
Definition: BaseClass.h:73
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
Request something that is not region-specific.
Definition: BaseClass.h:80
Scheduler * SCD
the scheduler object (simulation-loops scheduler)
Definition: ThreadManager.h:75
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
int getIteration()
Definition: Scheduler.h:48
ModelRegion * getRegion(int regId_h)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:346
vector< BasicData > programSettingsVector
Setting data. Simple (struct)
Definition: ModelData.h:222

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

string getBaseDirectory ( ) const

Definition at line 118 of file ModelData.h.

Referenced by Output::commonInit(), Layers::print(), and Layers::printBinMap().

118 {return baseDirectory;}
string baseDirectory
Definition: ModelData.h:215

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool getBoolSetting ( const string &  name_h,
int  position = 0,
int  reg = WORLD 
) const

Definition at line 1117 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by ModelCoreSpatial::allocateHarvesting(), applyDebugMode(), applyOverrides(), ModelCoreSpatial::assignSpMultiplierPropToVols(), ModelCoreSpatial::cacheDynamicSettings(), ModelCoreSpatial::cachePixelExogenousData(), ModelCore::cacheSettings(), Output::commonInit(), getAllocableProductIdsFromDeathTimber(), getAvailableDeathTimber(), Pixel::getPathMortality(), Pixel::getSTData(), ModelCoreSpatial::initializePixelArea(), ModelCoreSpatial::initializePixelVolumes(), Output::initOutputForestData(), ModelCoreSpatial::loadExogenousForestLayers(), Output::printDetailedHV(), Scheduler::run(), ModelCoreSpatial::runBiologicalModule(), ModelCore::runManagementModule(), ModelCoreSpatial::runManagementModule(), ModelCoreSpatial::runMarketModule(), setDefaultPathogenRules(), setForestTypes(), Init::setInitLevel1(), Init::setInitLevel3(), ModelCoreSpatial::sumRegionalForData(), and ModelCoreSpatial::updateMapAreas().

1117  {
1118  return s2b( MTHREAD->MD->getBaseData(name_h,TYPE_BOOL,position,reg) );
1119 }
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
ModelData * MD
the model data object
Definition: ThreadManager.h:72
The required data is a bool.
Definition: BaseClass.h:69
string getBaseData(const string &name_h, int type_h, int position=0, int regId_h=WORLD)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1015
bool s2b(const string &string_h) const
string to bool conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:208

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

vector< bool > getBoolVectorSetting ( const string &  name_h,
int  reg = WORLD 
) const

Definition at line 1133 of file ModelData.cpp.

1133  {
1134  return s2b(MTHREAD->MD->getVectorBaseData(name_h,TYPE_BOOL,reg));
1135 }
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
ModelData * MD
the model data object
Definition: ThreadManager.h:72
The required data is a bool.
Definition: BaseClass.h:69
vector< string > getVectorBaseData(const string &name_h, int type_h, int regId_h=WORLD)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1073
bool s2b(const string &string_h) const
string to bool conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:208

Here is the call graph for this function:

int getCachedInitialYear ( )

Definition at line 187 of file ModelData.h.

Referenced by Scheduler::run().

187 {return cached_initialYear;}
int cached_initialYear
Definition: ModelData.h:234

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

map<iisskey, double >* getDeathTimberInventory ( )

Definition at line 198 of file ModelData.h.

198 {return &deathTimberInventory;};
map< iisskey, double > deathTimberInventory
Map that register the death of biomass still usable as timber by year, l2_region, forest type and dia...
Definition: ModelData.h:230
vector< string > getDiameterClasses ( bool  productionOnly = false)

Definition at line 1191 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by getForData(), and setForData().

1191  {
1192  int i;
1193  if(productionOnly){
1194  i=1;
1195  } else {
1196  i=0;
1197  }
1198  vector <string> toReturn;
1199  for (i;i<diamClasses.size();i++){
1200  toReturn.push_back(diamClasses[i]);
1201  }
1202  return toReturn;
1203 }
vector< string > diamClasses
Diameter classes.
Definition: ModelData.h:233

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double getDoubleSetting ( const string &  name_h,
int  position = 0,
int  reg = WORLD 
) const

Definition at line 1109 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by ModelCoreSpatial::cacheDynamicSettings(), ModelCoreSpatial::cachePixelExogenousData(), ModelCore::cacheSettings(), Pixel::getMultiplier(), Pixel::getSTData(), Carbon::registerTransports(), ModelCore::runManagementModule(), ModelCoreSpatial::runManagementModule(), and ModelCoreSpatial::runMarketModule().

1109  {
1110  return s2d( MTHREAD->MD->getBaseData(name_h,TYPE_DOUBLE,position,reg) );
1111 }
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
ModelData * MD
the model data object
Definition: ThreadManager.h:72
string getBaseData(const string &name_h, int type_h, int position=0, int regId_h=WORLD)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1015
The required data is a double.
Definition: BaseClass.h:67
double s2d(const string &string_h) const
string to double conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:171

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

vector< double > getDoubleVectorSetting ( const string &  name_h,
int  reg = WORLD 
) const

Definition at line 1125 of file ModelData.cpp.

1125  {
1126  return s2d(MTHREAD->MD->getVectorBaseData(name_h,TYPE_DOUBLE,reg));
1127 }
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
ModelData * MD
the model data object
Definition: ThreadManager.h:72
vector< string > getVectorBaseData(const string &name_h, int type_h, int regId_h=WORLD)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1073
The required data is a double.
Definition: BaseClass.h:67
double s2d(const string &string_h) const
string to double conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:171

Here is the call graph for this function:

int getErrorLevel ( )

Definition at line 144 of file ModelData.h.

Referenced by ModelCoreSpatial::runManagementModule().

144 {return errorLevel;}
int errorLevel
Definition: ModelData.h:244

Here is the caller graph for this function:

std::string getFilenameByType ( std::string  type_h)

Definition at line 1175 of file ModelData.cpp.

1175  {
1176  std::string directory;
1177  std::string filename;
1178  std::string filename_complete;
1179  for (uint i=0; i<iFilesVector.size(); i++){
1180  if (iFilesVector.at(i).type == type_h){
1181  directory=iFilesVector.at(i).directory;
1182  filename=iFilesVector.at(i).name;
1183  break;
1184  }
1185  }
1186  filename_complete = baseDirectory+directory+filename;
1187  return filename_complete;
1188 }
vector< IFiles > iFilesVector
List of all input files. Simple (struct)
Definition: ModelData.h:221
string baseDirectory
Definition: ModelData.h:215
int getFilenamesByDir ( const string &  dir,
vector< string > &  files,
const string &  filter = "" 

Return a list of files in a directory.

Get a list of files in a directory

Definition at line 2011 of file ModelData.cpp.

2011  {
2012  DIR *dp;
2013  struct dirent *dirp;
2014  if((dp = opendir(dir.c_str())) == NULL) {
2015  msgOut(MSG_ERROR, "Error " + i2s(errno) + " opening the " + dir + " directory.");
2016  //cout << "Error(" << errno << ") opening " << dir << endl;
2017  return errno;
2018  }
2019  while ((dirp = readdir(dp)) != NULL) {
2020  string filename = dirp->d_name;
2021  if(
2022  (filter != "" && filename.substr(filename.find_last_of(".")) == filter) // there is a filter and the last bit of the filename match the filter
2023  || (filter == "" && filename.substr(filename.find_last_of(".") + 1) != "") // there isn't any filter but we don't want stuff like ".." or "."
2024  ) {
2025  files.push_back(string(dirp->d_name));
2026  }
2027  }
2028  closedir(dp);
2029  return 0;
2030 }
Print an ERROR message, but don&#39;t stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:61
string i2s(const int &int_h) const
integer to string conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:219
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50

Here is the call graph for this function:

const double getForData ( const string &  type_h,
const int &  regId_h,
const string &  forType_h,
const string &  freeDim_h,
const int &  year = DATA_NOW 

Basic function to retrieve forest-related data. It addmits the following "filters": Name of the specific parameter requested Look for a level1 or level2 region If specified, look exactly for the specified forest type, otherwise accept the keyword FT_ALL for summing all of them Normally used for diameter class, but occasionally used for other uses (changed 20140514). It accepts three keywords, for summing up all diameters, production-ready diameters or sub-production ones, namelly DIAM_ALL, DIAM_PROD, DIAM_FIRST.\ If a diameter-independed variable is required, put it in the data with an empty diameter class and retrieve it here using DIAM_ALL. Unless specified, get the value of the current year. If array is smaller (e.g. because it is time-independent), get the last value.

Definition at line 1281 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by Pixel::getMultiplier(), Carbon::getStock(), ModelCore::gfd(), ModelCoreSpatial::gfd(), Carbon::initialiseDeathBiomassStocks(), Output::printForestData(), Carbon::registerDeathBiomass(), Carbon::registerHarvesting(), and ModelCoreSpatial::runManagementModule().

1281  {
1282  vector<int> regIds;
1283  vector <string> dClasses;
1284  vector <string> fTypes;
1285  string key;
1286  DataMap::const_iterator p;
1287  bool found = false;
1288  double value = 0;
1290  // creating the arrays to look up if keywords were specified..
1291  if (forType_h == FT_ALL){ // || forType_h == ""){
1292  fTypes = getForTypeIds();
1293  fTypes.push_back("");
1294  } else {
1295  fTypes.push_back(forType_h);
1296  }
1297  if(freeDim_h == DIAM_ALL){ // || freeDim_h == ""){
1298  dClasses = diamClasses;
1299  dClasses.push_back("");
1300  } else if (freeDim_h == DIAM_PROD){
1301  dClasses = getDiameterClasses(true);
1302  } else if (freeDim_h == DIAM_FIRST){
1303  dClasses.push_back(diamClasses.at(0));
1304  } else {
1305  dClasses.push_back(freeDim_h);
1306  }
1307  // Make sure to set the new value to all l2 regions if requested for a reg1 level
1308  if(getRegion(regId_h)->getRegLevel()==2){
1309  regIds.push_back(regId_h);
1310  } else if (getRegion(regId_h)->getRegLevel()==1) {
1311  for(uint i=0;i<getRegion(regId_h)->getNChildren();i++){
1312  regIds.push_back(getRegion(regId_h)->getChildren()[i]->getRegId());
1313  }
1314  } else {
1315  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "Error in getProdData(). Setting a value for the whole World is not supported.");
1316  }
1317  int regIdsS = regIds.size();
1319  // getting the actual data...
1320  for(uint r=0;r< regIds.size();r++){
1321  for(uint i=0;i<dClasses.size();i++){
1322  for (uint y=0;y<fTypes.size();y++){
1323  key = makeKeyForData(type_h,i2s(regIds[r]),fTypes[y],dClasses[i]);
1324  value += dataMapGetValue(forDataMap,key,year,true);
1325  if(tempBool) found = true;
1326  }
1327  }
1328  }
1330  if(!found){
1331  valueFoundBool = false;
1332  msgOut(errorLevel, "Error in getForData(): no combination found for "+type_h+", "+i2s(regId_h)+", "+forType_h+", "+i2s(year)+", "+freeDim_h+". Returning 0, but double check that this is ok for your model.");
1333  }
1334  return value;
1335 }
int errorLevel
Definition: ModelData.h:244
bool tempBool
a temporary bool variable used for various functions
Definition: ModelData.h:239
#define DIAM_FIRST
First diameter class (NOT used for production)
Definition: BaseClass.h:163
string i2s(const int &int_h) const
integer to string conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:219
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
double dataMapGetValue(const DataMap &map, const string &search_for, const int &year_h, const bool &exactMatch=true)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1844
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
#define DIAM_PROD
Diameter classes used for production (e.g. excluded the first one)
Definition: BaseClass.h:160
vector< string > getDiameterClasses(bool productionOnly=false)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1191
int getNChildren(bool excludeResidual=true)
Definition: ModelRegion.cpp:69
#define FT_ALL
All forest types.
Definition: BaseClass.h:166
vector< string > getForTypeIds(bool all=false)
By default it doesn&#39;t return forTypes used only as input.
Definition: ModelData.cpp:430
string makeKeyForData(const string &parName, const string &regId, const string &forType, const string &diamClass) const
Definition: ModelData.h:173
bool valueFoundBool
a bool used in getForData() and getProdData() to communicate they didn&#39;t found a variable ...
Definition: ModelData.h:240
ModelRegion * getRegion(int regId_h)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:346
#define DIAM_ALL
All diameter classes.
Definition: BaseClass.h:157
map< string, vector< double > > forDataMap
Forestry data.
Definition: ModelData.h:217
vector< string > diamClasses
Diameter classes.
Definition: ModelData.h:233

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

forType* getForType ( int  position)

Definition at line 128 of file ModelData.h.

