FFSM++  1.1.0
French Forest Sector Model ++
Opt Class Reference

#include <Opt.h>

Inheritance diagram for Opt:
Collaboration diagram for Opt:

Public Member Functions

 Opt (ThreadManager *MTHREAD_h)
 Constructor. More...
 ~Opt ()
virtual bool intermediate_callback (AlgorithmMode mode, Index iter, Number obj_value, Number inf_pr, Number inf_du, Number mu, Number d_norm, Number regularization_size, Number alpha_du, Number alpha_pr, Index ls_trials, const IpoptData *ip_data, IpoptCalculatedQuantities *ip_cq)
virtual void generate_tapes (Index n, Index m, Index &nnz_jac_g, Index &nnz_h_lag)
void declareVariables ()
 declare the variables, their domains and their bounds More...
void declareVariable (const string &name, const int &domain, const string &desc="", const double &l_bound=0.0, const double &u_bound=UBOUND_MAX, const string &l_bound_var="", const string &u_bound_var="")
 Declare a single variable, its domain and its bounds. More...
void declareConstrains ()
 declare the constrains, their domain, their direction and their associated evaluation function More...
void cacheInitialPosition ()
 cache the initial positions of the variables and the constrains More...
void calculateNumberVariablesConstrains ()
 calculate the number of variables and constrains More...
void cachePositions ()
 cache the exact position index (initial+f(r1,r2,p,r2To) for each variable and constrain More...
int getDomainElements (int domain)
 return the number of elements of a domain More...
template<class T >
vector< vector< vector< vector< int > > > > buildPositionVector (const T &v_or_c, int dType)
 build the matrix of the positions for a given variable or contrain More...
int getVarInstances (const string &varName)
 build the matrix of the positions for a given variable or contrain More...
void calculateSparsityPatternJ ()
void calculateSparsityPatternH ()
const Number & mymax (const Number &a, const Number &b)
const adouble & mymax (const adouble &a, const adouble &b)
Overloaded from TNLP
virtual bool get_nlp_info (Index &n, Index &m, Index &nnz_jac_g, Index &nnz_h_lag, IndexStyleEnum &index_style)
virtual bool get_bounds_info (Index n, Number *x_l, Number *x_u, Index m, Number *g_l, Number *g_u)
virtual bool get_starting_point (Index n, bool init_x, Number *x, bool init_z, Number *z_L, Number *z_U, Index m, bool init_lambda, Number *lambda)
template<class T >
bool eval_obj (Index n, const T *x, T &obj_value)
template<class T >
bool eval_constraints (Index n, const T *x, Index m, T *g)
virtual bool eval_f (Index n, const Number *x, bool new_x, Number &obj_value)
virtual bool eval_grad_f (Index n, const Number *x, bool new_x, Number *grad_f)
virtual bool eval_g (Index n, const Number *x, bool new_x, Index m, Number *g)
virtual bool eval_jac_g (Index n, const Number *x, bool new_x, Index m, Index nele_jac, Index *iRow, Index *jCol, Number *values)
virtual bool eval_h (Index n, const Number *x, bool new_x, Number obj_factor, Index m, const Number *lambda, bool new_lambda, Index nele_hess, Index *iRow, Index *jCol, Number *values)
Solution Methods
virtual void finalize_solution (SolverReturn status, Index n, const Number *x, const Number *z_L, const Number *z_U, Index m, const Number *g, const Number *lambda, Number obj_value, const IpoptData *ip_data, IpoptCalculatedQuantities *ip_cq)
- Public Member Functions inherited from BaseClass
 BaseClass ()
 ~BaseClass ()
void msgOut (const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
 Overloaded function to print the output log. More...
void msgOut (const int &msgCode_h, const int &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
 Overloaded function to print the output log. More...
void msgOut (const int &msgCode_h, const double &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
 Overloaded function to print the output log. More...
int s2i (const string &string_h) const
 string to integer conversion More...
double s2d (const string &string_h) const
 string to double conversion More...
double s2d (const string &string_h, const bool &replaceComma) const
 string to double conversion More...
bool s2b (const string &string_h) const
 string to bool conversion More...
string i2s (const int &int_h) const
 integer to string conversion More...
string d2s (const double &double_h) const
 double to string conversion More...
string b2s (const bool &bool_h) const
 bool to string conversion More...
vector< int > s2i (const vector< string > &string_h) const
 string to integer conversion (vector) More...
vector< double > s2d (const vector< string > &string_h, const bool &replaceComma=false) const
 string to double conversion (vector) More...
vector< bool > s2b (const vector< string > &string_h) const
 string to bool conversion (vector) More...
vector< string > i2s (const vector< int > &int_h) const
 integer to string conversion (vector) More...
vector< string > d2s (const vector< double > &double_h) const
 double to string conversion (vector) More...
vector< string > b2s (const vector< bool > &bool_h) const
 bool to string conversion (vector) More...
int getType (const string &type_h) const
 Return a type according to enum TYPE_* from a string (eg: "string" -> TYPE_STRING (2)) More...
void refreshGUI () const
 Ping to periodically return the control to the GUI. More...
template<typename T >
string toString (const T &x) const
template<typename T >
stringTo (const std::string &s) const
int vSum (const vector< int > &vector_h) const
double vSum (const vector< double > &vector_h) const
int vSum (const vector< vector< int > > &vector_h) const
double vSum (const vector< vector< double > > &vector_h) const
void tokenize (const string &str, vector< string > &tokens, const string &delimiter=" ") const
 Tokenize a string using a delimiter (default is space) More...
void untokenize (string &str, vector< string > &tokens, const string &delimiter=" ") const
template<typename K , typename V >
findMap (const map< K, V > &mymap, const K &key, const int &error_level=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, const V &notFoundValue=numeric_limits< V >::min()) const
 Lookup a map for a value. Return the value starting from the key. More...
template<typename K , typename V >
void changeMapValue (map< K, V > &mymap, const K &key, const V &value, const int &error_level=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR)
 Change the value stored in a map given the key and the new value. More...
template<typename K , typename V >
void incrMapValue (map< K, V > &mymap, const K &key, const V &value, const int &error_level=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR)
 Increments a value stored in a map of the specified value, given the key. More...
template<typename K , typename V >
void incrOrAddMapValue (map< K, V > &mymap, const K &key, const V &value)
 Increments a value stored in a map of the specified value, given the key. More...
template<typename K , typename V >
void resetMapValues (map< K, V > &mymap, const V &value)
 Reset all values stored in a map to the specified one. More...
template<typename K , typename V >
map< K, V > vectorToMap (const vector< K > &keys, const V &value=0.0)
 Returns a map built using the given vector and the given (scalar) value as keys/values pairs. More...
template<typename T >
vector< T > positionsToContent (const vector< T > &vector_h, const vector< int > &positions)
 Return a vector of content from a vector and a vector of positions (int) More...
template<typename V >
void debugMap (const map< iisskey, V > &mymap)
 Debug a map. More...
template<typename K , typename V >
void debugMap (const map< K, V > &mymap, const K &key)
template<typename K >
int getMaxPos (const vector< K > &v)
 Returns the position of the maximum element in the vector (the last one in case of multiple equivalent maxima) More...
template<typename K >
int getMinPos (const vector< K > &v)
 Returns the position of the minimum element in the vector (the first one in case of multiple equivalent minima) More...
template<typename K >
getMax (const vector< K > &v)
 Returns the value of the maximum element in the vector (the last one in case of multiple equivalent maxima) More...
template<typename K >
getMin (const vector< K > &v)
 Returns the value of the minimum element in the vector (the first one in case of multiple equivalent minima) More...
template<typename K >
double getAvg (const vector< K > &v)
 Returns the average of the elements in the vector. More...
template<typename K >
double getSd (const vector< K > &v, bool sample=true)
template<typename K >
int getPos (const K &element, const vector< K > &v, const int &msgCode_h=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR)
template<typename K >
bool inVector (const K &element, const vector< K > &v)
double normSample (const double &avg, const double &stdev, const double &minval=NULL, const double &maxval=NULL) const
 Sample from a normal distribution with bounds. Slower (double time, but still you see the diff only after milion of loops). More...
template<typename K >
normSample (normal_distribution< K > &d, std::mt19937 &gen, const K &minval=NULL, const K &maxval=NULL) const
 Sample from a normal distribution with bounds. Faster (half time) as the normal_distribution is made only once. More...
template<typename T >
std::string toString (const T &x) const

