French Forest Sector Model ++
CAnyOption | |
CBaseClass | Base class for the regmas application |
CBasicData | Basic data units (struct) |
CCarbon | Class responsable to keep the logbook of the Carbon Balance |
Cconstrain | |
Cendvar | |
CforToProd | IO production matrix between the forest resources and the primary products (struct) |
CforType | Forest types (struct) |
CGccTest | |
CGis | Class to manage the spatial dimension |
CIFiles | Input files (struct) |
Ciiskey | Class to provide a simple integer-integer-string key in std maps |
Ciisskey | Class to provide a simple integer-integer-string-string key in std maps |
CInit | Init the environment, the objects and the agents of the model |
CInputNode | Wrapper around the underlying library for reading DOM elements (nodes) |
CIpopt_nlp_problem_debugtest | |
Ciskey | Class to provide a simple integer-string key to be used in std maps |
CLayers | Define layer objects at the regional level |
CLegendItems | Legend items |
CLLData | Low level data. XML input is reversed here after unzipping oocalc file and parsing content.xml |
CMainProgram | Main program scheleton. It control the flow of the program |
CMainWindow | Main GUI interface |
CMapBox | Widget to display the maps of various spacial aspects of the model |
CModelCore | |
CModelCoreSpatial | The core of the model (spatial version) |
CModelData | Regional data, including macros and settings |
CModelRegion | |
COpt | |
COutput | Output methods |
CpathRule | Pathogen rule (how pathogen presense influence mortality) for a given forest type and diameter class (struct) |
CPixel | Pixel-level class |
CReclassRules | Initial reclassification rules (dataset filters) |
CreclRule | IO production matrix between the forest resources and the primary products (struct) |
CSandbox | |
CscenarioData | |
CScenarioSelectionWidget | |
CScheduler | Manage the yearly loops |
CTestStructure | |
CtestThread | |
CThreadManager | Thread manager. Responsable to manage the main thread and "speak" with the GUI |
▼CUnZip | PKZip 2.0 file decompression. Compatibility with later versions is not ensured as they may use unsupported compression algorithms. Versions after 2.7 may have an incompatible header format and thus be completely incompatible |
CZipEntry | |
CUnzipPrivate | |
CZip | Zip file compression |
CZipEntryP | |
CZipPrivate |