Referenced by getForTypeChilds_pos(), ModelCoreSpatial::loadExogenousForestLayers(), and ModelCoreSpatial::runManagementModule().

128 {return &forTypes[position];}
vector< forType > forTypes
Vector of forest types.
Definition: ModelData.h:226

Here is the caller graph for this function:

forType * getForType ( string &  forTypeId_h)

Definition at line 73 of file ModelData.cpp.

73  {
74  for(int i=0;i<forTypes.size();i++){
75  if(forTypes[i].forTypeId==forTypeId_h) return &forTypes[i];
76  }
77  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR,"forTypeId "+forTypeId_h+" not found. Aborting.");
78 }
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
vector< forType > forTypes
Vector of forest types.
Definition: ModelData.h:226

Here is the call graph for this function:

vector< string > getForTypeChilds ( const string &  forTypeId_h)

Definition at line 98 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by ModelCoreSpatial::runManagementModule(), and ModelCoreSpatial::sumRegionalForData().

98  {
99  vector<string> childs;
100  for(int i=0;i<forTypes.size();i++){
101  if(forTypes[i].ereditatedFrom==forTypeId_h) {
102  childs.push_back(forTypes[i].forTypeId);
103  }
104  }
105  return childs;
106 }
vector< forType > forTypes
Vector of forest types.
Definition: ModelData.h:226

Here is the caller graph for this function:

vector< int > getForTypeChilds_pos ( const string &  forTypeId_h,
bool  all = false 

Definition at line 109 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by ModelCoreSpatial::sumRegionalForData().

109  {
110  vector <int> childs;
111  vector <string> fTIds = getForTypeIds(all);
112  for(int i=0;i<fTIds.size();i++){
113  forType* ft = getForType(fTIds[i]);
114  if(ft->ereditatedFrom==forTypeId_h) {
115  childs.push_back(i);
116  }
117  }
118  return childs;
119 }
Forest types (struct)
Definition: ModelData.h:293
string ereditatedFrom
Definition: ModelData.h:298
vector< string > getForTypeIds(bool all=false)
By default it doesn&#39;t return forTypes used only as input.
Definition: ModelData.cpp:430
forType * getForType(int position)
Definition: ModelData.h:128

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int getForTypeCounter ( string &  forTypeId_h,
bool  all = false 

By default it doesn't return forTypes used only as input.

Definition at line 81 of file ModelData.cpp.

81  {
82  vector <string> fTIds = getForTypeIds(all);
83  for(int i=0;i<fTIds.size();i++){
84  if(fTIds[i]==forTypeId_h) return i;
85  }
86  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR,"forTypeId "+forTypeId_h+" not found in "+((string) __func__ )+". Aborting.");
87 }
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
vector< string > getForTypeIds(bool all=false)
By default it doesn&#39;t return forTypes used only as input.
Definition: ModelData.cpp:430

Here is the call graph for this function:

vector< string > getForTypeIds ( bool  all = false)

By default it doesn't return forTypes used only as input.

Definition at line 430 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by ModelCore::cacheSettings(), ModelCoreSpatial::cacheSettings(), Output::commonInit(), ModelRegion::getArea(), getAvailableAliveTimber(), getAvailableDeathTimber(), getForData(), getForTypeChilds_pos(), getForTypeCounter(), Pixel::getSpModifier(), Carbon::getStock(), Carbon::initialiseDeathBiomassStocks(), Pixel::Pixel(), ModelCoreSpatial::runManagementModule(), setForData(), ModelCore::updateMapAreas(), ModelCoreSpatial::updateMapAreas(), and ModelCoreSpatial::updateOtherMapData().

430  {
431  vector <string> toReturn;
432  for(uint i=0;i<forTypes.size();i++){
433  if(forTypes[i].memType!=1 || all) {
434  toReturn.push_back(forTypes[i].forTypeId);
435  }
436  }
437  return toReturn;
438 }
vector< forType > forTypes
Vector of forest types.
Definition: ModelData.h:226

Here is the caller graph for this function:

string getForTypeParentId ( const string &  forTypeId_h)

Definition at line 90 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by ModelCoreSpatial::runManagementModule().

90  {
91  for(int i=0;i<forTypes.size();i++){
92  if(forTypes[i].forTypeId==forTypeId_h) return forTypes[i].ereditatedFrom;
93  }
94  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR,"forTypeId "+forTypeId_h+" not found. Aborting.");
95 }
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
vector< forType > forTypes
Vector of forest types.
Definition: ModelData.h:226

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

vector< string > getForTypeParents ( )

Definition at line 122 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by Output::printForestData(), and ModelCoreSpatial::sumRegionalForData().

122  {
123  vector<string> parents;
124  for(int i=0;i<forTypes.size();i++){
125  string parent = forTypes[i].ereditatedFrom;
126  if(!inVector(parent,parents) && parent != ""){
127  parents.push_back(parent);
128  }
129  }
130  return parents;
131 }
bool inVector(const K &element, const vector< K > &v)
Definition: BaseClass.h:429
vector< forType > forTypes
Vector of forest types.
Definition: ModelData.h:226

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

vector<IFiles> getIFilesVector ( ) const

Definition at line 117 of file ModelData.h.

117 {return iFilesVector;}
vector< IFiles > iFilesVector
List of all input files. Simple (struct)
Definition: ModelData.h:221
int getIntSetting ( const string &  name_h,
int  position = 0,
int  reg = WORLD 
) const

Definition at line 1105 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by ModelCore::cacheSettings(), ModelCoreSpatial::cacheSettings(), cacheSettings(), Output::commonInit(), Output::getOutputFieldDelimiter(), Pixel::getPathMortality(), Carbon::getStock(), Carbon::HWP_eol2energy(), Output::print(), Layers::print(), Scheduler::run(), ModelCore::runManagementModule(), ModelCoreSpatial::runMarketModule(), and Init::setInitLevel1().

1105  {
1106  return s2i( MTHREAD->MD->getBaseData(name_h,TYPE_INT,position, reg) );
1107 }
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
ModelData * MD
the model data object
Definition: ThreadManager.h:72
string getBaseData(const string &name_h, int type_h, int position=0, int regId_h=WORLD)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1015
int s2i(const string &string_h) const
string to integer conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:149
The required data is an integer.
Definition: BaseClass.h:66

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

vector< int > getIntVectorSetting ( const string &  name_h,
int  reg = WORLD 
) const

Definition at line 1121 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by applyDebugMode(), and Output::commonInit().

1121  {
1122  return s2i(MTHREAD->MD->getVectorBaseData(name_h,TYPE_INT,reg));
1123 }
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
ModelData * MD
the model data object
Definition: ThreadManager.h:72
vector< string > getVectorBaseData(const string &name_h, int type_h, int regId_h=WORLD)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1073
int s2i(const string &string_h) const
string to integer conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:149
The required data is an integer.
Definition: BaseClass.h:66

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

const int getMaxYearUsableDeathTimber ( const string &  prod_h,
const string &  forType_h,
const string &  dClass_h 

Definition at line 468 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by ModelCoreSpatial::allocateHarvesting().

468  {
469  for(uint i=0;i<forToProdVector.size();i++){
470  if( forToProdVector[i].product == prod_h
471  && forToProdVector[i].forType == forType_h
472  && forToProdVector[i].dClass == dClass_h
473  ){
474  return forToProdVector[i].maxYears;
475  }
476  }
477  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR,"In getMaxYearUsableDeathTimber() I has been asked of a combination that I don't know how to handle.");
478 }
Forest types (struct)
Definition: ModelData.h:293
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
vector< forToProd > forToProdVector
Vector of coefficients from forest resources to primary products.
Definition: ModelData.h:219

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

const int getMaxYearUsableDeathTimber ( )

Definition at line 456 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by getAllocableProductIdsFromDeathTimber(), and getAvailableDeathTimber().

456  {
457  int maxMaxYears = 0;
458  for(uint i=0;i<forToProdVector.size();i++){
459  if(forToProdVector[i].maxYears > maxMaxYears){
460  maxMaxYears = forToProdVector[i].maxYears;
461  }
462  }
463  return maxMaxYears;
464 }
vector< forToProd > forToProdVector
Vector of coefficients from forest resources to primary products.
Definition: ModelData.h:219

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int getNForTypes ( )

Definition at line 126 of file ModelData.h.

126 {return forTypes.size();}
vector< forType > forTypes
Vector of forest types.
Definition: ModelData.h:226
int getNForTypesChilds ( const string &  forTypeId_h)

Definition at line 135 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by ModelCoreSpatial::runManagementModule().

135  {
136  int nChilds = 0;
137  for(int i=0;i<forTypes.size();i++){
138  if(forTypes[i].ereditatedFrom==forTypeId_h) {
139  nChilds ++;
140  }
141  }
142  return nChilds;
143 }
vector< forType > forTypes
Vector of forest types.
Definition: ModelData.h:226

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int getNReclRules ( )

Definition at line 127 of file ModelData.h.

127 {return reclRules.size();}
vector< reclRule > reclRules
Vector of reclassification rules.
Definition: ModelData.h:227
string getOutputDirectory ( ) const

Return a vector of objects that together provide the specified resource in the specified quantity.

Definition at line 113 of file ModelData.h.

Referenced by Output::commonInit(), Layers::print(), and Layers::printBinMap().

113 {return outputDirname;}
string outputDirname
Definition: ModelData.h:214

Here is the caller graph for this function:

vector< pathRule * > getPathMortalityRule ( const string &  forType,
const string &  dC 

Return the pathogen mortality rule(s) associated with a given ft and dc (plural as more than a single pathogen could be found)

Definition at line 2034 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by Pixel::getPathMortality().

2034  {
2035  vector<pathRule*> toReturn;
2036  for(uint i=0;i<pathRules.size();i++){
2037  if(pathRules[i].forType == forType && pathRules[i].dClass == dC){
2038  toReturn.push_back(&pathRules[i]);
2039  }
2040  }
2041  return toReturn;
2042 }
Forest types (struct)
Definition: ModelData.h:293
vector< pathRule > pathRules
Vector of pathogen rules.
Definition: ModelData.h:228

Here is the caller graph for this function:

const double getProdData ( const string &  type_h,
const int &  regId_h,
const string &  prodId_h,
const int &  year = DATA_NOW,
const string &  freeDim_h = "" 

Basic function to retrieve products-related data. It addmits the following "filters": Name of the specific parameter requested Look for level1 or level 2 region. Product. It accept three keywords, for summing up all products, primary products or secondary products, namelly PROD_ALL, PROD_PRI, PROD_SEC. Unless specified, get the value of the current year. If array is smaller (e.g. because it is time-independent), get the last value. If specified, look exactly for it, otherwise simply doesn't filter for it.

Definition at line 1216 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by Carbon::getStock(), ModelCore::gpd(), ModelCoreSpatial::gpd(), Carbon::HWP_eol2energy(), Carbon::initialiseProductsStocks(), Output::printProductData(), and Carbon::registerProducts().

