60 setlocale(LC_ALL,
void setSCDPointer(Scheduler *SCD_h)
the scheduler object. It manage the simulation loops..
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
ModelData * MD
the model data object
Init * INIT
the Init object (pre-simulation scheduler)
Init the environment, the objects and the agents of the model
Thread manager. Responsable to manage the main thread and "speak" with the GUI.
void setSCOREPointer(ModelCoreSpatial *SCORE_h)
Perform the algorithms of the model.
Regional data, including macros and settings.
void setCOREPointer(ModelCore *CORE_h)
Perform the algorithms of the model.
void loadInput()
Unzip the OpenOffice input file (NEW 2008.05.13)
void setTestPointer(Sandbox *TEST_h)
the sandbox object for within-development quick tests
void setINITPointer(Init *INIT_h)
the Init object, it schedule the pre-simulation phase..
Class to manage the spatial dimension.
void setCBALPointer(Carbon *CBAL_h)
Module that account for the Carbon Balance.
Class responsable to keep the logbook of the Carbon Balance.
void setGISPointer(Gis *GIS_h)
GIS information and methods..
void setInitLevel(int level_h)
Wrapper to the correct setInitLevelX()
void refreshGUI() const
Ping to periodically return the control to the GUI.
void run()
Run the program.
string getBaseDirectory()
MainProgram(ThreadManager *MTHREAD)
The core of the model (spatial version).
void setMDPointer(ModelData *MD_h)
the regional data object..
void setOPTPointer(Ipopt::SmartPtr< Ipopt::TNLP > OPT_h)
Perform the market optimisation.
void setDOPointer(Output *DO_h)
manage the printing of data needed for scenario-analisys. The "message output" (needed to see "what i...
void setBaseDiretory(string baseDirectory_h)