Protected Member Functions

const double gpd (const string &type_h, const int &regId_h, const string &prodId_h, const int &year=DATA_NOW, const string &freeDim_h="") const
const double gfd (const string &type_h, const int &regId_h, const string &forType_h, const string &diamClass_h, const int &year=DATA_NOW) const
void spd (const double &value_h, const string &type_h, const int &regId_h, const string &prodId_h, const int &year=DATA_NOW, const bool &allowCreate=false, const string &freeDim_h="") const
void sfd (const double &value_h, const string &type_h, const int &regId_h, const string &forType_h, const string &diamClass_h, const int &year=DATA_NOW, const bool &allowCreate=false) const
bool app (const string &prod_h, const string &forType_h, const string &dClass_h) const
const int gip (const string &varName) const
 Get the initial index position of a given variable in the concatenated array. More...
const int gip (const int &cn) const
 Return the initial index position of a certain constrain. More...
template<class T >
const int gix_uncached (const T &v_or_c, int r1Ix, int r2Ix, int prIx, int r2IxTo=0)
 Get the index in the concatenated array gived a certain var name (string) or constrain index (int), the reg lev1 index, the reg lev2 index and the prod. index. More...
const int gix (const string &varName, const int &r1Ix, const int &r2Ix, const int &prIx, const int &r2IxTo=0) const
 Get the index in the concatenated array gived a certain var name, the reg lev1 index, the reg lev2 index and the prod. index. More...
const int gix (const int &cn, const int &r1Ix, const int &r2Ix, const int &prIx, const int &r2IxTo=0) const
 Get the index in the concatenated array gived a certain constrain, the reg lev1 index, the reg lev2 index and the prod. index. More...
const int gdt (const string &varName)
 Get the domain type of a given variable. More...
const int gdt (const int &cn)
 Get the domain type of a given constrain. More...
int getConstrainDirectionByIndex (int idx)
 Return the direction of a given constrain. More...
double getBoundByIndex (const int &bound_type, const int &idx)
 Return the bound of a given variable (by index) More...
double getDetailedBoundByVarAndIndex (const endvar &var, const int &idx, const int &bType)
 Return the bound of a given variable given the variable and the required index. Called by getBoundByIndex(). More...
constraingetConstrainByIndex (int idx)
void unpack (int ix_h, int domain, int initial, int &r1_h, int &r2_h, int &p_h, int &r2to_h, bool fullp=false)
 Return the dimensions given a certain index, domain type and initial position. More...
int getConNumber (constrain *con)
 Return the position in the cons vector. More...
void copyInventoryResourses ()
 Copy the inventoried resources in the in vector for better performances. More...
void tempDebug ()
void debugPrintParameters ()

Protected Attributes

vector< string > priPr
vector< string > secPr
vector< string > allPr
vector< string > othPr
vector< vector< int > > l2r
vector< vector< int > > priPrCombs
 A vector with all the possible combinations of primary products. More...
vector< vector< vector< double > > > ins
 A copy of the inventoried resourses by region and primary product combination. It works also with dynamic loading of the region and the in, but it may be slower. More...
map< string, int > initPos
 A map that returns the initial index position in the concatenated array for each variable. More...
map< int, string > initPos_rev
 A map with the name of the variable keyed by its initial position in the index. More...
vector< int > cInitPos
 A vector that returns the initial index position in the concatenated array for each constrain. More...
map< string, endvarvars
 List of variables in the model and their domain: pr product, sec prod, all products or all products over each subregion pair (exports) More...
map< string, vector< vector< vector< vector< int > > > > > vpositions
 cached position in the concatenated vector for each variables. Dimensions are l1reg, l2reg, prod, (l2To region). More...
vector< vector< vector< vector< vector< int > > > > > cpositions
 cached position in the concatenated vector for each variables. Dimensions are contrain number, l1reg, l2reg, prod, (l2To region). More...
int nPriPr
int nOthPr
int nPriPrCombs
int nSecPr
int nAllPr
int nL2r
int nVar
int nCons
int nEqualityConstrains
int nLowerEqualZeroConstrains
int nGreaterEqualZeroConstrains
int previousYear
int firstYear
int secondYear
int worldCodeLev2
bool debugRunOnce
double overharvestingAllowance
 Allows to harvest more than the resources available. Useful when resources got completelly exausted and the model refuses to solve. More...
bool initOpt
vector< constraincons
vector< vector< Index > > nzjelements
 nzero elements for the jacobian matrix. nzelements[i][0] -> row (constrain), nzelements[i][1] -> column (variable) More...
vector< vector< Index > > nzhelements
 nzero elements for the hessian matrix More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from BaseClass
 Pointer to the Thread manager. More...

Methods to block default compiler methods.

double * x_lam
unsigned int ** HP_t
unsigned int * rind_g
unsigned int * cind_g
double * jacval
unsigned int * rind_L
unsigned int * cind_L
unsigned int * rind_L_total
unsigned int * cind_L_total
double * hessval
int nnz_jac
int nnz_L
int nnz_L_total
int options_g [4]
int options_L [4]
 Opt (const Opt &)
Optoperator= (const Opt &)

Detailed Description

Definition at line 52 of file Opt.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Opt ( ThreadManager MTHREAD_h)


Definition at line 537 of file Opt.cpp.

537  {
539  nVar = 0;
540  nCons = 0;
541  debugRunOnce = false;
542  initOpt = true;
543 }
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
int nVar
Definition: Opt.h:212
bool debugRunOnce
Definition: Opt.h:221
int nCons
Definition: Opt.h:213
bool initOpt
Definition: Opt.h:224
~Opt ( )

Definition at line 545 of file Opt.cpp.

545  {
547 }
Opt ( const Opt )

Member Function Documentation

bool app ( const string &  prod_h,
const string &  forType_h,
const string &  dClass_h 
) const

Definition at line 172 of file Opt.h.

172 {return MTHREAD->MD->assessProdPossibility(prod_h, forType_h, dClass_h);};
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
ModelData * MD
the model data object
Definition: ThreadManager.h:72
const bool assessProdPossibility(const string &prod_h, const string &forType_h, const string &dClass_h)
A simple function to assess if a specified product can be made by a certain forest type and diameter ...
Definition: ModelData.cpp:441
vector< vector< vector< vector< int > > > > buildPositionVector ( const T &  v_or_c,
int  dType 

build the matrix of the positions for a given variable or contrain

Definition at line 1401 of file Opt.cpp.

1401  {
1402  int pVectorSize;
1404  switch (dType){
1405  case DOM_PRI_PR:
1406  pVectorSize= priPr.size();
1407  break;
1408  case DOM_SEC_PR:
1409  pVectorSize= secPr.size();
1410  break;
1411  case DOM_ALL_PR:
1412  pVectorSize= allPr.size();
1413  break;
1414  case DOM_R2_PRI_PR:
1415  pVectorSize= priPr.size();
1416  break;
1417  case DOM_R2_SEC_PR:
1418  pVectorSize= secPr.size();
1419  break;
1420  case DOM_R2_ALL_PR:
1421  pVectorSize= allPr.size();
1422  break;
1423  case DOM_SCALAR:
1424  pVectorSize= allPr.size(); // it will simply fill the matrix all with the same value (the ip)
1425  break;
1427  pVectorSize= priPrCombs.size();
1428  break;
1429  default:
1430  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR,"Try to build the position of a variable (or contrain) of unknow type.");
1431  }
1434  vector < vector < vector < vector <int> > > > positionsToAdd;
1435  for(uint r1=0;r1<l2r.size();r1++){
1436  vector < vector < vector <int> > > dim1;
1437  for(uint r2=0;r2<l2r[r1].size();r2++){
1438  vector < vector <int> > dim2;
1439  for(uint p=0;p<pVectorSize;p++){
1440  vector <int> dim3;
1441  for(uint r2To=0;r2To<l2r[r1].size();r2To++){
1442  dim3.push_back(gix_uncached(v_or_c,r1,r2,p,r2To));
1443  }
1444  dim2.push_back(dim3);
1445  }
1446  dim1.push_back(dim2);
1447  }
1448  positionsToAdd.push_back(dim1);
1449  }
1450  return positionsToAdd;
1451 }
vector< string > priPr
Definition: Opt.h:193
vector< vector< int > > priPrCombs
A vector with all the possible combinations of primary products.
Definition: Opt.h:198
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
vector< vector< int > > l2r
Definition: Opt.h:197
Primary products // domain of variables and constrains: primary, secondary, all products or all produ...
Definition: BaseClass.h:93
vector< string > secPr
Definition: Opt.h:194
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
Secondary products over r2 couple regions (in-country commercial flows)
Definition: BaseClass.h:97
Secondary products.
Definition: BaseClass.h:94
Primary products over r2 couple regions (in-country commercial flows)
Definition: BaseClass.h:96
const int gix_uncached(const T &v_or_c, int r1Ix, int r2Ix, int prIx, int r2IxTo=0)
Get the index in the concatenated array gived a certain var name (string) or constrain index (int)...
Definition: Opt.cpp:1310
Scalar variable (not used)
Definition: BaseClass.h:99
All products over r2 couple regions (in-country commercial flows)
Definition: BaseClass.h:98
All possible combinations of primary products (2^ number of primary products)
Definition: BaseClass.h:100
All products (primary+secondary)
Definition: BaseClass.h:95
vector< string > allPr
Definition: Opt.h:195
void cacheInitialPosition ( )

cache the initial positions of the variables and the constrains

Definition at line 1370 of file Opt.cpp.