1216  {
1218  double value=0;
1219  vector <int> regIds;
1220  string key;
1221  DataMap::const_iterator p;
1223  bool found = false;
1224  vector <string> products;
1225  bool exactMatch=true;
1227  if(prodId_h == PROD_PRI){
1228  products = priProducts;
1229  } else if (prodId_h == PROD_SEC){
1230  products = secProducts;
1231  } else if (prodId_h == PROD_ALL || prodId_h == ""){
1232  products = allProducts;
1233  products.push_back("");
1234  } else {
1235  products.push_back(prodId_h);
1236  }
1237  if(freeDim_h=="") exactMatch=false;
1239  // Make sure to set the new value to all l2 regions if requested for a reg1 level
1240  if(getRegion(regId_h)->getRegLevel()==2){
1241  regIds.push_back(regId_h);
1242  } else if (getRegion(regId_h)->getRegLevel()==1) {
1243  for(uint i=0;i<getRegion(regId_h)->getNChildren();i++){
1244  regIds.push_back(getRegion(regId_h)->getChildren()[i]->getRegId());
1245  }
1246  } else {
1247  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "Error in setProdData(). Setting a value for the whole World is not supported.");
1248  }
1249  int regIdsS = regIds.size();
1252  for(uint r=0;r<regIdsS;r++){
1253  for(uint i=0;i<products.size();i++){
1254  key = makeKeyProdData(type_h,i2s(regIds[r]),products[i],freeDim_h);
1255  if (!exactMatch && key.size () > 0) key.resize (key.size () - 1); // bug 20140402, removing the last #
1256  value += dataMapGetValue(prodDataMap,key,year,exactMatch);
1257  if(tempBool) found = true;
1258  }
1259  }
1261  if(!found){
1262  valueFoundBool = false;
1263  msgOut(errorLevel, "Error in getProdData: no combination found for "+type_h+", "+i2s(regId_h)+", "+prodId_h+", "+i2s(year)+", "+freeDim_h+". Returning 0, but double check that this is ok for your model.");
1264  }
1265  return value;
1268 }
int errorLevel
Definition: ModelData.h:244
bool tempBool
a temporary bool variable used for various functions
Definition: ModelData.h:239
string i2s(const int &int_h) const
integer to string conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:219
#define PROD_SEC
Secondary products.
Definition: BaseClass.h:154
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
double dataMapGetValue(const DataMap &map, const string &search_for, const int &year_h, const bool &exactMatch=true)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1844
map< string, vector< double > > prodDataMap
Product data.
Definition: ModelData.h:218
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
vector< string > priProducts
Definition: ModelData.h:235
int getNChildren(bool excludeResidual=true)
Definition: ModelRegion.cpp:69
vector< string > secProducts
Definition: ModelData.h:236
bool valueFoundBool
a bool used in getForData() and getProdData() to communicate they didn&#39;t found a variable ...
Definition: ModelData.h:240
#define PROD_ALL
All primary and transformed products.
Definition: BaseClass.h:148
#define PROD_PRI
Primary products.
Definition: BaseClass.h:151
vector< string > allProducts
Definition: ModelData.h:237
ModelRegion * getRegion(int regId_h)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:346
string makeKeyProdData(const string &parName, const string &regId, const string &prod, const string &freeDim="") const
Definition: ModelData.h:172

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

reclRule* getReclRule ( int  position)

Definition at line 137 of file ModelData.h.

137 {return &reclRules[position];}
vector< reclRule > reclRules
Vector of reclassification rules.
Definition: ModelData.h:227
ModelRegion * getRegion ( int  regId_h)

Definition at line 346 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by applyOverrides(), ModelCoreSpatial::assignSpMultiplierPropToVols(), ModelCoreSpatial::cachePixelExogenousData(), Output::commonInit(), ModelCoreSpatial::computeCumulativeData(), ModelCoreSpatial::computeEconomicBalances(), ModelCoreSpatial::computeInventary(), createRegions(), getAvailableAliveTimber(), getBaseData(), getForData(), getProdData(), getRegionIds(), getVectorBaseData(), ModelCoreSpatial::initializePixelArea(), ModelCoreSpatial::initializePixelVolumes(), ModelCoreSpatial::loadExogenousForestLayers(), Output::printDebugPixelValues(), regId2RegSName(), regSName2RegId(), ModelCoreSpatial::resetPixelValues(), ModelCoreSpatial::runBiologicalModule(), ModelCoreSpatial::runManagementModule(), ModelCoreSpatial::runMarketModule(), setForData(), setProdData(), ModelCoreSpatial::sumRegionalForData(), ModelCore::updateMapAreas(), and ModelCoreSpatial::updateMapAreas().

346  {
347  for (int i=0; i< regionsVector.size();i++){
348  if(regionsVector[i].getRegId()==regId_h){
349  return &regionsVector[i];
350  }
351  }
352  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "Region id "+i2s(regId_h)+" not found, check your input data. Aborting simulation.");
353 }
string i2s(const int &int_h) const
integer to string conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:219
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
vector< ModelRegion > regionsVector
Vector of modelled regions.
Definition: ModelData.h:224

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

vector< int > getRegionIds ( int  level_h,
bool  excludeResidual = true 

Definition at line 366 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by ModelCore::cacheSettings(), ModelCoreSpatial::cacheSettings(), Output::commonInit(), getRegionIds(), Carbon::HWP_eol2energy(), Carbon::initialiseEmissionCounters(), Output::printDebugOutput(), Output::printDebugPixelValues(), regSName2RegId(), ModelCore::updateMapAreas(), ModelCoreSpatial::updateMapAreas(), and ModelCoreSpatial::updateOtherMapData().

366  {
367  vector <int> toReturn;
368  for(uint i=0;i<regionsVector.size();i++){
369  if(regionsVector[i].getRegLevel()==level_h){
370  if( (!excludeResidual) || (!regionsVector[i].getIsResidual())){
371  toReturn.push_back(regionsVector[i].getRegId());
372  }
373  }
374  }
375  return toReturn;
376 }
vector< ModelRegion > regionsVector
Vector of modelled regions.
Definition: ModelData.h:224

Here is the caller graph for this function:

vector< vector< int > > getRegionIds ( bool  excludeResidual = true)

Definition at line 390 of file ModelData.cpp.

390  {
391  vector < vector <int> > toReturn;
392  vector <int> l1regIds = MTHREAD->MD->getRegionIds(1, excludeResidual);
393  for(uint i=0;i<l1regIds.size();i++){
394  vector<int> l2ChildrenIds;
395  ModelRegion* l1Region = MTHREAD->MD->getRegion(l1regIds[i]);
396  vector<ModelRegion*> l2Childrens = l1Region->getChildren(excludeResidual);
397  for(uint j=0;j<l2Childrens.size();j++){
398  l2ChildrenIds.push_back(l2Childrens[j]->getRegId());
399  }
400  if(l2ChildrenIds.size()){
401  toReturn.push_back(l2ChildrenIds);
402  }
403  }
404  return toReturn;
405 }
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
ModelData * MD
the model data object
Definition: ThreadManager.h:72
vector< int > getRegionIds(int level_h, bool excludeResidual=true)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:366
vector< ModelRegion * > getChildren(bool excludeResidual=true)
Returns a pointer to the parent regions.
Definition: ModelRegion.cpp:55
ModelRegion * getRegion(int regId_h)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:346

Here is the call graph for this function:

int getScenarioIndex ( )
Check that I can call this function all around the model and not only at the beginning

Definition at line 157 of file ModelData.cpp.

157  {
158  vector<string> scenarios = getScenarios(); /// \todo Check that I can call this function all around the model and not only at the beginning
159  string currentScenario = MTHREAD->getScenarioName();
160  for(int i=0;i<scenarios.size();i++){
161  if (currentScenario == scenarios[i]){
162  return i;
163  }
164  }
165  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "function getScenarioIndex() didn't found the current scenarioName within those returned by getScenarios().");
166  return 0;
167 }
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
string getScenarioName()
vector< string > getScenarios()
Definition: ModelData.cpp:146

Here is the call graph for this function:

vector< string > getScenarios ( )

Definition at line 146 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by getScenarioIndex().

146  {
147  vector<string> toReturn;
148  LLData table = getTable("scenarios");
149  for(int i=0;i<table.nrecords();i++){
150  string scenarioName = table.getData(i,"id");
151  toReturn.push_back(scenarioName);
152  }
153  return toReturn;
154 }
int nrecords()
Definition: ModelData.h:336
LLData getTable(string tableName_h, int debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1801
string getData(const int &pos_h, const string &header_h, const int &debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:2186
Low level data. XML input is reversed here after unzipping oocalc file and parsing content...
Definition: ModelData.h:329

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

string getStringSetting ( const string &  name_h,
int  position = 0,
int  reg = WORLD 
) const

Definition at line 1113 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by ModelCoreSpatial::cacheDynamicSettings(), ModelCore::cacheSettings(), Output::commonInit(), ModelCoreSpatial::runManagementModule(), ModelCore::runMarketModule(), ModelCoreSpatial::runMarketModule(), setDefaultSettings(), and setScenarioSettings().

1113  {
1114  return MTHREAD->MD->getBaseData(name_h,TYPE_STRING,position,reg);
1115 }
The required data is a string.
Definition: BaseClass.h:68
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
ModelData * MD
the model data object
Definition: ThreadManager.h:72
string getBaseData(const string &name_h, int type_h, int position=0, int regId_h=WORLD)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1015

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

vector< string > getStringVectorSetting ( const string &  name_h,
int  reg = WORLD 
) const

Definition at line 1129 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by applyDebugMode(), ModelCore::cacheSettings(), ModelCoreSpatial::cacheSettings(), cacheSettings(), Output::commonInit(), ModelRegion::getArea(), Pixel::getMultiplier(), Carbon::getStock(), Carbon::HWP_eol2energy(), Carbon::initialiseProductsStocks(), ModelRegion::ModelRegion(), and Output::printDebugPixelValues().

1129  {
1130  return MTHREAD->MD->getVectorBaseData(name_h,TYPE_STRING,reg);
1131 }
The required data is a string.
Definition: BaseClass.h:68
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
ModelData * MD
the model data object
Definition: ThreadManager.h:72
vector< string > getVectorBaseData(const string &name_h, int type_h, int regId_h=WORLD)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1073

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

LLData getTable ( string  tableName_h,
int  debugLevel = MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR 

Definition at line 1801 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by createRegions(), getScenarios(), setDefaultForData(), setDefaultPathogenRules(), setDefaultProdData(), setDefaultProductResourceMatrixLink(), setDefaultSettings(), setForestTypes(), setReclassificationRules(), setScenarioData(), setScenarioForData(), setScenarioPathogenRules(), setScenarioProdData(), setScenarioProductResourceMatrixLink(), and setScenarioSettings().

1801  {
1802  LLData toReturn(MTHREAD,"");
1803  for(uint i=0;i<LLDataVector.size();i++){
1804  if (LLDataVector[i].getTableName() == tableName_h)return LLDataVector[i];
1805  }
1806  msgOut(debugLevel,"No table found with name "+tableName_h);
1807  return toReturn;
1808 }
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
vector< LLData > LLDataVector
Vector of Low Level Data.
Definition: ModelData.h:223
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
Low level data. XML input is reversed here after unzipping oocalc file and parsing content...
Definition: ModelData.h:329

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

LLData getTableFromFile ( string  tablename,
string  filename_h 

Load and return a data table from a file (instead that from a spreadsheet sheet)

Definition at line 1731 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by loadInput(), and setScenarioSettings().

1731  {
1732  string fileName = MTHREAD->getBaseDirectory()+filename_h;
1733  QFile file(fileName.c_str());
1734  if (!file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) {
1735  msgOut(MSG_ERROR, "Cannot open file "+fileName+" for reading.");
1736  }
1737  QTextStream in(&file);
1738  LLData data(MTHREAD, tablename);
1739  int countRow = 0;
1740  while (!in.atEnd()) {
1741  QString line = in.readLine();
1742  if(line=="") continue; //skipping completelly empty lines, even without separators
1743  QStringList fields = line.split(';');
1744  bool emptyLine = true;
1745  if (countRow==0){ // building headers
1746  for(uint i =0;i<fields.size();i++){
1747  data.headers.push_back(fields.at(i).toStdString());
1748  }
1749  } else {
1750  vector<string> record ; //= fields.toVector().toStdVector();
1751  unsigned int z = fields[0].toStdString().find("#");
1752  if( z!=string::npos && z == 0) continue; // found "#" on fist position, it's a comment!
1753  for(uint i =0;i<fields.size();i++){
1754  string field = fields.at(i).toStdString();
1755  replace(field.begin(), field.end(), ',', '.');
1756  record.push_back(field);
1757  if(field!="") emptyLine = false;
1758  }
1759  if(!emptyLine){data.records.push_back(record);};
1760  }
1761  countRow++;
1762  }
1763  data.clean();
1764  return data;
1765 }
Print an ERROR message, but don&#39;t stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:61
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
string getBaseDirectory()
Definition: ThreadManager.h:98
Low level data. XML input is reversed here after unzipping oocalc file and parsing content...
Definition: ModelData.h:329

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool getTempBool ( )

Definition at line 145 of file ModelData.h.