1370  {
1371  int vInitialPosition = 0;
1372  int cInitialPosition = 0;
1373  VarMap::iterator viter;
1374  for (viter = vars.begin(); viter != vars.end(); ++viter) {
1375  initPos.insert(pair<string, int>(viter->first, vInitialPosition));
1376  initPos_rev.insert(pair<int, string>(vInitialPosition,viter->first));
1377  vInitialPosition += getDomainElements(viter->second.domain);
1378  }
1379  for (uint i=0;i<cons.size();i++){
1380  cInitPos.push_back(cInitialPosition);
1381  cInitialPosition += getDomainElements(cons[i].domain);
1382  }
1383 }
vector< int > cInitPos
A vector that returns the initial index position in the concatenated array for each constrain...
Definition: Opt.h:202
map< string, endvar > vars
List of variables in the model and their domain: pr product, sec prod, all products or all products o...
Definition: Opt.h:203
int getDomainElements(int domain)
return the number of elements of a domain
Definition: Opt.cpp:1488
map< int, string > initPos_rev
A map with the name of the variable keyed by its initial position in the index.
Definition: Opt.h:201
vector< constrain > cons
Definition: Opt.h:225
map< string, int > initPos
A map that returns the initial index position in the concatenated array for each variable.
Definition: Opt.h:200
void cachePositions ( )

cache the exact position index (initial+f(r1,r2,p,r2To) for each variable and constrain

Definition at line 1386 of file Opt.cpp.

1386  {
1388  // variables..
1389  VarMap::iterator viter;
1390  for (viter = vars.begin(); viter != vars.end(); ++viter) {
1391  vpositions.insert(pair<string, vector < vector < vector < vector <int> > > > >(viter->first, buildPositionVector(viter->first, viter->second.domain)));
1392  }
1393  // constrains..
1394  for (uint i=0; i<cons.size();i++){
1395  cpositions.push_back(buildPositionVector(i, cons[i].domain));
1396  }
1398 }
map< string, endvar > vars
List of variables in the model and their domain: pr product, sec prod, all products or all products o...
Definition: Opt.h:203
vector< vector< vector< vector< int > > > > buildPositionVector(const T &v_or_c, int dType)
build the matrix of the positions for a given variable or contrain
Definition: Opt.cpp:1401
vector< constrain > cons
Definition: Opt.h:225
map< string, vector< vector< vector< vector< int > > > > > vpositions
cached position in the concatenated vector for each variables. Dimensions are l1reg, l2reg, prod, (l2To region).
Definition: Opt.h:204
vector< vector< vector< vector< vector< int > > > > > cpositions
cached position in the concatenated vector for each variables. Dimensions are contrain number...
Definition: Opt.h:205
void calculateNumberVariablesConstrains ( )

calculate the number of variables and constrains

Definition at line 1455 of file Opt.cpp.

1455  {
1456  // calculating the number of variables and the initial positions in the concatenated array..
1457  nVar = 0;
1458  VarMap::iterator viter;
1459  for (viter = vars.begin(); viter != vars.end(); ++viter) {
1460  nVar += getDomainElements(viter->second.domain);
1461  }
1463  // calculating the number of constrains..
1464  nCons = 0;
1465  nEqualityConstrains = 0;
1468  for(uint i=0;i<cons.size();i++){
1469  nCons += getDomainElements(cons[i].domain);
1470  if(cons[i].direction == CONSTR_EQ){
1472  continue;
1473  } else if (cons[i].direction == CONSTR_LE0) {
1475  continue;
1476  } else if (cons[i].direction == CONSTR_GE0) {
1478  continue;
1479  } else {
1480  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "Asking for a constrain with unknown direction ("+i2s(cons[i].direction)+")");
1481  }
1482  }
1484  msgOut(MSG_INFO,"The model will work with "+i2s(nVar)+" variables and "+i2s(nCons)+" constrains ("+i2s(nEqualityConstrains)+" equalities, "+i2s(nLowerEqualZeroConstrains)+" lower than 0 and "+i2s(nGreaterEqualZeroConstrains)+" greater than 0)");
1485 }
string i2s(const int &int_h) const
integer to string conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:219
int nVar
Definition: Opt.h:212
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
int nGreaterEqualZeroConstrains
Definition: Opt.h:216
map< string, endvar > vars
List of variables in the model and their domain: pr product, sec prod, all products or all products o...
Definition: Opt.h:203
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
int getDomainElements(int domain)
return the number of elements of a domain
Definition: Opt.cpp:1488
int nLowerEqualZeroConstrains
Definition: Opt.h:215
vector< constrain > cons
Definition: Opt.h:225
int nEqualityConstrains
Definition: Opt.h:214
Print an INFO message.
Definition: BaseClass.h:59
int nCons
Definition: Opt.h:213
void calculateSparsityPatternH ( )

Definition at line 1708 of file Opt.cpp.

1708  {
1710  unsigned int **hesspat=NULL; // compressed row storage
1711  int options_h=0; // options for the hessian patterns
1712  double *x;
1713  int retv_h = -1; // return value
1715  hesspat = new unsigned int* [(nVar+nCons+1)];
1716  x = new double[(nVar+nCons+1)];
1718  retv_h = hess_pat(tag_L,nVar+nCons+1, x, hesspat, options_h);
1720  for (int i=0;i<(nVar);i++) {
1721  for (int j=1;j<=hesspat[i][0];j++){
1722  if(hesspat[i][j]<=i){
1723  vector <int> nzhelement;
1724  nzhelement.push_back(i);
1725  nzhelement.push_back(hesspat[i][j]);
1726  nzhelements.push_back(nzhelement);
1727  }
1728  }
1729  }
1730 }
int nVar
Definition: Opt.h:212
#define tag_L
vector< vector< Index > > nzhelements
nzero elements for the hessian matrix
Definition: Opt.h:227
int nCons
Definition: Opt.h:213
void calculateSparsityPatternJ ( )

Definition at line 1680 of file Opt.cpp.

1680  {
1682  unsigned int **jacpat=NULL; // compressed row storage
1683  int options_j[3]; // options for the jacobian patterns
1684  double *x;
1685  int retv_j = -1; // return value
1687  options_j[0] = 0; // index domain propagation
1688  options_j[1] = 0; // automatic mode choice (ignored here)
1689  options_j[2] = 0; // safe
1690  jacpat = new unsigned int* [nCons];
1691  x = new double[nVar];
1693  nzjelements.clear();
1695  retv_j = jac_pat(tag_g, nCons, nVar, x, jacpat, options_j);
1697  for (int i=0;i<nCons;i++) {
1698  for (int j=1;j<=jacpat[i][0];j++){
1699  vector <int> nzjelement;
1700  nzjelement.push_back(i);
1701  nzjelement.push_back(jacpat[i][j]);
1702  nzjelements.push_back(nzjelement);
1703  }
1704  }
1705 }
#define tag_g
int nVar
Definition: Opt.h:212
vector< vector< Index > > nzjelements
nzero elements for the jacobian matrix. nzelements[i][0] -> row (constrain), nzelements[i][1] -> colu...
Definition: Opt.h:226
int nCons
Definition: Opt.h:213
void copyInventoryResourses ( )

Copy the inventoried resources in the in vector for better performances.

Opt::createCombinationsVector Return a vector containing any possible combination of nItems items (including all subsets).

For example with nItems = 3: 0: []; 1: [0]; 2: [1]; 3: [0,1]; 4: [2]; 5: [0,2]; 6: [1,2]; 7: [0,1,2]

nItemsnumber of items to create p
A vector with in each slot the items present in that specific combination subset.

Definition at line 1845 of file Opt.cpp.

1845  {
1846  // This function is not really needed, as actually the solver works also picking the region and the in dynamically
1847  // Caching the inventories in a vector should however be faster.
1848  // We now need it, as the vector inResByAnyCombination() account for the union between the inv set of the various pp. Also it now include the total mortality (alive plus death, if modelled)
1849  vector < vector < vector <double> > > in_temp;
1850  for (uint r1=0;r1<l2r.size();r1++){
1851  vector < vector <double> > dim1;
1852  for (uint r2=0;r2<l2r[r1].size();r2++){
1853  vector <double> dim2;
1854  ModelRegion* REG = MTHREAD->MD->getRegion(l2r[r1][r2]);
1855  for (uint p=0;p<priPrCombs.size();p++){
1856  double this_in = REG->inResByAnyCombination[p];
1857  dim2.push_back(this_in);
1858  }
1859  dim1.push_back(dim2);
1860  }
1861  in_temp.push_back(dim1);
1862  }
1863  ins = in_temp;
1864 }
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
ModelData * MD
the model data object
Definition: ThreadManager.h:72
vector< vector< int > > priPrCombs
A vector with all the possible combinations of primary products.
Definition: Opt.h:198
vector< vector< int > > l2r
Definition: Opt.h:197
vector< vector< vector< double > > > ins
A copy of the inventoried resourses by region and primary product combination. It works also with dyn...
Definition: Opt.h:199
vector< double > inResByAnyCombination
Vector of inventory resource for each possible combination of primary products. This store both alive...
Definition: ModelRegion.h:86
ModelRegion * getRegion(int regId_h)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:346
void debugPrintParameters ( )
void declareConstrains ( )

declare the constrains, their domain, their direction and their associated evaluation function

Declare the constrains and their properties. For the domain type

See also

Definition at line 84 of file Opt.cpp.

84  {
85  // domain of constrains variables
86  // for domain
87  constrain mkeq2;
88  mkeq2.name="mkeq2";
89  mkeq2.comment="[h1] Conservation of matters of transformed products";
90  mkeq2.domain=DOM_SEC_PR;
91  mkeq2.direction = CONSTR_EQ;
92  //mkeq2.evaluate = Opt::mkteq2f;
94  constrain mkeq3;
95  mkeq3.name="mkeq3";
96  mkeq3.comment="[h2] Conservation of matters of raw products";
97  mkeq3.domain=DOM_PRI_PR;
98  mkeq3.direction = CONSTR_EQ;
99  //mkeq3.evaluate = Opt::mkteq3f;
101  constrain mkeq4;
102  mkeq4.name="mkeq4";
103  mkeq4.comment="[eq 13] Leontief transformation function";
104  mkeq4.domain=DOM_PRI_PR;
105  mkeq4.direction = CONSTR_EQ;
107  constrain mkeq5;
108  mkeq5.name="mkeq5";
109  mkeq5.comment="[eq 21] Raw product supply function";
110  mkeq5.domain=DOM_PRI_PR;
111  mkeq5.direction = CONSTR_EQ;
113  constrain mkeq6;
114  mkeq6.name="mkeq6";
115  mkeq6.comment="[eq 20] Trasformed products demand function";
116  mkeq6.domain=DOM_SEC_PR;
117  mkeq6.direction = CONSTR_EQ;
119  constrain mkeq7;
120  mkeq7.name="mkeq7";
121  mkeq7.comment="[h7 and h3] Transformed products import function";
122  mkeq7.domain=DOM_SEC_PR;
123  mkeq7.direction = CONSTR_EQ;
125  constrain mkeq8;
126  mkeq8.name="mkeq8";
127  mkeq8.comment="[h8 and h4] Raw products export function";
128  mkeq8.domain=DOM_PRI_PR;
129  mkeq8.direction = CONSTR_EQ;
131  constrain mkeq13;
132  mkeq13.name="mkeq13";
133  mkeq13.comment="[h9] Calculation of the composite price of transformed products (PPC_Dp)";
134  mkeq13.domain=DOM_SEC_PR;
135  mkeq13.direction = CONSTR_EQ;
137  constrain mkeq14;
138  mkeq14.name="mkeq14";
139  mkeq14.comment="[h10] Calculation of the composite price of raw products (PPC_Sw)";
140  mkeq14.domain=DOM_PRI_PR;
141  mkeq14.direction = CONSTR_EQ;
143  constrain mkeq17;
144  mkeq17.name="mkeq17";
145  mkeq17.comment="[h16] Constrain of the transformaton supply (lower than the regional maximal production capacity)";
146  mkeq17.domain=DOM_SEC_PR;
147  mkeq17.direction = CONSTR_LE0;
150  constrain mkeq23;
151  mkeq23.name="mkeq23";
152  mkeq23.comment="[h3] Composit demand eq. (Dp)";
153  mkeq23.domain=DOM_SEC_PR;
154  mkeq23.direction = CONSTR_EQ;
156  constrain mkeq24;
157  mkeq24.name="mkeq24";
158  mkeq24.comment="[h4] Composite supply eq. (Sw)";
159  mkeq24.domain=DOM_PRI_PR;
160  mkeq24.direction = CONSTR_EQ;
162  constrain mkeq26;
163  mkeq26.name="mkeq26";
164  mkeq26.comment="[eq ] Verification of the null transport agents supply";
165  mkeq26.domain=DOM_R2_ALL_PR;
166  mkeq26.direction = CONSTR_LE0;
168  constrain mkeq25;
169  mkeq25.name="mkeq25";
170  mkeq25.comment="Verification of the null trasformers supply (price of raw product + trasf product > trasf product)";
171  mkeq25.domain=DOM_SEC_PR;
172  mkeq25.direction = CONSTR_GE0;
174  constrain mkeq18;
175  mkeq18.name="mkeq18";
176  mkeq18.comment="Constrain on raw material supply (lower than inventory)";
177  mkeq18.domain=DOM_PRI_PR;
178  mkeq18.direction = CONSTR_LE0;
180  constrain resbounds;
181  resbounds.name="resbounds";
182  resbounds.comment="Constrain on raw material supply (lower than inventory, for each possible combination of primary products)";
183  resbounds.domain=DOM_PRI_PR_ALLCOMBS;
184  resbounds.direction = CONSTR_LE0;
188  //constrain steq;
189  //steq.name="steq";
190  //steq.comment="computation of total supply";
191  //steq.domain=DOM_PRI_PR;
192  //steq.direction = CONSTR_EQ;
194  cons.push_back(mkeq2);
195  cons.push_back(mkeq6);
196  cons.push_back(mkeq7);
197  cons.push_back(mkeq13);
198  cons.push_back(mkeq23);
199  cons.push_back(mkeq3);
200  cons.push_back(mkeq4);
201  cons.push_back(mkeq5);
202  cons.push_back(mkeq8);
203  cons.push_back(mkeq14);
204  cons.push_back(mkeq24);
205  cons.push_back(mkeq17);
206  cons.push_back(mkeq26);
207  cons.push_back(mkeq25);
208  //cons.push_back(mkeq18);
209  cons.push_back(resbounds);
210  //cons.push_back(steq);
211 ;
215 }
int direction
Definition: Opt.h:275
string name
Definition: Opt.h:271
Primary products // domain of variables and constrains: primary, secondary, all products or all produ...
Definition: BaseClass.h:93
Definition: Opt.h:270
Secondary products.
Definition: BaseClass.h:94
vector< constrain > cons
Definition: Opt.h:225
All products over r2 couple regions (in-country commercial flows)
Definition: BaseClass.h:98
string comment
Definition: Opt.h:273
All possible combinations of primary products (2^ number of primary products)
Definition: BaseClass.h:100
int domain
Definition: Opt.h:274
void declareVariable ( const string &  name,
const int &  domain,
const string &  desc = "",
const double &  l_bound = 0.0,
const double &  u_bound = UBOUND_MAX,
const string &  l_bound_var = "",
const string &  u_bound_var = "" 

Declare a single variable, its domain and its bounds.

Opt::declareVariable Define a single variable together with its domain and optionally its lower and upper bound (default 0.0, +inf)

namevar name
domaindomain of the variable
l_boundlower bound (fixed)
u_boundupper bound (fixed)
l_bound_varvariable name defining lower bound
u_bound_varvariable name defining upper bound

Definition at line 1791 of file Opt.cpp.

1791  {
1792  endvar end_var;
1793  end_var.name = name;
1794  end_var.domain = domain;
1795  end_var.l_bound = l_bound;
1796  end_var.u_bound = u_bound;
1797  end_var.l_bound_var = l_bound_var;
1798  end_var.u_bound_var = u_bound_var;
1799  end_var.desc= desc;
1800  vars.insert(std::pair<std::string, endvar >(name, end_var));
1801 }
double l_bound
A fixed numerical lower bound for all the domain.
Definition: Opt.h:283
double u_bound
A fixed numerical upper bound for all the domain.
Definition: Opt.h:284
string desc
Description of the variable.
Definition: Opt.h:282
int domain
Definition: Opt.h:281
map< string, endvar > vars
List of variables in the model and their domain: pr product, sec prod, all products or all products o...
Definition: Opt.h:203
string u_bound_var
A variable giving the upper bound. If present, the value defined in the variable overrides u_bound...
Definition: Opt.h:286
Definition: Opt.h:279
string name
Definition: Opt.h:280
string l_bound_var
A variable giving the lower bound. If present, the value defined in the variable overrides l_bound...
Definition: Opt.h:285
void declareVariables ( )

declare the variables, their domains and their bounds

Definition at line 59 of file Opt.cpp.