Referenced by ModelCoreSpatial::runManagementModule().

145 {return tempBool;}
bool tempBool
a temporary bool variable used for various functions
Definition: ModelData.h:239

Here is the caller graph for this function:

double getTimedData ( const vector< double > &  dated_vector,
const int &  year_h 
) const

Return the value for the specified year in a timelly ordered vector, taking the last value if this is smaller than the required position.

Definition at line 1480 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by dataMapGetValue().

1480  {
1482  int position;
1483  if(year_h==DATA_NOW){
1484  position = MTHREAD->SCD->getYear()-cached_initialYear;
1485  } else {
1486  position = year_h-cached_initialYear;
1487  }
1489  if(dated_vector.size() > position) {
1490  return dated_vector[position];
1491  } else if (dated_vector.size() > 0 ){
1492  // returning the last available value...
1493  return dated_vector[dated_vector.size()-1];
1494  } else {
1495  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "Error in getTimedData: requested value doesn't have any value, even on the first position(year)!");
1496  }
1497  return 0;
1498 }
The required data is for the current year.
Definition: BaseClass.h:73
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
Scheduler * SCD
the scheduler object (simulation-loops scheduler)
Definition: ThreadManager.h:75
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
int getYear()
Definition: Scheduler.h:49
int cached_initialYear
Definition: ModelData.h:234

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool getValueFoundBool ( )

Definition at line 147 of file ModelData.h.

147 {return valueFoundBool;}
bool valueFoundBool
a bool used in getForData() and getProdData() to communicate they didn&#39;t found a variable ...
Definition: ModelData.h:240
vector< string > getVectorBaseData ( const string &  name_h,
int  type_h,
int  regId_h = WORLD 

Definition at line 1073 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by getBoolVectorSetting(), getDoubleVectorSetting(), getIntVectorSetting(), and getStringVectorSetting().

1073  {
1074  vector <int> regIds;
1075  if(regId_h == WORLD){
1076  regIds.push_back(WORLD);
1077  } else if(getRegion(regId_h)->getRegLevel()==1){
1078  regIds.push_back(regId_h);
1079  regIds.push_back(WORLD);
1080  } else if (getRegion(regId_h)->getRegLevel()==2) {
1081  regIds.push_back(regId_h);
1082  regIds.push_back(getRegion(regId_h)->getParRegId());
1083  regIds.push_back(WORLD);
1084  } else {
1085  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "Error in getBaseData(). Data requested for a unknown region level.");
1086  }
1088  for (uint j=0; j<regIds.size();j++){
1089  int regId = regIds[j];
1090  for (uint i=0; i<programSettingsVector.size();i++){
1091  if (programSettingsVector.at(i).name == name_h & programSettingsVector.at(i).regId == regId){
1092  int type = programSettingsVector.at(i).type;
1093  if(type != type_h){msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "mismatching type in calling getVectorBaseData() for "+name_h);}
1094  return programSettingsVector.at(i).values;
1095  }
1096  }
1097  }
1098  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "Error calling getVectorBaseData() for "+ name_h +". No setting option or macro data found with this name.");
1099  vector <string> toReturn;
1100  return toReturn;
1101 }
Request something that is not region-specific.
Definition: BaseClass.h:80
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
ModelRegion * getRegion(int regId_h)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:346
vector< BasicData > programSettingsVector
Setting data. Simple (struct)
Definition: ModelData.h:222

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void loadInput ( )

Unzip the OpenOffice input file (NEW 2008.05.13)

Definition at line 1527 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by MainProgram::MainProgram(), and LLData::nheaders().

1527  {
1528  msgOut(MSG_INFO, "Loading input files (this can take a few minutes)...");
1529  //QString iFile("data/ffsmInput.ods");
1530  QString iFile(MTHREAD->getInputFileName().c_str());
1531  //cout << "PIPPO !!!!! " << MTHREAD->getInputFileName().c_str() << endl;
1533  //std::random_device rd;
1534  //std::mt19937 localgen(rd());
1535  std::mt19937 localgen(time(0));
1536  std::uniform_int_distribution<> dis(10, 1000000);
1537  int randomNumber = dis(localgen);
1539  QString oDir((MTHREAD->getBaseDirectory()+"tempInput-"+MTHREAD->getScenarioName()+i2s(randomNumber)).c_str());
1540  string forDataCachedFilename = MTHREAD->getBaseDirectory()+"cachedInput/forData.csv";
1541  string prodDataCachedFilename = MTHREAD->getBaseDirectory()+"cachedInput/prodData.csv";
1543  // removing output directory if exist..
1544  QDir oQtDir(oDir);
1546  if(oQtDir.exists()){
1547  bool deleted;
1548  deleted = delDir(oDir);
1549  if(deleted){msgOut(MSG_DEBUG,"Correctly deleted old temporary data");}
1550  else {msgOut(MSG_WARNING, "I could not delete old temporary data dir (hopefully we'll overrite the input files)");}
1551  }
1553  if (!QFile::exists(iFile))
1554  {
1555  cout << "File does not exist." << endl << endl;
1556  //return false;
1557  }
1558  UnZip::ErrorCode ec;
1559  UnZip uz;
1560  ec = uz.openArchive(iFile);
1561  if (ec != UnZip::Ok) {
1562  //cout << "Failed to open archive: " << uz.formatError(ec).toAscii().data() << endl << endl; // Qt4
1563  cout << "Failed to open archive: " << uz.formatError(ec).toLatin1().data() << endl << endl; // Qt5
1564  //return false;
1565  }
1566  ec = uz.extractAll(oDir);
1567  if (ec != UnZip::Ok){
1568  //cout << "Extraction failed: " << uz.formatError(ec).toAscii().data() << endl << endl; // Qt4
1569  cout << "Extraction failed: " << uz.formatError(ec).toLatin1().data() << endl << endl; // Qt5
1570  uz.closeArchive();
1571  //return false;
1572  }
1574  // loading input file into memory...
1575  string inputXMLFileName = MTHREAD->getBaseDirectory()+"tempInput-"+MTHREAD->getScenarioName()+i2s(randomNumber)+"/content.xml";
1576  //string inputXMLFileName = MTHREAD->getBaseDirectory()+"test/content.xml";
1577  //cout << "inputXMLFileName: " << inputXMLFileName << endl;
1578  //mainDocument = new InputDocument();
1579  mainDocument.setWorkingFile(inputXMLFileName);
1580  //InputNode documentContent = mainDocument.getNodeByName("office:document-content");
1581  //InputNode documentBody = mainDocument.getNodeByName("office:body");
1582  //InputNode mainNode = mainDocument.getNodeByName("spreadsheet");
1583  //InputNode pippo = mainDocument.getNodeByName("pippo-pippo");
1584  //InputNode table = mainDocument.getNodeByName("table");
1585  //cout << "Test result: " << table.getStringContent() << endl;
1588  vector <InputNode> tables = mainDocument.getNodesByName("table");
1589  for(uint i=0;i<tables.size();i++){
1590  string tableName = tables[i].getStringAttributeByName("name");
1591  //cout <<tableName<<endl;
1592  if( (tableName == "forData" || tableName == "prodData") && QFile::exists(forDataCachedFilename.c_str()) ) {
1593  msgOut(MSG_INFO,"Attenction, using cached data (csv) for "+tableName);
1594  string fileName = MTHREAD->getBaseDirectory()+"cachedInput/"+tableName+".csv";
1595  LLDataVector.push_back(MTHREAD->MD->getTableFromFile(tableName, fileName));
1596  continue;
1597  }
1598  LLData data(MTHREAD,tables[i].getStringAttributeByName("name"));
1599  vector <InputNode> rows = tables[i].getNodesByName("table-row",MSG_NO_MSG,true);
1600  if(rows.size()<2) continue; //empty table or only with headers
1601  // building headers..
1602  vector <InputNode> cells = rows[0].getNodesByName("table-cell",MSG_NO_MSG,true);
1603  for (uint y=0; y<cells.size(); y++){
1604  int repeated = 1;
1605  if( cells[y].hasAttributeByName("number-columns-repeated")){
1606  repeated = cells[y].getIntAttributeByName("number-columns-repeated");
1607  }
1608  for (int q=0;q<repeated;q++){
1609  if( !cells[y].hasChildNode("p") ){
1610  data.headers.push_back(""); // empty header
1611  } else {
1612  data.headers.push_back(cells[y].getNodeByName("p",MSG_NO_MSG,true).getStringContent());
1613  }
1614  }
1615  }
1616  // loading data...
1617  for (uint j=1; j<rows.size();j++){
1618  //cout << j << endl;
1619  vector <InputNode> cells = rows[j].getNodesByName("table-cell",MSG_NO_MSG,true);
1620  //vector <InputNode> cells = rows[j].getChildNodes();
1621  if (cells.size()<1) continue;
1622  vector<string> record;
1623  // checking the first cell is not a comment nor is empty..
1624  int childCount = cells[0].getChildNodesCount();
1625  if (childCount == 0 || !cells[0].hasChildNode("p")) continue; // empty line, first column empty!
1626  string fistCol = cells[0].getNodeByName("p",MSG_NO_MSG,true).getStringContent();
1627  unsigned int z;
1628  z = fistCol.find("#");
1629  if( z!=string::npos && z == 0) continue; // found "#" on fist position, it's a comment!
1630  for (uint y=0; y<cells.size(); y++){
1631  int repeated = 1;
1632  if( cells[y].hasAttributeByName("number-columns-repeated")){
1633  repeated = cells[y].getIntAttributeByName("number-columns-repeated");
1634  }
1635  for (int q=0;q<repeated;q++){
1636  if( !cells[y].hasChildNode("p") ){
1637  record.push_back(""); // empty header
1638  } else {
1639  // changed 20120625 as for float values the content of p is the visualised value, not the full memorised one.
1640  // this is strange because tought I already tested it.. but maybe is changed the format??
1641  if(cells[y].getStringAttributeByName("value-type")=="float"){
1642  record.push_back(cells[y].getStringAttributeByName("value"));
1643  } else {
1644  record.push_back(cells[y].getNodeByName("p",MSG_NO_MSG,true).getStringContent());
1645  }
1646  }
1647  }
1648  }
1649  data.records.push_back(record);
1650  }
1651  data.clean();
1652  LLDataVector.push_back(data);
1653  }
1655  //debug !!!
1656  /*for (uint i=0; i<LLDataVector.size();i++){
1657  cout << "***************** NEW TABLE: " << LLDataVector[i].tableName << endl;
1658  //cout << "***** Headers: "<< endl;
1659  int headerSize = LLDataVector[i].headers.size();
1660  bool ok = true;
1661  cout << "Header size: " << headerSize << endl;
1662  //for (uint j=0; j<LLDataVector[i].headers.size();j++){
1663  // cout << "["<<j<<"] " << LLDataVector[i].headers[j] << endl;
1664  //}
1665  //cout << "***** Records: " << endl;
1666  for (uint j=0; j<LLDataVector[i].records.size();j++){
1667  //cout << "** Record "<<j<<":"<<endl;
1668  if(LLDataVector[i].records[j].size() != headerSize){
1669  cout << "There is a problem on record " << j <<"!"<< endl;
1670  cout << "His size is: "<< LLDataVector[i].records[j].size() << endl;
1671  ok = false;
1672  }
1673  //for (uint y=0; y<LLDataVector[i].records[j].size();y++){
1674  // cout << "["<<y<<"] " << LLDataVector[i].records[j][y] << endl;
1675  //}
1676  }
1677  if(!ok) {cout <<"Problems with this table :-( !"<<endl;}
1678  }*/
1682  // deleting output directory if exist...
1683  if(oQtDir.exists()){
1684  bool deleted;
1685  deleted = delDir(oDir);
1686  if(deleted){msgOut(MSG_DEBUG,"Correctly deleted old temporary data");}
1687  else {msgOut(MSG_WARNING, "I could not delete old temporary data dir (hopefully we'll overrite the input files)");}
1688  }
1689 }
InputNode mainDocument
For each agricultural soil type (as defined in the setting "agrLandTypes") this list define the objec...
Definition: ModelData.h:243
bool setWorkingFile(std::string filename_h)
Load the file on memory. Return false if no success.
Definition: InputNode.cpp:37
ErrorCode extractAll(const QString &dirname, ExtractionOptions options=ExtractPaths)
Definition: unzip.cpp:325
Do not actually output any message.
Definition: BaseClass.h:57
Definition: unzip.h:48
string i2s(const int &int_h) const
integer to string conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:219
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
ModelData * MD
the model data object
Definition: ThreadManager.h:72
void closeArchive()
Definition: unzip.cpp:226
vector< LLData > LLDataVector
Vector of Low Level Data.
Definition: ModelData.h:223
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
PKZip 2.0 file decompression. Compatibility with later versions is not ensured as they may use unsupp...
Definition: unzip.h:45
Print a debug message, normally filtered out.
Definition: BaseClass.h:58
Print a WARNING message.
Definition: BaseClass.h:60
string getScenarioName()
QString formatError(UnZip::ErrorCode c) const
Definition: unzip.cpp:241
bool delDir(QString dirname)
Recursivelly delete a directory.
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1769
string getInputFileName()
Definition: ThreadManager.h:99
vector< InputNode > getNodesByName(string nodeName_h, int debugLevel=MSG_WARNING, bool childFlag=false)
Definition: InputNode.cpp:155
ErrorCode openArchive(const QString &filename)
Definition: unzip.cpp:190
string getBaseDirectory()
Definition: ThreadManager.h:98
Print an INFO message.
Definition: BaseClass.h:59
LLData getTableFromFile(string tablename, string filename_h)
Load and return a data table from a file (instead that from a spreadsheet sheet)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1731
Low level data. XML input is reversed here after unzipping oocalc file and parsing content...
Definition: ModelData.h:329