59  {
60  // filling the list of variables and their domain and optionally their bonds
61  // if you add variables in the model that enter optimisation you'll have to add them here
62  // the underlying map goes automatically in alphabetical order
63  // original order: pc,pl,dc,dl,da,sc,sl,sa,exp
64  // 20140328: if these vars have a lower bound > 0 the model doesn't solve when volumes in a region go to zero !!!
66  // syntax: declareVariable("name", domainType, lbound[default=0], ubound[default= +inf], variable defining lower bounds[default=""], variable defining upper bound[default=""])
68  // all variables have upper or equal than zero bound:
69  declareVariable("da", DOM_SEC_PR, "Demand from abroad (imports)");
70  declareVariable("dc", DOM_SEC_PR, "Demand, composite");
71  declareVariable("dl", DOM_ALL_PR, "Demand from local");
72  declareVariable("pc", DOM_ALL_PR, "Price, composite");
73  declareVariable("pl", DOM_ALL_PR, "Price, local") ;
74  declareVariable("rt", DOM_R2_ALL_PR, "Regional trade"); //it was exp in gams
75  declareVariable("sa", DOM_PRI_PR, "Supply to abroad (exports)");
76  declareVariable("sc", DOM_PRI_PR, "Supply, composite");
77  declareVariable("sl", DOM_ALL_PR, "Supply to locals");
78  //declareVariable("st", DOM_PRI_PR, "Supply, total", 0.0,UBOUND_MAX,"","in");
79 }
Primary products // domain of variables and constrains: primary, secondary, all products or all produ...
Definition: BaseClass.h:93
Secondary products.
Definition: BaseClass.h:94
All products over r2 couple regions (in-country commercial flows)
Definition: BaseClass.h:98
All products (primary+secondary)
Definition: BaseClass.h:95
void declareVariable(const string &name, const int &domain, const string &desc="", const double &l_bound=0.0, const double &u_bound=UBOUND_MAX, const string &l_bound_var="", const string &u_bound_var="")
Declare a single variable, its domain and its bounds.
Definition: Opt.cpp:1791
bool eval_constraints ( Index  n,
const T *  x,
Index  m,
T *  g 

Template to compute contraints

Template function to implement (define) the previously declared constains. To the initial macro loop it must be passed the product vector over where to loop (priPr, secPr or allPr) and the order of the constrain has it has been added to the const vector. It could be possible to change this in a map and uses name, but then we would loose control on the constrains order, and we saw that it matters for finding the equilibrium.

Definition at line 311 of file Opt.cpp.

311  {
313  double a_pr, a, sigma, ff, pol_mktDirInt_s, pol_mktDirInt_d, pol_mktDirInt_d_pSubstituted, pol_mktDirInt_d_1, pol_mktDirInt_d_1_pSubstituted, gg, q1, p1v, t1, r1v, psi, eta, pworld, ct, k, dispor, mv, in, in_1, supCorr, es_d, pc_1, pc_pSubstituted, pc_1_pSubstituted, additionalDemand;
314  Index cix = 0;
315  Index debug = 0;
317  // mkteq2(i,p_tr).. RVAR('dl',i,p_tr)+sum(j,EXP(i,j,p_tr)) =e= RVAR('sl',i,p_tr)+ sum(b,EXP(b,i,p_tr)); // h1
318  CONSTRAIN_START_LOOP(secPr, 0) // attenction! you have to give the same order number as you inserted in the cons vector
319  //g[cix] = x[gix("dl",r1,r2,psec)]-x[gix("sl",r1,r2,psec)]+x[gix("da",r1,r2,p)];
320  g[cix] = x[gix("dl",r1,r2,psec)]-x[gix("sl",r1,r2,psec)];
321  for (uint r2To=0;r2To<l2r[r1].size();r2To++){
322  g[cix] += x[gix("rt",r1,r2,psec,r2To)]-x[gix("rt",r1,r2To,psec,r2)];
323  }
327  // mkteq6(i,p_tr).. RVAR('dc',i,p_tr) =e= GG(i,p_tr)*(RVAR('pc',i,p_tr)**sigma(p_tr)); // eq. 20 20160216: added sustitution elasticity in the demand
328  // DEMAND EQUATION of transformed products
330  gg = gpd("gg",l2r[r1][r2],secPr[p]);
331  sigma = gpd("sigma",l2r[r1][r2],secPr[p]);
332  pc_1 = gpd("pc",l2r[r1][r2],secPr[p],previousYear);
333  pol_mktDirInt_d = gpd("pol_mktDirInt_d",l2r[r1][r2],secPr[p]); // market policies (subs or taxes) this year
334  pol_mktDirInt_d_1 = gpd("pol_mktDirInt_d",l2r[r1][r2],secPr[p],previousYear); // market policies previous year
335  additionalDemand = gpd("additionalDemand",l2r[r1][r2],secPr[p]);
336  g[cix] = - gg*pow(x[gix("pc",r1,r2,psec)]*pol_mktDirInt_d,sigma); // note that putting 0.0 and 0.000 IS NOT the same thing. With 0.000 I have a seg fault in ADOL-C !!
337  vector<string> debug = secPr;
338  // Substitution part within forest producs (whose price is endogenous to the model)..
339  for (uint p2=0;p2<secPr.size();p2++){
340  es_d = gpd("es_d",l2r[r1][r2],secPr[p],DATA_NOW,secPr[p2]);
341  if(es_d){
342  pc_1_pSubstituted = gpd("pc",l2r[r1][r2],secPr[p2],previousYear);
343  pol_mktDirInt_d_pSubstituted = gpd("pol_mktDirInt_d",l2r[r1][r2],secPr[p2]); // market policies this year for the substitute product
344  pol_mktDirInt_d_1_pSubstituted = gpd("pol_mktDirInt_d",l2r[r1][r2],secPr[p2],previousYear); // market policies last year for the substitute product
346  g[cix] *= pow(
347  (
348  ((x[gix("pc",r1,r2,psec)]*pol_mktDirInt_d) / (x[gix("pc",r1,r2,priPr.size()+p2)]*pol_mktDirInt_d_pSubstituted))
349  /
350  ((pc_1*pol_mktDirInt_d_1) / (pc_1_pSubstituted*pol_mktDirInt_d_1_pSubstituted))
351  ), es_d
352  );
353  }
354  }
355  // Substitution part with other products with exogenous prices (e.g. fossilFuels)..
356  for (uint p3=0;p3<othPr.size();p3++){
357  es_d = gpd("es_d",l2r[r1][r2],secPr[p],DATA_NOW,othPr[p3]);
358  if(es_d){
359  pc_pSubstituted = gpd("pl",l2r[r1][r2],othPr[p3],DATA_NOW);
360  pc_1_pSubstituted = gpd("pl",l2r[r1][r2],othPr[p3],previousYear);
362  g[cix] *= pow(
363  (
364  (x[gix("pc",r1,r2,psec)]*pol_mktDirInt_d / pc_pSubstituted)
365  /
366  (pc_1*pol_mktDirInt_d_1 / pc_1_pSubstituted)
367  ), es_d
368  );
369  }
370  }
371  //g[cix] = x[gix("dc",r1,r2,p)]-gg*pow(x[gix("pc",r1,r2,psec)],sigma); // original without substitution elasticity
372  g[cix] += x[gix("dc",r1,r2,p)]-additionalDemand;
376  // mkteq7(i,p_tr).. RVAR('da',i,p_tr)/RVAR('dl',i,p_tr) =e= ((q1(i,p_tr)*RVAR('pl',i,p_tr))/(p1(i,p_tr)*PT_t(p_tr)))**psi(i,p_tr); // h7 and h3 ?
378  q1 = gpd("q1_polCorr",l2r[r1][r2],secPr[p]);
379  p1v = 1-q1;
380  psi = gpd("psi",l2r[r1][r2],secPr[p]);
381  pworld = gpd("pl", worldCodeLev2,secPr[p]);
382  g[cix] = x[gix("da",r1,r2,p)]/x[gix("dl",r1,r2,psec)] - pow((q1*x[gix("pl",r1,r2,psec)])/(p1v*pworld),psi);
385  // mkteq13(i,p_tr).. RVAR('pc',i,p_tr)*RVAR('dc',i,p_tr) =e= RVAR('dl',i,p_tr)*RVAR('pl',i,p_tr)+RVAR('da',i,p_tr)*PT_t(p_tr); // h9
387  pworld = gpd("pl", worldCodeLev2,secPr[p]);
388  g[cix] = x[gix("pc",r1,r2,psec)]*x[gix("dc",r1,r2,p)]-x[gix("dl",r1,r2,psec)]*x[gix("pl",r1,r2,psec)]-x[gix("da",r1,r2,p)]*pworld;
391  // mkteq23(i,p_tr).. RVAR('dc',i,p_tr) =e= (q1(i,p_tr)*(RVAR('da',i,p_tr)**((psi(i,p_tr)-1)/psi(i,p_tr)))+ p1(i,p_tr)*(RVAR('dl',i,p_tr)**((psi(i,p_tr)-1)/psi(i,p_tr))))**(psi(i,p_tr)/(psi(i,p_tr)-1)); // h3
393  q1 = gpd("q1_polCorr",l2r[r1][r2],secPr[p]);
394  psi = gpd("psi",l2r[r1][r2],secPr[p]);
395  p1v = 1-q1;
396  g[cix] = x[gix("dc",r1,r2,p)] -
397  pow(
398  q1 * pow(x[gix("da",r1,r2,p)],(psi-1)/psi)
399  + p1v * pow(x[gix("dl",r1,r2,psec)],(psi-1)/psi),
400  psi/(psi-1)
401  );
404  // mkteq3(i,p_pr).. RVAR('dl',i,p_pr)+sum(j,EXP(i,j,p_pr)) =e= RVAR('sl',i,p_pr)+ sum(b,EXP(b,i,p_pr))+sum(p_pr2, pres(p_pr2,p_pr)* RVAR('sl',i,p_pr2)); // h2
406  //g[cix] = x[gix("dl",r1,r2,p)]-x[gix("sl",r1,r2,p)]-x[gix("sa",r1,r2,p)];
407  g[cix] = x[gix("dl",r1,r2,p)]-x[gix("sl",r1,r2,p)];
408  for (uint r2To=0;r2To<l2r[r1].size();r2To++){
409  g[cix] += x[gix("rt",r1,r2,p,r2To)]-x[gix("rt",r1,r2To,p,r2)];
410  }
411  for (uint p2=0;p2<priPr.size();p2++){
412  a_pr = gpd("a_pr",l2r[r1][r2],priPr[p2],DATA_NOW,priPr[p]);
413  g[cix] -= a_pr*x[gix("sl",r1,r2,p2)];
414  }
417  //mkteq4(i,p_pr).. RVAR('dl',i,p_pr) =e= sum(p_tr, a(p_pr,p_tr)*(RVAR('sl',i,p_tr))); // eq. 13
419  g[cix] = x[gix("dl",r1,r2,p)];
420  for (uint p2=0;p2<secPr.size();p2++){
421  a = gpd("a",l2r[r1][r2],priPr[p],DATA_NOW,secPr[p2]);
422  g[cix] -= a*x[gix("sl",r1,r2,p2+nPriPr)];
423  }
427  // mkteq5(i,p_pr).. RVAR('sc',i,p_pr) =e= FF(i,p_pr)*(RVAR('pc',i,p_pr)**sigma(p_pr)); // eq. 21
432  ff = gpd("ff",l2r[r1][r2],priPr[p]);
433  pol_mktDirInt_s = gpd("pol_mktDirInt_s",l2r[r1][r2],priPr[p]);
434  sigma = gpd("sigma",l2r[r1][r2],priPr[p]);
436  // Added for carbon project ----------------------
437  double carbonPrice = gpd("carbonPrice",l2r[r1][r2],"",DATA_NOW); //using dummy region until Anto solves issue // Solved and generalised ;-)
438  double intRate = MTHREAD->MD->getDoubleSetting("ir");
439  double Pct = carbonPrice*intRate;
440  double omega = gpd("co2content_products", l2r[r1][r2], priPr[p])/1000; // Generalised
441  // ------------------------------------------------
443  g[cix] = x[gix("sc",r1,r2,p)]-ff*pow((x[gix("pc",r1,r2,p)]-omega*Pct)*pol_mktDirInt_s,sigma);
444  // -----------------------------------------------
446  //g[cix] = x[gix("sc",r1,r2,p)]-ff*pow(x[gix("pc",r1,r2,p)]*pol_mktDirInt_s,sigma);
450  // mkteq8(i,p_pr).. RVAR('sa',i,p_pr)/RVAR('sl',i,p_pr) =e= ((t1(i,p_pr)*RVAR('pl',i,p_pr))/(r1(i,p_pr)*PT_t(p_pr)))**eta(i,p_pr); // h8 and h4 ?
452  t1 = gpd("t1_polCorr",l2r[r1][r2],priPr[p]);
453  r1v = 1-t1;
454  eta = gpd("eta",l2r[r1][r2],priPr[p]);
455  pworld = gpd("pl", worldCodeLev2,priPr[p]);
456  g[cix] = x[gix("sa",r1,r2,p)]/x[gix("sl",r1,r2,p)] - pow((t1*x[gix("pl",r1,r2,p)])/(r1v*pworld),eta);
459  // mkteq14(i,p_pr).. RVAR('pc',i,p_pr)*RVAR('sc',i,p_pr) =e= RVAR('sl',i,p_pr)*RVAR('pl',i,p_pr)+RVAR('sa',i,p_pr)*PT_t(p_pr); // h10
461  pworld = gpd("pl", worldCodeLev2,priPr[p]);
462  g[cix] = x[gix("pc",r1,r2,p)]*x[gix("sc",r1,r2,p)]-x[gix("sl",r1,r2,p)]*x[gix("pl",r1,r2,p)]-x[gix("sa",r1,r2,p)]*pworld;
465  //mkteq24(i,p_pr).. RVAR('sc',i,p_pr) =e= (t1(i,p_pr)*(RVAR('sa',i,p_pr)**((eta(i,p_pr)-1)/eta(i,p_pr)))+ r1(i,p_pr)*(RVAR('sl',i,p_pr)**((eta(i,p_pr)-1)/eta(i,p_pr))))**(eta(i,p_pr)/(eta(i,p_pr)-1)); // h4
467  t1 = gpd("t1_polCorr",l2r[r1][r2],priPr[p]);
468  r1v = 1-t1;
469  eta = gpd("eta",l2r[r1][r2],priPr[p]);
470  g[cix] = x[gix("sc",r1,r2,p)] -
471  pow(
472  t1 * pow(x[gix("sa",r1,r2,p)],(eta-1)/eta)
473  + r1v * pow(x[gix("sl",r1,r2,p)],(eta-1)/eta),
474  eta/(eta-1)
475  );
478  // mkteq17(i,p_tr).. RVAR('sl',i,p_tr) =l= Kt(i,p_tr); // h16 in the presentation paper
480  k = gpd("k",l2r[r1][r2],secPr[p]);
481  g[cix] = x[gix("sl",r1,r2,p+nPriPr)]-k;
484  // mkeq26(i,prd,j).. RVAR('pl',j,prd)-RVAR('pl',i,prd)-CT(i,j,prd) =l= 0;
486  for (uint r2To=0;r2To<l2r[r1].size();r2To++){
487  cix = gix(12, r1, r2, p,r2To); // attenction we must redefine it, as we are now in a r2to loop
488  ct = (gpd("ct",l2r[r1][r2],allPr[p],DATA_NOW,i2s(l2r[r1][r2To])) * gpd("pol_tcSub",l2r[r1][r2],allPr[p])) ;
489  g[cix] = (x[gix("pl",r1,r2To,p)]-x[gix("pl",r1,r2,p)]-ct);
490  }
493  // mkteq25(i,p_tr).. sum(p_pr, a(p_pr,p_tr)*RVAR('pl',i,p_pr))+m(i,p_tr) =g= (RVAR('pl',i,p_tr)); // price of raw products + transf cost > trasf product
495  mv = (gpd("m",l2r[r1][r2],secPr[p]) * gpd("pol_trSub",l2r[r1][r2],secPr[p]));
496  g[cix] = mv - x[gix("pl",r1,r2,p+nPriPr)];
497  for (uint p2=0;p2<priPr.size();p2++){
498  a = gpd("a",l2r[r1][r2],priPr[p2],DATA_NOW,secPr[p]);
499  g[cix] += a * x[gix("pl",r1,r2,p2)];
500  }
503 // // mkteq18(i,p_pr).. RVAR('sa',i,p_pr)+RVAR('sl',i,p_pr) =l= dispor(i,p_pr); // total supply lower than the available stock
505 // in = gpd("in",l2r[r1][r2],priPr[p]);
506 // double d1 = gix("sa",r1,r2,p);
507 // double d2 = gix("sl",r1,r2,p);
508 // g[cix] = x[gix("sa",r1,r2,p)]+x[gix("sl",r1,r2,p)]-in;
511  // resbounds(i, p_pr_comb).. RVAR('sa',i,p_pr)+RVAR('sl',i,p_pr) =l= dispor(i,p_pr); // total supply lower than the available stock - FOR all combination subsets of ins
513  //ModelRegion* REG = MTHREAD->MD->getRegion(l2r[r1][r2]); // possibly slower
514  //in = REG->inResByAnyCombination[p];
515  in = ins[r1][r2][p];
516  //if(p==0){
517  // in = 1.0; // workaround to lead -1<0 rather than 0<0 for the first (empty) subset - notneeded
518  //}
519  g[cix] = -in;
520  for(uint i=0;i<priPrCombs[p].size();i++){
521  g[cix] += x[gix("sa",r1,r2,priPrCombs[p][i])]+x[gix("sl",r1,r2,priPrCombs[p][i])];
522  }
523  g[cix] -= overharvestingAllowance; //0.02 don't work always, expecially intermediate scnearios, 0.1 seems to work but produce a large artefact 20160219: made it a parameter
528  // g[cix] = x[gix("st",r1,r2,p)]-(x[gix("sl",r1,r2,p)]+x[gix("sa",r1,r2,p)]);
531  return true;
532 }
The required data is for the current year.
Definition: BaseClass.h:73
vector< string > priPr
Definition: Opt.h:193
#define CONSTRAIN_START_LOOP(pVector, cn)
Definition: Opt.cpp:40
string i2s(const int &int_h) const
integer to string conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:219
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
double overharvestingAllowance
Allows to harvest more than the resources available. Useful when resources got completelly exausted a...
Definition: Opt.h:222
vector< vector< int > > priPrCombs
A vector with all the possible combinations of primary products.
Definition: Opt.h:198
vector< vector< int > > l2r
Definition: Opt.h:197
vector< string > secPr
Definition: Opt.h:194
vector< vector< vector< double > > > ins
A copy of the inventoried resourses by region and primary product combination. It works also with dyn...
Definition: Opt.h:199
Definition: Opt.cpp:46
int nPriPr
Definition: Opt.h:206
const double gpd(const string &type_h, const int &regId_h, const string &prodId_h, const int &year=DATA_NOW, const string &freeDim_h="") const
Definition: Opt.h:168
const int gix(const string &varName, const int &r1Ix, const int &r2Ix, const int &prIx, const int &r2IxTo=0) const
Get the index in the concatenated array gived a certain var name, the reg lev1 index, the reg lev2 index and the prod. index.
Definition: Opt.cpp:1351
int worldCodeLev2
Definition: Opt.h:220
int previousYear
Definition: Opt.h:217
vector< string > othPr
Definition: Opt.h:196
vector< string > allPr
Definition: Opt.h:195
bool eval_f ( Index  n,
const Number *  x,
bool  new_x,
Number &  obj_value 