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

string makeKeyForData ( const string &  parName,
const string &  regId,
const string &  forType,
const string &  diamClass 
) const

Definition at line 173 of file ModelData.h.

Referenced by applyOverrides(), getForData(), setDefaultForData(), setForData(), and setScenarioForData().

173 {return parName+"#"+regId+"#"+forType+"#"+diamClass+"#";}
Forest types (struct)
Definition: ModelData.h:293

Here is the caller graph for this function:

string makeKeyProdData ( const string &  parName,
const string &  regId,
const string &  prod,
const string &  freeDim = "" 
) const

Definition at line 172 of file ModelData.h.

Referenced by applyOverrides(), getProdData(), setDefaultProdData(), setProdData(), and setScenarioProdData().

172 {return parName+"#"+regId+"#"+prod+"#"+freeDim+"#";}

Here is the caller graph for this function:

string regId2RegSName ( const int &  regId_h) const

Definition at line 408 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by Output::printCarbonBalance(), Output::printDebugOutput(), Output::printDetailedHV(), Output::printForestData(), and Output::printProductData().

408  {
409  ModelRegion* reg = MTHREAD->MD->getRegion(regId_h);
410  return reg->getRegSName();
411 }
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
ModelData * MD
the model data object
Definition: ThreadManager.h:72
string getRegSName() const
Definition: ModelRegion.h:67
ModelRegion * getRegion(int regId_h)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:346

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool regionExist ( const int &  regId_h) const

Definition at line 356 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by applyOverrides().

356  {
357  for (int i=0; i< regionsVector.size();i++){
358  if(regionsVector[i].getRegId()==regId_h){
359  return true;
360  }
361  }
362  return false;
363 }
vector< ModelRegion > regionsVector
Vector of modelled regions.
Definition: ModelData.h:224

Here is the caller graph for this function:

int regSName2RegId ( const string &  regSName_h) const

Definition at line 414 of file ModelData.cpp.

414  {
415  ModelRegion* reg;
416  for(uint i=0; i<3; i++){
417  vector <int> regIds = MTHREAD->MD->getRegionIds(i, false);
418  for(uint j=0;j<regIds.size();j++){
419  reg = MTHREAD->MD->getRegion(regIds[j]);
420  if(reg->getRegSName()==regSName_h) {return regIds[j];}
421  }
422  }
423  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR,"Regional short name not found.");
424 }
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
ModelData * MD
the model data object
Definition: ThreadManager.h:72
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
vector< int > getRegionIds(int level_h, bool excludeResidual=true)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:366
string getRegSName() const
Definition: ModelRegion.h:67
ModelRegion * getRegion(int regId_h)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:346

Here is the call graph for this function:

void setBaseDiretory ( string  baseDirectory_h)

Definition at line 183 of file ModelData.h.

Referenced by MainProgram::MainProgram().

183 {baseDirectory=baseDirectory_h;}
string baseDirectory
Definition: ModelData.h:215

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setDefaultForData ( )

Definition at line 481 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by Init::setInitLevel1().

481  {
482  msgOut(MSG_DEBUG,"Loading forest sector data..");
483  LLData table = getTable("forData");
484  int nheaders = table.nheaders();
485  for (int i=0; i< table.nrecords();i++){
486  vector <double> values;
487  for (int z=0;z<nheaders-4;z++){ // don't consider parName, region, forType and diamClass headers
488  string toSearch = "value_"+i2s(z);
489  string value = table.getData(i,toSearch);
490  if (value != ""){
491  values.push_back(s2d(value));
492  }
493  }
494  string keys = makeKeyForData(table.getData(i,"parName"), table.getData(i,"region"),table.getData(i,"forType"),table.getData(i,"freeDim"));
495  forDataMap.insert(std::pair<string, vector<double> >(keys, values));
496  }
497 }
string i2s(const int &int_h) const
integer to string conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:219
int nrecords()
Definition: ModelData.h:336
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
LLData getTable(string tableName_h, int debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1801
Print a debug message, normally filtered out.
Definition: BaseClass.h:58
int nheaders()
Definition: ModelData.h:337
string makeKeyForData(const string &parName, const string &regId, const string &forType, const string &diamClass) const
Definition: ModelData.h:173
string getData(const int &pos_h, const string &header_h, const int &debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:2186
double s2d(const string &string_h) const
string to double conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:171
map< string, vector< double > > forDataMap
Forestry data.
Definition: ModelData.h:217
Low level data. XML input is reversed here after unzipping oocalc file and parsing content...
Definition: ModelData.h:329

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setDefaultPathogenRules ( )

Definition at line 678 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by Init::setInitLevel1().

678  {
680  if(!getBoolSetting("usePathogenModule")) return;
681  msgOut(MSG_DEBUG,"Loading pathogen rules..");
682  LLData table = getTable("pathRules");
683  int nheaders = table.nheaders();
684  for (int i=0; i< table.nrecords();i++){
685  pathRule PR;
686  PR.forType = table.getData(i,"forType");
687  PR.dClass = table.getData(i,"dClass");
688  PR.pathId = table.getData(i,"path_name");
689  PR.pres_min = s2d(table.getData(i,"pres_min"));
691  vector <double> values;
692  for (int z=0;z<nheaders-4;z++){ // don't consider forType, dClass, path_name and pres_min headers
693  string toSearch = "year_"+i2s(z);
694  string value = table.getData(i,toSearch);
695  if (value != ""){
696  values.push_back(s2d(value));
697  }
698  }
699  PR.mortCoefficents = values;
701  pathRules.push_back(PR);
702  }
703 }
bool getBoolSetting(const string &name_h, int position=0, int reg=WORLD) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1117
string pathId
Pathogen id (name)
Definition: ModelData.h:321
string i2s(const int &int_h) const
integer to string conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:219
double pres_min
Minimum level of presence of the pathogen to be counted as present (tolerance threshold) ...
Definition: ModelData.h:322
int nrecords()
Definition: ModelData.h:336
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
vector< double > mortCoefficents
Mortality coefficients ordered by number of presence of the pathogen, e.g. first value is the mortali...
Definition: ModelData.h:323
string forType
Definition: ModelData.h:319
LLData getTable(string tableName_h, int debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1801
Print a debug message, normally filtered out.
Definition: BaseClass.h:58
vector< pathRule > pathRules
Vector of pathogen rules.
Definition: ModelData.h:228
int nheaders()
Definition: ModelData.h:337
Pathogen rule (how pathogen presense influence mortality) for a given forest type and diameter class ...
Definition: ModelData.h:318
string dClass
Definition: ModelData.h:320
string getData(const int &pos_h, const string &header_h, const int &debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:2186
double s2d(const string &string_h) const
string to double conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:171
Low level data. XML input is reversed here after unzipping oocalc file and parsing content...
Definition: ModelData.h:329

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setDefaultProdData ( )

Definition at line 531 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by Init::setInitLevel1().

531  {
533  msgOut(MSG_DEBUG,"Loading products data..");
534  LLData table = getTable("prodData");
535  int nheaders = table.nheaders();
537  for (int i=0; i< table.nrecords();i++){
538 // prodData PDATA;
539 // PDATA.parName = table.getData(i,"parName");
540 // PDATA.region = s2i(table.getData(i,"region"));
541 // PDATA.prod = table.getData(i,"prod");
542 // PDATA.freeDim = table.getData(i,"freeDim");
543  vector <double> values;
544  for (int z=0;z<nheaders-4;z++){ // don't consider parName, region, prod and freeDim headers
545  string toSearch = "value_"+i2s(z);
546  string value = table.getData(i,toSearch);
547  if (value != ""){
548  values.push_back(s2d(value));
549  }
550  }
551 // PDATA.values = values;
552 // prodDataVector.push_back(PDATA);
553  string keys = makeKeyProdData(table.getData(i,"parName"), table.getData(i,"region"),table.getData(i,"prod"),table.getData(i,"freeDim"));
554  prodDataMap.insert(std::pair<string, vector<double> >(keys, values));
555  //giving a link to it to its own region:
556 // getRegion(PDATA.region)->addProdData(&PDATA);
557  }
558 }
string i2s(const int &int_h) const
integer to string conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:219
int nrecords()
Definition: ModelData.h:336
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
map< string, vector< double > > prodDataMap
Product data.
Definition: ModelData.h:218
LLData getTable(string tableName_h, int debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1801
Print a debug message, normally filtered out.
Definition: BaseClass.h:58
int nheaders()
Definition: ModelData.h:337
string getData(const int &pos_h, const string &header_h, const int &debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:2186
string makeKeyProdData(const string &parName, const string &regId, const string &prod, const string &freeDim="") const
Definition: ModelData.h:172
double s2d(const string &string_h) const
string to double conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:171
Low level data. XML input is reversed here after unzipping oocalc file and parsing content...
Definition: ModelData.h:329

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setDefaultProductResourceMatrixLink ( )

Definition at line 618 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by Init::setInitLevel1().

618  {
619  msgOut(MSG_DEBUG,"Loading forest resource to primary products io matrix..");
620  LLData table = getTable("forToProd");
621  for (int i=0; i< table.nrecords();i++){
622  forToProd F2PDATA;
623  F2PDATA.product = table.getData(i,"product");
624  F2PDATA.forType = table.getData(i,"forType");
625  F2PDATA.dClass = table.getData(i,"dClass");
626  F2PDATA.maxYears = s2i(table.getData(i,"maxYears"));
627  forToProdVector.push_back(F2PDATA);
628  }
629 }
string dClass
Definition: ModelData.h:283
int nrecords()
Definition: ModelData.h:336
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
int maxYears
The maximum year for a tree collapse that this product can be harvested from. E.g. a 0 value means it can be obtained only from live trees, a 5 years value mean it can be obtained from trees death no longer than 5 years ago.
Definition: ModelData.h:285
LLData getTable(string tableName_h, int debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1801
Print a debug message, normally filtered out.
Definition: BaseClass.h:58
vector< forToProd > forToProdVector
Vector of coefficients from forest resources to primary products.
Definition: ModelData.h:219
int s2i(const string &string_h) const
string to integer conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:149
string getData(const int &pos_h, const string &header_h, const int &debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:2186
string forType
Definition: ModelData.h:282
string product
Definition: ModelData.h:281
IO production matrix between the forest resources and the primary products (struct) ...
Definition: ModelData.h:280
Low level data. XML input is reversed here after unzipping oocalc file and parsing content...
Definition: ModelData.h:329

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setDefaultSettings ( )

Definition at line 194 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by Init::setInitLevel1().

194  {
196  LLData table = getTable("settings");
197  int nheaders = table.nheaders();
198  for (int i=0; i< table.nrecords();i++){
199  BasicData SETT;
200  SETT.name = table.getData(i,"name");
201  string type = table.getData(i,"type");
202  SETT.type = getType(type);
203  string region_s= table.getData(i,"region");
204  SETT.regId = region_s==""?WORLD:s2i(table.getData(i,"region"));
205  SETT.comment = table.getData(i,"comment");
206  vector <string> values;
207  for (int z=0;z<nheaders-4;z++){ // don't consider name, type, comment and region headers
208  string toSearch = "value_"+i2s(z);
209  string value = table.getData(i,toSearch);
210  if (value != ""){
211  values.push_back(value);
212  }
213  }
214  SETT.values = values;
215  programSettingsVector.push_back(SETT);
216  }
218  msgOut(MSG_INFO,"### USING SCENARIO: "+MTHREAD->getScenarioName()+" ###");
220  setOutputDirectory(getStringSetting("outputDirname").c_str());
221 }
string comment
Definition: ModelData.h:273
int getType(const string &type_h) const
Return a type according to enum TYPE_* from a string (eg: "string" -> TYPE_STRING (2)) ...
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:310
string i2s(const int &int_h) const
integer to string conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:219
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
Request something that is not region-specific.
Definition: BaseClass.h:80
int nrecords()
Definition: ModelData.h:336
Basic data units (struct)
Definition: ModelData.h:267
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
string getStringSetting(const string &name_h, int position=0, int reg=WORLD) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1113
LLData getTable(string tableName_h, int debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1801
int regId
Definition: ModelData.h:272
string getScenarioName()
int nheaders()
Definition: ModelData.h:337
int type
Definition: ModelData.h:271
string name
Definition: ModelData.h:268
int s2i(const string &string_h) const
string to integer conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:149
string getData(const int &pos_h, const string &header_h, const int &debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:2186
vector< string > values
Values are stored as "string" because we don&#39;t yet know at this point if they are string...
Definition: ModelData.h:270
Print an INFO message.
Definition: BaseClass.h:59
vector< BasicData > programSettingsVector
Setting data. Simple (struct)
Definition: ModelData.h:222
void setOutputDirectory(const char *output_dirname_h)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:990
Low level data. XML input is reversed here after unzipping oocalc file and parsing content...
Definition: ModelData.h:329

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setErrorLevel ( int  errorLevel_h)

Definition at line 143 of file ModelData.h.

Referenced by ModelCore::computeCumulativeData(), ModelCoreSpatial::computeCumulativeData(), Output::print(), Output::printFinalOutput(), and ModelCoreSpatial::runManagementModule().

143 {errorLevel=errorLevel_h;}
int errorLevel
Definition: ModelData.h:244

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setForData ( const double &  value_h,
const string &  type_h,
const int &  regId_h,
const string &  forType_h,
const string &  freeDim_h,
const int &  year = DATA_NOW,
const bool &  allowCreate = false 

Definition at line 1412 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by ModelCore::sfd(), and ModelCoreSpatial::sfd().

1412  {
1414  vector<int> regIds;
1415  vector <string> dClasses;
1416  vector <string> fTypes;
1417  string key;
1418  DataMap::const_iterator p;
1419  bool found = false;
1420  bool tempFound = false;
1422  if (forType_h == FT_ALL){
1423  fTypes = getForTypeIds();
1424  } else {
1425  fTypes.push_back(forType_h);
1426  }
1428  if(freeDim_h == DIAM_ALL){
1429  dClasses = diamClasses;
1430  } else if (freeDim_h == DIAM_PROD){
1431  dClasses = getDiameterClasses(true);
1432  } else if (freeDim_h == DIAM_FIRST){
1433  dClasses.push_back(diamClasses.at(0));
1434  } else {
1435  dClasses.push_back(freeDim_h);
1436  }
1438  // Make sure to set the new value to all l2 regions if requested for a reg1 level
1439  if(getRegion(regId_h)->getRegLevel()==2){
1440  regIds.push_back(regId_h);
1441  } else if (getRegion(regId_h)->getRegLevel()==1) {
1442  for(uint i=0;i<getRegion(regId_h)->getNChildren();i++){
1443  regIds.push_back(getRegion(regId_h)->getChildren()[i]->getRegId());
1444  }
1445  } else {
1446  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "Error in setProdData(). Setting a value for the whole World is not supported.");
1447  }
1448  int regIdsS = regIds.size();
1450  for(uint r=0;r< regIds.size();r++){
1451  for(uint i=0;i<dClasses.size();i++){
1452  for (uint y=0;y<fTypes.size();y++){
1453  key = makeKeyForData(type_h,i2s(regIds[r]),fTypes[y],dClasses[i]);
1454  tempFound = dataMapSetValue(forDataMap,key,value_h, year,true);
1455  if(tempFound) found = true;
1456  }
1457  }
1458  }
1460  if(!found){
1461  if(!allowCreate){
1462  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "Error in setForData: no combination found for "+type_h+", "+i2s(regId_h)+", "+forType_h+", "+i2s(year)+", "+freeDim_h+". You can allow new variables to be created using the \"allowCreate\" flag.");
1463  } else {
1464  for(uint r=0;r< regIds.size();r++){
1465  for(uint i=0;i<dClasses.size();i++){
1466  for (uint y=0;y<fTypes.size();y++){
1467  key = makeKeyForData(type_h,i2s(regIds[r]),fTypes[y],dClasses[i]);
1468  vector <double> values;
1469  setTimedData(value_h,values,year,MSG_NO_MSG);
1470  forDataMap.insert(DataPair(key,values));
1471  }
1472  }
1473  }
1474  }
1475  }
1476 }
#define DIAM_FIRST
First diameter class (NOT used for production)
Definition: BaseClass.h:163
Do not actually output any message.
Definition: BaseClass.h:57
string i2s(const int &int_h) const
integer to string conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:219
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
int dataMapSetValue(DataMap &map, const string &search_for, const double &value_h, const int &year_h, const bool &exactMatch=true)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1872
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
#define DIAM_PROD
Diameter classes used for production (e.g. excluded the first one)
Definition: BaseClass.h:160
vector< string > getDiameterClasses(bool productionOnly=false)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1191
int getNChildren(bool excludeResidual=true)
Definition: ModelRegion.cpp:69
#define FT_ALL
All forest types.
Definition: BaseClass.h:166
vector< string > getForTypeIds(bool all=false)
By default it doesn&#39;t return forTypes used only as input.
Definition: ModelData.cpp:430
void setTimedData(const double &value_h, vector< double > &dated_vector, const int &year_h, const int &MSG_LEVEL=MSG_WARNING)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1501
string makeKeyForData(const string &parName, const string &regId, const string &forType, const string &diamClass) const
Definition: ModelData.h:173
pair< string, vector< double > > DataPair
Definition: ModelData.cpp:57
ModelRegion * getRegion(int regId_h)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:346
#define DIAM_ALL
All diameter classes.
Definition: BaseClass.h:157
map< string, vector< double > > forDataMap
Forestry data.
Definition: ModelData.h:217
vector< string > diamClasses
Diameter classes.
Definition: ModelData.h:233

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setForestTypes ( )

Definition at line 648 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by Init::setInitLevel1().

648  {
649  LLData table = getTable("forTypes");
650  for (int i=0; i< table.nrecords();i++){
651  forType FTYPE;
652  FTYPE.forTypeId = table.getData(i,"forTypeId");
653  FTYPE.forLabel = table.getData(i,"forLabel");
654  FTYPE.memType = s2i(table.getData(i,"memType"));
655  FTYPE.forLayer = table.getData(i,"forLayer");
656  FTYPE.ereditatedFrom = table.getData(i,"ereditatedFrom");
657  if(FTYPE.memType == 3 && !getBoolSetting("useSpExplicitForestTypes")) continue;
658  forTypes.push_back(FTYPE);
659  }
660 }
string forLabel
Definition: ModelData.h:295
bool getBoolSetting(const string &name_h, int position=0, int reg=WORLD) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1117
Forest types (struct)
Definition: ModelData.h:293
int memType
Definition: ModelData.h:296
int nrecords()
Definition: ModelData.h:336
string ereditatedFrom
Definition: ModelData.h:298
LLData getTable(string tableName_h, int debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1801
string forTypeId
Definition: ModelData.h:294
string forLayer
Definition: ModelData.h:297
int s2i(const string &string_h) const
string to integer conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:149
string getData(const int &pos_h, const string &header_h, const int &debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:2186
vector< forType > forTypes
Vector of forest types.
Definition: ModelData.h:226
Low level data. XML input is reversed here after unzipping oocalc file and parsing content...
Definition: ModelData.h:329

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setOutputDirectory ( const char *  output_dirname_h)

Definition at line 990 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by setDefaultSettings(), and setScenarioSettings().

990  {
992  if (strlen(output_dirname_h)==0){
993  outputDirname=baseDirectory+"output/";
994  }
995  else {
996  outputDirname=output_dirname_h;
997  }
998  MTHREAD->setOutputDirName(outputDirname); //for the GUI
999 }
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
void setOutputDirName(string outputDirname_h)
string baseDirectory
Definition: ModelData.h:215
string outputDirname
Definition: ModelData.h:214

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setProdData ( const double &  value_h,
const string &  type_h,
const int &  regId_h,
const string &  prodId_h,
const int &  year = DATA_NOW,
const bool &  allowCreate = false,
const string &  freeDim_h = "" 

Basic function to set products-related data. It can change an existing value or extend in time a serie, but it requires the keys (par. name/regId/prodId/freedim) to be already present in the data. New value to change with/add It addmits the following "filters": Name of the specific parameter requested Set a specific level 2 region, or all its childred l2 region if a reg1 level is specified. Product. It accept three keywords, for changing/inserting the new value to all products, primary products or secondary products, namelly PROD_ALL, PROD_PRI, PROD_SEC. Unless specified, set the value of the current year. If array is smaller (e.g. because it is time-independent) fill all the values till the requested one. If true, allow creation of new data if not found. Default false (rise an error) If specified, look exactly for it, otherwise simply doesn't filter for it.

Definition at line 1352 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by ModelCore::spd(), and ModelCoreSpatial::spd().