Original method from Ipopt to return the objective value remains unchanged

Definition at line 822 of file Opt.cpp.

822  {
823  eval_obj(n,x,obj_value);
825  return true;
826 }
bool eval_obj(Index n, const T *x, T &obj_value)
Definition: Opt.cpp:220
bool eval_g ( Index  n,
const Number *  x,
bool  new_x,
Index  m,
Number *  g 

Original method from Ipopt to return the constraint residuals remains unchanged

Definition at line 837 of file Opt.cpp.

837  {
839  eval_constraints(n,x,m,g);
841  return true;
842 }
bool eval_constraints(Index n, const T *x, Index m, T *g)
Definition: Opt.cpp:311
bool eval_grad_f ( Index  n,
const Number *  x,
bool  new_x,
Number *  grad_f 

Original method from Ipopt to return the gradient of the objective remains unchanged

Definition at line 829 of file Opt.cpp.

829  {
831  gradient(tag_f,n,x,grad_f);
833  return true;
834 }
#define tag_f
bool eval_h ( Index  n,
const Number *  x,
bool  new_x,
Number  obj_factor,
Index  m,
const Number *  lambda,
bool  new_lambda,
Index  nele_hess,
Index *  iRow,
Index *  jCol,
Number *  values 

Original method from Ipopt to return: 1) The structure of the hessian of the lagrangian (if "values" is NULL) 2) The values of the hessian of the lagrangian (if "values" is not NULL)remains unchanged

Definition at line 871 of file Opt.cpp.

872  {
874  //return false;
876  if (values == NULL) {
877  // return the structure. This is a symmetric matrix, fill the lower left
878  // triangle only.
880  for(Index idx=0; idx<nnz_L; idx++)
881  {
882  iRow[idx] = rind_L[idx];
883  jCol[idx] = cind_L[idx];
884  }
885  }
886  else {
887  // return the values. This is a symmetric matrix, fill the lower left
888  // triangle only
890  for(Index idx = 0; idx<n ; idx++)
891  x_lam[idx] = x[idx];
892  for(Index idx = 0; idx<m ; idx++)
893  x_lam[n+idx] = lambda[idx];
894  x_lam[n+m] = obj_factor;
896  sparse_hess(tag_L, n+m+1, 1, x_lam, &nnz_L_total, &rind_L_total, &cind_L_total, &hessval, options_L);
898  Index idx = 0;
899  for(Index idx_total = 0; idx_total <nnz_L_total ; idx_total++)
900  {
901  if((rind_L_total[idx_total] < (unsigned int) n) && (cind_L_total[idx_total] < (unsigned int) n))
902  {
903  values[idx] = hessval[idx_total];
904  idx++;
905  }
906  }
907  }
909  return true;
911  //return false;
912 }
unsigned int * cind_L
Definition: Opt.h:256
unsigned int * rind_L
Definition: Opt.h:255
unsigned int * rind_L_total
Definition: Opt.h:257
int nnz_L_total
Definition: Opt.h:261
#define tag_L
double * hessval
Definition: Opt.h:259
double * x_lam
Definition: Opt.h:248
unsigned int * cind_L_total
Definition: Opt.h:258
int options_L[4]
Definition: Opt.h:263
int nnz_L
Definition: Opt.h:261
bool eval_jac_g ( Index  n,
const Number *  x,
bool  new_x,
Index  m,
Index  nele_jac,
Index *  iRow,
Index *  jCol,
Number *  values 

Original method from Ipopt to return: 1) The structure of the jacobian (if "values" is NULL) 2) The values of the jacobian (if "values" is not NULL)remains unchanged

Definition at line 845 of file Opt.cpp.

846  {
847  if (values == NULL) {
848  // return the structure of the jacobian
850  for(Index idx=0; idx<nnz_jac; idx++)
851  {
852  iRow[idx] = rind_g[idx];
853  jCol[idx] = cind_g[idx];
854  }
855  }
856  else {
857  // return the values of the jacobian of the constraints
859  sparse_jac(tag_g, m, n, 1, x, &nnz_jac, &rind_g, &cind_g, &jacval, options_g);
861  for(Index idx=0; idx<nnz_jac; idx++)
862  {
863  values[idx] = jacval[idx];
865  }
866  }
867  return true;
868 }
#define tag_g
unsigned int * rind_g
Definition: Opt.h:252
int options_g[4]
Definition: Opt.h:262
int nnz_jac
Definition: Opt.h:260
double * jacval
Definition: Opt.h:254
unsigned int * cind_g
Definition: Opt.h:253
bool eval_obj ( Index  n,
const T *  x,
T &  obj_value 

Template to return the objective value

Define the objective function

Definition at line 220 of file Opt.cpp.