1352  {
1354  vector<int> regIds;
1355  string key;
1356  DataMap::const_iterator p;
1357  vector <string> products;
1359  if(prodId_h == PROD_PRI){
1360  products = priProducts;
1361  } else if (prodId_h == PROD_SEC){
1362  products = secProducts;
1363  } else if (prodId_h == PROD_ALL){
1364  products = allProducts;
1365  } else {
1366  products.push_back(prodId_h);
1367  }
1369  // Make sure to set the new value to all l2 regions if requested fora reg1 level
1370  if(getRegion(regId_h)->getRegLevel()==2){
1371  regIds.push_back(regId_h);
1372  } else if (getRegion(regId_h)->getRegLevel()==1) {
1373  for(uint i=0;i<getRegion(regId_h)->getNChildren();i++){
1374  regIds.push_back(getRegion(regId_h)->getChildren()[i]->getRegId());
1375  }
1376  } else {
1377  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "Error in setProdData(). Setting a value for the whole World is not supported.");
1378  }
1380  bool found = false;
1381  bool tempFound = false;
1383  for(uint r=0;r< regIds.size();r++){
1384  for(uint i=0;i<products.size();i++){
1385  key = makeKeyProdData(type_h,i2s(regIds[r]),products[i],freeDim_h);
1386  tempFound = dataMapSetValue(prodDataMap,key,value_h, year,true);
1387  if(tempFound) found = true;
1388  }
1389  }
1391  if(!found){
1392  if(!allowCreate){
1393  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "Error in setProdData: no combination found for "+type_h+", "+i2s(regId_h)+", "+prodId_h+", "+i2s(year)+", "+freeDim_h+". You can allow new variables to be created using the \"allowCreate\" flag.");
1394  } else {
1395  for(uint r=0;r< regIds.size();r++){
1396  for(uint i=0;i<products.size();i++){
1397  key = makeKeyProdData(type_h,i2s(regIds[r]),products[i],freeDim_h);
1398  vector <double> values;
1399  setTimedData(value_h,values,year,MSG_NO_MSG);
1400  prodDataMap.insert(DataPair(key,values));
1401  }
1402  }
1403  }
1404  }
1406 }
Do not actually output any message.
Definition: BaseClass.h:57
string i2s(const int &int_h) const
integer to string conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:219
#define PROD_SEC
Secondary products.
Definition: BaseClass.h:154
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
map< string, vector< double > > prodDataMap
Product data.
Definition: ModelData.h:218
int dataMapSetValue(DataMap &map, const string &search_for, const double &value_h, const int &year_h, const bool &exactMatch=true)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1872
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
vector< string > priProducts
Definition: ModelData.h:235
int getNChildren(bool excludeResidual=true)
Definition: ModelRegion.cpp:69
vector< string > secProducts
Definition: ModelData.h:236
void setTimedData(const double &value_h, vector< double > &dated_vector, const int &year_h, const int &MSG_LEVEL=MSG_WARNING)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1501
#define PROD_ALL
All primary and transformed products.
Definition: BaseClass.h:148
#define PROD_PRI
Primary products.
Definition: BaseClass.h:151
vector< string > allProducts
Definition: ModelData.h:237
pair< string, vector< double > > DataPair
Definition: ModelData.cpp:57
ModelRegion * getRegion(int regId_h)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:346
string makeKeyProdData(const string &parName, const string &regId, const string &prod, const string &freeDim="") const
Definition: ModelData.h:172

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setReclassificationRules ( )

Definition at line 663 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by Init::setInitLevel1().

663  {
665  msgOut(MSG_DEBUG,"Loading (but not yet applying) reclassification rules..");
666  LLData table = getTable("reclRules");
667  for (int i=0; i< table.nrecords();i++){
668  reclRule RL;
669  RL.regId = s2i(table.getData(i,"regID"));
670  RL.forTypeIn = table.getData(i,"forTypeIn");
671  RL.forTypeOut = table.getData(i,"forTypeOut");
672  RL.coeff = s2d(table.getData(i,"coeff"));
673  reclRules.push_back(RL);
674  }
675 }
IO production matrix between the forest resources and the primary products (struct) ...
Definition: ModelData.h:306
vector< reclRule > reclRules
Vector of reclassification rules.
Definition: ModelData.h:227
int nrecords()
Definition: ModelData.h:336
string forTypeOut
Definition: ModelData.h:309
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
string forTypeIn
Definition: ModelData.h:308
LLData getTable(string tableName_h, int debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1801
Print a debug message, normally filtered out.
Definition: BaseClass.h:58
int regId
Definition: ModelData.h:307
int s2i(const string &string_h) const
string to integer conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:149
double coeff
Definition: ModelData.h:310
string getData(const int &pos_h, const string &header_h, const int &debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:2186
double s2d(const string &string_h) const
string to double conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:171
Low level data. XML input is reversed here after unzipping oocalc file and parsing content...
Definition: ModelData.h:329

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setScenarioData ( )

Set the infos about this scenario (long description and overriding tables)

Definition at line 170 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by Init::setInitLevel1().

170  {
171  LLData table = getTable("scenarios");
172  string choosenScenario = MTHREAD->getScenarioName();
173  for(int i=0;i<table.nrecords();i++){
174  string recordScenarioName = table.getData(i,"id");
175  if (recordScenarioName == choosenScenario){
176  scenario.id = recordScenarioName;
177  scenario.shortDesc = table.getData(i,"shortDesc");
178  scenario.longDesc = table.getData(i,"longDesc");
179  scenario.settingTable = table.getData(i,"settingTable");
180  scenario.forDataTable = table.getData(i,"forDataTable");
181  scenario.prodDataTable = table.getData(i,"prodDataTable");
182  scenario.forToProdTable = table.getData(i,"forToProdTable");
183  scenario.pathTable = table.getData(i,"pathTable");
184  scenario.settingFile = table.getData(i,"settingFile");
185  return;
186  }
187  }
188  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "Scenario not found!");
191 }
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
int nrecords()
Definition: ModelData.h:336
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
string id
Definition: ModelData.h:61
string forDataTable
Definition: ModelData.h:65
string longDesc
Definition: ModelData.h:63
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
string prodDataTable
Definition: ModelData.h:66
string shortDesc
Definition: ModelData.h:62
LLData getTable(string tableName_h, int debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1801
string getScenarioName()
string forToProdTable
Definition: ModelData.h:67
string settingTable
Definition: ModelData.h:64
string settingFile
Definition: ModelData.h:69
string pathTable
Definition: ModelData.h:68
string getData(const int &pos_h, const string &header_h, const int &debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:2186
scenarioData scenario
Definition: ModelData.h:202
Low level data. XML input is reversed here after unzipping oocalc file and parsing content...
Definition: ModelData.h:329

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setScenarioForData ( )

Definition at line 500 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by Init::setInitLevel1().

500  {
502  if(scenario.forDataTable==""){return;}
505  int nheaders = table.nheaders();
506  for(int i=0; i< table.nrecords(); i++){
507  bool found = false;
508  string key = makeKeyForData(table.getData(i,"parName"),table.getData(i,"region"),table.getData(i,"forType"),table.getData(i,"freeDim"));
509  vector <double> values;
510  for (int z=0;z<nheaders-4;z++){ // don't consider parName, region, forType and diamClass headers
511  string toSearch = "value_"+i2s(z);
512  string value = table.getData(i,toSearch);
513  if (value != ""){
514  values.push_back(s2d(value));
515  }
516  }
517  map <string, vector < double > >::iterator p;
518  p=forDataMap.find(key);
519  if(p != forDataMap.end()) {
520  // updating an existing record
521  p->second = values;
522  }
523  else {
524  // new one, adding it
525  forDataMap.insert(std::pair<string, vector<double> >(key, values));
526  }
527  }
528 }
string i2s(const int &int_h) const
integer to string conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:219
int nrecords()
Definition: ModelData.h:336
string forDataTable
Definition: ModelData.h:65
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
LLData getTable(string tableName_h, int debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1801
int nheaders()
Definition: ModelData.h:337
string makeKeyForData(const string &parName, const string &regId, const string &forType, const string &diamClass) const
Definition: ModelData.h:173
string getData(const int &pos_h, const string &header_h, const int &debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:2186
double s2d(const string &string_h) const
string to double conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:171
map< string, vector< double > > forDataMap
Forestry data.
Definition: ModelData.h:217
scenarioData scenario
Definition: ModelData.h:202
Low level data. XML input is reversed here after unzipping oocalc file and parsing content...
Definition: ModelData.h:329

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setScenarioPathogenRules ( )

Definition at line 706 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by Init::setInitLevel1().

706  {
708  if(scenario.pathTable==""){return;}
709  LLData table = getTable(scenario.pathTable, MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR); //this scenario could not have an associated setting sheet
711  int nheaders = table.nheaders();
712  for (int i=0; i< table.nrecords();i++){
713  pathRule PR;
714  PR.forType = table.getData(i,"forType");
715  PR.dClass = table.getData(i,"dClass");
716  PR.pathId = table.getData(i,"path_name");
717  PR.pres_min = s2d(table.getData(i,"pres_min"));
719  vector <double> values;
720  for (int z=0;z<nheaders-4;z++){ // don't consider forType, dClass, path_name and pres_min headers
721  string toSearch = "year_"+i2s(z);
722  string value = table.getData(i,toSearch);
723  if (value != ""){
724  values.push_back(s2d(value));
725  }
726  }
727  PR.mortCoefficents = values;
729  bool found = false;
730  for(uint i=0;i<pathRules.size();i++){
731  if( pathRules[i].forType == PR.forType
732  && pathRules[i].dClass == PR.dClass
733  && pathRules[i].pathId == PR.pathId
734  ){
735  pathRules[i].pres_min = PR.pres_min;
736  pathRules[i].mortCoefficents = PR.mortCoefficents;
737  found = true;
738  break;
739  }
740  }
741  if(!found){
742  pathRules.push_back(PR);
743  }
744  } // end for each table record
745 }
string pathId
Pathogen id (name)
Definition: ModelData.h:321
Forest types (struct)
Definition: ModelData.h:293
string i2s(const int &int_h) const
integer to string conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:219
double pres_min
Minimum level of presence of the pathogen to be counted as present (tolerance threshold) ...
Definition: ModelData.h:322
int nrecords()
Definition: ModelData.h:336
vector< double > mortCoefficents
Mortality coefficients ordered by number of presence of the pathogen, e.g. first value is the mortali...
Definition: ModelData.h:323
string forType
Definition: ModelData.h:319
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
LLData getTable(string tableName_h, int debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1801
vector< pathRule > pathRules
Vector of pathogen rules.
Definition: ModelData.h:228
int nheaders()
Definition: ModelData.h:337
Pathogen rule (how pathogen presense influence mortality) for a given forest type and diameter class ...
Definition: ModelData.h:318
string dClass
Definition: ModelData.h:320
string pathTable
Definition: ModelData.h:68
string getData(const int &pos_h, const string &header_h, const int &debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:2186
double s2d(const string &string_h) const
string to double conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:171
scenarioData scenario
Definition: ModelData.h:202
Low level data. XML input is reversed here after unzipping oocalc file and parsing content...
Definition: ModelData.h:329

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setScenarioProdData ( )

Definition at line 561 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by Init::setInitLevel1().

561  {
563  if(scenario.prodDataTable==""){return;}
564  LLData table = getTable(scenario.prodDataTable, MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR); //this scenario could not have an associated setting sheet
566  int nheaders = table.nheaders();
567  int debug = table.nrecords();
568  for(int i=0; i< table.nrecords(); i++){
569  //prodData PDATA;
570  bool found = false;
571  string key = makeKeyProdData(table.getData(i,"parName"),table.getData(i,"region"),table.getData(i,"prod"),table.getData(i,"freeDim"));
573  //PDATA.parName = table.getData(i,"parName");
574  //PDATA.region = s2i(table.getData(i,"region"));
575  //PDATA.prod = table.getData(i,"prod");
576  //PDATA.freeDim = table.getData(i,"freeDim");
577  vector <double> values;
578  for (int z=0;z<nheaders-4;z++){// don't consider parName, region, prod and freeDim headers
579  string toSearch = "value_"+i2s(z);
580  string value = table.getData(i,toSearch);
581  if (value != ""){
582  values.push_back(s2d(value));
583  }
584  }
585  //PDATA.values = values;
586  //for(uint i=0;i<prodDataVector.size();i++){
587  // if(prodDataVector[i].parName == PDATA.parName
588  // && prodDataVector[i].region == PDATA.region
589  // && prodDataVector[i].prod == PDATA.prod
590  // && prodDataVector[i].freeDim == PDATA.freeDim){
591  // // existing prodData..
592  // prodDataVector[i].values = PDATA.values;
593  // found = true;
594  // break;
595  // }
596  //}
597  //if(!found){
598  // // new one, adding it
599  // prodDataVector.push_back(PDATA);
600  // //giving a link to it to its own region:
601  // getRegion(PDATA.region)->addProdData(&PDATA);
602  //}
604  map <string, vector < double > >::iterator p;
605  p=prodDataMap.find(key);
606  if(p != prodDataMap.end()) {
607  // updating an existing record
608  p->second = values;
609  }
610  else {
611  // new one, adding it
612  prodDataMap.insert(std::pair<string, vector<double> >(key, values));
613  }
614  }
615 }
string i2s(const int &int_h) const
integer to string conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:219
int nrecords()
Definition: ModelData.h:336
map< string, vector< double > > prodDataMap
Product data.
Definition: ModelData.h:218
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
string prodDataTable
Definition: ModelData.h:66
LLData getTable(string tableName_h, int debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1801
int nheaders()
Definition: ModelData.h:337
string getData(const int &pos_h, const string &header_h, const int &debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:2186
string makeKeyProdData(const string &parName, const string &regId, const string &prod, const string &freeDim="") const
Definition: ModelData.h:172
double s2d(const string &string_h) const
string to double conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:171
scenarioData scenario
Definition: ModelData.h:202
Low level data. XML input is reversed here after unzipping oocalc file and parsing content...
Definition: ModelData.h:329

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setScenarioProductResourceMatrixLink ( )

Definition at line 632 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by Init::setInitLevel1().

632  {
633  if(scenario.forToProdTable==""){return;}
634  LLData table = getTable(scenario.forToProdTable, MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR); //this scenario could not have an associated setting sheet
636  int nheaders = table.nheaders();
637  forToProdVector.clear();
638  for (int i=0; i< table.nrecords();i++){
639  forToProd F2PDATA;
640  F2PDATA.product = table.getData(i,"product");
641  F2PDATA.forType = table.getData(i,"forType");
642  F2PDATA.dClass = table.getData(i,"dClass");
643  forToProdVector.push_back(F2PDATA);
644  }
645 }
string dClass
Definition: ModelData.h:283
int nrecords()
Definition: ModelData.h:336
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
LLData getTable(string tableName_h, int debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1801
int nheaders()
Definition: ModelData.h:337
string forToProdTable
Definition: ModelData.h:67
vector< forToProd > forToProdVector
Vector of coefficients from forest resources to primary products.
Definition: ModelData.h:219
string getData(const int &pos_h, const string &header_h, const int &debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:2186
string forType
Definition: ModelData.h:282
string product
Definition: ModelData.h:281
IO production matrix between the forest resources and the primary products (struct) ...
Definition: ModelData.h:280
scenarioData scenario
Definition: ModelData.h:202
Low level data. XML input is reversed here after unzipping oocalc file and parsing content...
Definition: ModelData.h:329

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setScenarioSettings ( )

Definition at line 224 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by Init::setInitLevel1().

224  {
226  if(scenario.settingTable=="" && scenario.settingFile=="") {return;}
227  if(scenario.settingTable!="" && scenario.settingFile!="") {
228  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR,"Scenario-specific settings has been indicated to be loaded from BOTH from the spreadsheet and a file. Choose one of them.");
229  }
230  LLData table(MTHREAD,"settings");
231  if(scenario.settingTable!=""){
232  table = getTable(scenario.settingTable, MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR); //this scenario could not have an associated setting sheet
233  } else {
234  table = getTableFromFile("settings",scenario.settingFile);
235  }
239  int nheaders = table.nheaders();
240  for(int i=0; i< table.nrecords(); i++){
241  string name = table.getData(i,"name");
242  string stype = table.getData(i,"type");
243  int type = getType(stype);
244  string region_s= table.getData(i,"region");
245  int regId = region_s==""?WORLD:s2i(table.getData(i,"region"));
246  string comment = table.getData(i,"comment");
247  vector <string> values;
248  for (int z=0;z<nheaders-4;z++){ // don't consider name, type and comment headers
249  string toSearch = "value_"+i2s(z);
250  string value = table.getData(i,toSearch);
251  if (value != ""){
252  values.push_back(value);
253  }
254  }
255  bool found = false;
256  for(uint i=0;i<programSettingsVector.size();i++){
257  if(programSettingsVector[i].name == name && programSettingsVector[i].regId == regId){
258  programSettingsVector[i].values = values;
259  programSettingsVector[i].type = type;
260  programSettingsVector[i].comment = comment;
261  found = true;
262  break;
263  }
264  }
265  if(!found){
266  BasicData SETT;
267  SETT.name = name;
268  SETT.type = type;
269  SETT.regId = regId;
270  SETT.comment = comment;
271  SETT.values = values;
272  programSettingsVector.push_back(SETT);
273  }
275  }
277  setOutputDirectory(getStringSetting("outputDirname").c_str());
278 }
string comment
Definition: ModelData.h:273
int getType(const string &type_h) const
Return a type according to enum TYPE_* from a string (eg: "string" -> TYPE_STRING (2)) ...
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:310
string i2s(const int &int_h) const
integer to string conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:219
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
Request something that is not region-specific.
Definition: BaseClass.h:80
Basic data units (struct)
Definition: ModelData.h:267
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
string getStringSetting(const string &name_h, int position=0, int reg=WORLD) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1113
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
LLData getTable(string tableName_h, int debugLevel=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1801
int regId
Definition: ModelData.h:272
int type
Definition: ModelData.h:271
string settingTable
Definition: ModelData.h:64
string settingFile
Definition: ModelData.h:69
string name
Definition: ModelData.h:268
int s2i(const string &string_h) const
string to integer conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:149
vector< string > values
Values are stored as "string" because we don&#39;t yet know at this point if they are string...
Definition: ModelData.h:270
vector< BasicData > programSettingsVector
Setting data. Simple (struct)
Definition: ModelData.h:222
LLData getTableFromFile(string tablename, string filename_h)
Load and return a data table from a file (instead that from a spreadsheet sheet)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1731
void setOutputDirectory(const char *output_dirname_h)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:990
scenarioData scenario
Definition: ModelData.h:202
Low level data. XML input is reversed here after unzipping oocalc file and parsing content...
Definition: ModelData.h:329

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setSpace ( )
void setTempBool ( bool  tempBool_h)

Definition at line 146 of file ModelData.h.

Referenced by ModelCoreSpatial::runManagementModule().

146 {tempBool = tempBool_h;}
bool tempBool
a temporary bool variable used for various functions
Definition: ModelData.h:239

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setTimedData ( const double &  value_h,
vector< double > &  dated_vector,
const int &  year_h,
const int &  MSG_LEVEL = MSG_WARNING 

Definition at line 1501 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by dataMapSetValue(), setForData(), and setProdData().

1501  {
1503  int position;
1504  if(year_h==DATA_NOW){
1505  position = MTHREAD->SCD->getYear()-cached_initialYear;
1506  } else {
1507  position = year_h-cached_initialYear;
1508  }
1510  int originalVectorSize = dated_vector.size();
1511  if(dated_vector.size() > position) {
1512  dated_vector[position]=value_h;
1513  } else {
1514  // extending the vector and filling it with the incoming value, but issuing a warning if done for more than one year
1516  for(uint i=0;i<position-originalVectorSize+1;i++){
1517  dated_vector.push_back(value_h);
1518  }
1519  if(position-originalVectorSize > 0 ){
1520  msgOut(MSG_LEVEL, "setTimedData: a dated vector has been filled several years ("+i2s(1+position-originalVectorSize)+") with incoming values to reach desidered position in time.");
1521  }
1522  }
1523 }
The required data is for the current year.
Definition: BaseClass.h:73
string i2s(const int &int_h) const
integer to string conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:219
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
Scheduler * SCD
the scheduler object (simulation-loops scheduler)
Definition: ThreadManager.h:75
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
int getYear()
Definition: Scheduler.h:49
int cached_initialYear
Definition: ModelData.h:234

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void setValueFoundBool ( bool  valueFoundBool_h)

Definition at line 148 of file ModelData.h.

148 {valueFoundBool = valueFoundBool_h;}
bool valueFoundBool
a bool used in getForData() and getProdData() to communicate they didn&#39;t found a variable ...
Definition: ModelData.h:240
void unpackKeyForData ( const string &  key,
string &  parName,
int &  regId,
string &  forType,
string &  diamClass 
) const

Definition at line 1922 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by applyOverrides().

1922  {
1923  int parNameDelimiter = key.find("#",0);
1924  int regIdDelimiter = key.find("#",parNameDelimiter+1);
1925  int forTypeDelimiter = key.find("#",regIdDelimiter+1);
1926  int diamClassDelimiter = key.find("#",forTypeDelimiter+1);
1927  if (diamClassDelimiter == string::npos){
1928  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "Error in unpacking a key in the map of production data.");
1929  }
1930  parName.assign(key,0,parNameDelimiter);
1931  string regIdString="";
1932  regIdString.assign(key,parNameDelimiter+1,regIdDelimiter-parNameDelimiter-1);
1933  regId = s2i(regIdString);
1934  forType.assign(key,regIdDelimiter+1,forTypeDelimiter-regIdDelimiter-1);
1935  diamClass.assign(key,forTypeDelimiter+1,diamClassDelimiter-forTypeDelimiter-1);
1937 }
Forest types (struct)
Definition: ModelData.h:293
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
int s2i(const string &string_h) const
string to integer conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:149

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

void unpackKeyProdData ( const string &  key,
string &  parName,
int &  regId,
string &  prod,
string &  freeDim 
) const

Definition at line 1903 of file ModelData.cpp.

Referenced by applyOverrides().

1903  {
1905  int parNameDelimiter = key.find("#",0);
1906  int regIdDelimiter = key.find("#",parNameDelimiter+1);
1907  int prodDelimiter = key.find("#",regIdDelimiter+1);
1908  int freeDimDelimiter = key.find("#",prodDelimiter+1);
1909  if (freeDimDelimiter == string::npos){
1910  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "Error in unpacking a key in the map of production data.");
1911  }
1912  parName.assign(key,0,parNameDelimiter);
1913  string regIdString="";
1914  regIdString.assign(key,parNameDelimiter+1,regIdDelimiter-parNameDelimiter-1);
1915  regId = s2i(regIdString);
1916  prod.assign(key,regIdDelimiter+1,prodDelimiter-regIdDelimiter-1);
1917  freeDim.assign(key,prodDelimiter+1,freeDimDelimiter-prodDelimiter-1);
1919 }
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
int s2i(const string &string_h) const
string to integer conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:149

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Friends And Related Function Documentation

void Output::printForestData ( bool  finalFlush)
void Output::printProductData ( bool  finalFlush)

Member Data Documentation

vector<string> allProducts

Definition at line 237 of file ModelData.h.

Referenced by cacheSettings(), getProdData(), and setProdData().

string baseDirectory

Definition at line 215 of file ModelData.h.

Referenced by getFilenameByType(), and setOutputDirectory().

int cached_initialYear

Definition at line 234 of file ModelData.h.

Referenced by cacheSettings(), getTimedData(), and setTimedData().

map<iisskey, double > deathTimberInventory

Map that register the death of biomass still usable as timber by year, l2_region, forest type and diameter class [Mm^3 wood].

Definition at line 230 of file ModelData.h.

Referenced by getAvailableDeathTimber().

vector<string> diamClasses
int errorLevel

Definition at line 244 of file ModelData.h.

Referenced by dataMapSetValue(), getForData(), getProdData(), and ModelData().

map<string, vector<double> > forDataMap

Forestry data.

Definition at line 217 of file ModelData.h.

Referenced by applyOverrides(), getForData(), setDefaultForData(), setForData(), and setScenarioForData().

vector<forToProd> forToProdVector

Vector of coefficients from forest resources to primary products.

Definition at line 219 of file ModelData.h.

Referenced by assessProdPossibility(), getMaxYearUsableDeathTimber(), setDefaultProductResourceMatrixLink(), and setScenarioProductResourceMatrixLink().

vector<forType> forTypes
vector<IFiles> iFilesVector

List of all input files. Simple (struct)

Definition at line 221 of file ModelData.h.

Referenced by getFilenameByType().

string inputFilename

Definition at line 213 of file ModelData.h.

vector< vector <int> > l2r