220  {
222  double aa, bb, dc0, sigma, a_pr, ct, m, zeromax,supCorr2;
223  obj_value = 0.;
224  zeromax = 0.;
226  for (uint r1=0;r1<l2r.size();r1++){
227  for (uint r2=0;r2<l2r[r1].size();r2++){
228  // // consumer's surplus..
229  // sum ((i,p_tr),
230  // AA(i,p_tr)*(RVAR('dc',i,p_tr)**((sigma(p_tr)+1)/sigma(p_tr)))
231  // - AA(i,p_tr)*((0.5*dc0(i,p_tr))**((sigma(p_tr)+1)/sigma(p_tr)))
232  // - RVAR('pc',i,p_tr)*RVAR('dc',i,p_tr)
233  // )
234  // 20161003: TODO: check if subsidies should enter also the obj function other than the bounds equations. For the moment, as agreed with Sylvain, they are left outside the obj function, but I am not sure of it.
235  // 20170306: Subsides (but not substitute products) added to the aa and bb parameters. They do not change anything.
236  // 20170307: obj_value does not account for the minus 0-5dc0 part anymore. It doesn't chang anything if not that the "reported" surplus is negative.
237  // The integral of a power function p=q^a with a < -1 (derived from an q=p^b function with b between 0 and -1) is negative ranging from -inf at q=0
238  // to 0- with q = +inf
239  for (uint p=0;p<secPr.size();p++){
240  aa = gpd("aa",l2r[r1][r2],secPr[p]);
241  sigma = gpd("sigma",l2r[r1][r2],secPr[p]);
242  dc0 = gpd("dc",l2r[r1][r2],secPr[p],secondYear);
243  //obj_value += aa*pow(mymax(zeromax,x[gix("dc",r1,r2,p)]),(sigma+1)/sigma)-aa*pow(mymax(zeromax,0.5*dc0),(sigma+1)/sigma)-x[gix("pc",r1,r2,p+nPriPr)]*x[gix("dc",r1,r2,p)];
244  obj_value += aa*pow(mymax(zeromax,x[gix("dc",r1,r2,p)]),(sigma+1)/sigma)-x[gix("pc",r1,r2,p+nPriPr)]*x[gix("dc",r1,r2,p)];
246  }
247  // // producers surplus..
248  // + sum((i,p_pr),
249  // RVAR('pc',i,p_pr)*RVAR('sc',i,p_pr)
250  // - BB(i,p_pr)*(RVAR('sc',i,p_pr)**((sigma(p_pr)+1)/sigma(p_pr)))
251  // )
252  for (uint p=0;p<priPr.size();p++){
253  bb = gpd("bb",l2r[r1][r2],priPr[p]);
254  sigma = gpd("sigma",l2r[r1][r2],priPr[p]);
255  //supCorr2 = gpd("supCorr2",l2r[r1][r2],priPr[p]);
256  obj_value += x[gix("pc",r1,r2,p)]*x[gix("sc",r1,r2,p)] - bb*pow(mymax(zeromax,x[gix("sc",r1,r2,p)]),((sigma+1)/sigma));
257  }
258  // // trasformations between primary products
259  // + sum ((i,p_pr,p_pr2),
260  // +RVAR('pc',i,p_pr2)*pres(p_pr,p_pr2)*RVAR('sc',i,p_pr)
261  // -BB(i,p_pr2)*(pres(p_pr,p_pr2)*RVAR('sc',i,p_pr))**((sigma(p_pr2)+1)/sigma(p_pr2))
262  // )
264  for (uint p1=0;p1<priPr.size();p1++){
265  for (uint p2=0;p2<priPr.size();p2++){
266  a_pr = gpd("a_pr",l2r[r1][r2],priPr[p1],DATA_NOW,priPr[p2]);
267  bb = gpd("bb",l2r[r1][r2],priPr[p2]);
268  sigma = gpd("sigma",l2r[r1][r2],priPr[p2]);
269  obj_value += x[gix("pc",r1,r2,p2)]*a_pr*x[gix("sc",r1,r2,p1)]-bb*pow(mymax(zeromax,a_pr*x[gix("sc",r1,r2,p1)]),(sigma+1)/sigma);
270  }
271  }
272  // // surplus of transport agents..
273  // + sum((i,j,prd), (RVAR('pl',j,prd)-RVAR('pl',i,prd)-CT(i,j,prd))*EXP(i,j,prd))
274  for (uint p=0;p<allPr.size();p++){
275  for (uint r2To=0;r2To<l2r[r1].size();r2To++){
276  ct = (gpd("ct",l2r[r1][r2],allPr[p],DATA_NOW,i2s(l2r[r1][r2To])) * gpd("pol_tcSub",l2r[r1][r2],allPr[p]));
277  obj_value += (x[gix("pl",r1,r2To,p)]-x[gix("pl",r1,r2,p)]-ct)*x[gix("rt",r1,r2,p,r2To)];
278  }
279  }
281  // // transformers surplus..
282  // + sum((i,p_tr), (RVAR('pl',i,p_tr)-m(i,p_tr))*(RVAR('sl',i,p_tr))) // attenction it's local. if we include w imports or p expports this have to change
283  for (uint p=0;p<secPr.size();p++){
284  m = (gpd("m",l2r[r1][r2],secPr[p]) * gpd("pol_trSub",l2r[r1][r2],secPr[p]));
285  obj_value += (x[gix("pl",r1,r2,p+nPriPr)]-m)*x[gix("sl",r1,r2,p+nPriPr)];
286  }
287  // - sum((i,p_pr), RVAR('pl',i,p_pr)*RVAR('dl',i,p_pr)) // to total and an other equation total=local+abroad should be added
288  for (uint p=0;p<priPr.size();p++){
289  obj_value -= x[gix("pl",r1,r2,p)]*x[gix("dl",r1,r2,p)];
290  }
291  } // end of each lev2 regions
293  } //end of each r1 regions
295  //obj_value = -obj_value; // we want maximisation, ipopt minimize! (donei n the options - scaling obj function)
297  //exit(0);
298  return true;
299  // checked 20120802 this function is ok with gams, both in input and in output of the preoptimisation stage
301 }
The required data is for the current year.
Definition: BaseClass.h:73
vector< string > priPr
Definition: Opt.h:193
string i2s(const int &int_h) const
integer to string conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:219
int secondYear
Definition: Opt.h:219
vector< vector< int > > l2r
Definition: Opt.h:197
vector< string > secPr
Definition: Opt.h:194
int nPriPr
Definition: Opt.h:206
const double gpd(const string &type_h, const int &regId_h, const string &prodId_h, const int &year=DATA_NOW, const string &freeDim_h="") const
Definition: Opt.h:168
const Number & mymax(const Number &a, const Number &b)
Definition: Opt.cpp:1749
const int gix(const string &varName, const int &r1Ix, const int &r2Ix, const int &prIx, const int &r2IxTo=0) const
Get the index in the concatenated array gived a certain var name, the reg lev1 index, the reg lev2 index and the prod. index.
Definition: Opt.cpp:1351
vector< string > allPr
Definition: Opt.h:195
void finalize_solution ( SolverReturn  status,
Index  n,
const Number *  x,
const Number *  z_L,
const Number *  z_U,
Index  m,
const Number *  g,
const Number *  lambda,
Number  obj_value,
const IpoptData *  ip_data,
IpoptCalculatedQuantities *  ip_cq 

This method is called when the algorithm is complete so the TNLP can store/write the solution

Definition at line 732 of file Opt.cpp.

735  {
737  printf("\n\nObjective value\n");
738  printf("f(x*) = %e\n", obj_value);
740  // --> here is where to code the assignment of optimal values to to spd()
742  VarMap::iterator viter;
744  // fixing the starting points for each variable at the level of the previous years
745  for (viter = vars.begin(); viter != vars.end(); ++viter) {
746  //string debugs = viter->first;
747  int vdomtype = viter->second.domain;
748  if(vdomtype==DOM_PRI_PR){
749  for(uint r1=0;r1<l2r.size();r1++){
750  for(uint r2=0;r2<l2r[r1].size();r2++){
751  for(uint p=0;p<priPr.size();p++){
752  spd(x[gix(viter->first,r1,r2,p)],viter->first,l2r[r1][r2],priPr[p]);
753  }
754  }
755  }
756  } else if (vdomtype==DOM_SEC_PR) {
757  for(uint r1=0;r1<l2r.size();r1++){
758  for(uint r2=0;r2<l2r[r1].size();r2++){
759  for(uint p=0;p<secPr.size();p++){
760  spd(x[gix(viter->first,r1,r2,p)],viter->first,l2r[r1][r2],secPr[p]);
762  }
763  }
764  }
765  } else if (vdomtype==DOM_ALL_PR) {
766  for(uint r1=0;r1<l2r.size();r1++){
767  for(uint r2=0;r2<l2r[r1].size();r2++){
768  for(uint p=0;p<allPr.size();p++){
769  spd(x[gix(viter->first,r1,r2,p)],viter->first,l2r[r1][r2],allPr[p]);
770  }
771  }
772  }
773  } else if (vdomtype==DOM_R2_ALL_PR) {
774  for(uint r1=0;r1<l2r.size();r1++){
775  for(uint r2=0;r2<l2r[r1].size();r2++){
776  for(uint p=0;p<allPr.size();p++){
777  for(uint r2To=0;r2To<l2r[r1].size();r2To++){
778  //if(x[gix(viter->first,r1,r2,p,r2To)] > 0){
779  // cout << l2r[r1][r2] << "\t" << allPr[p] << "\t" << l2r[r1][r2To] << "\t" << x[gix(viter->first,r1,r2,p,r2To)] << endl;
780  //}
781  spd(x[gix(viter->first,r1,r2,p,r2To)],viter->first,l2r[r1][r2],allPr[p],DATA_NOW,false,i2s(l2r[r1][r2To]));
782  }
783  }
784  }
785  }
786  } else {
787  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR,"Try to setting the solved value of a variable of unknow type ("+viter->first+")");
788  }
789  }
791  // memory deallocation of ADOL-C variables
792  delete[] x_lam;
794  free(rind_g);
795  free(cind_g);
797  delete[] rind_L;
798  delete[] cind_L;
800  free(rind_L_total);
801  free(cind_L_total);
802  free(jacval);
803  free(hessval);
805  for (int i=0;i<n+m+1;i++) {
806  free(HP_t[i]);
807  }
808  free(HP_t);
810 }
unsigned int * cind_L
Definition: Opt.h:256
The required data is for the current year.
Definition: BaseClass.h:73
unsigned int * rind_L
Definition: Opt.h:255
vector< string > priPr
Definition: Opt.h:193
unsigned int * rind_L_total
Definition: Opt.h:257
string i2s(const int &int_h) const
integer to string conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:219
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
vector< vector< int > > l2r
Definition: Opt.h:197
void spd(const double &value_h, const string &type_h, const int &regId_h, const string &prodId_h, const int &year=DATA_NOW, const bool &allowCreate=false, const string &freeDim_h="") const
Definition: Opt.h:170
Primary products // domain of variables and constrains: primary, secondary, all products or all produ...
Definition: BaseClass.h:93
unsigned int * rind_g
Definition: Opt.h:252
vector< string > secPr
Definition: Opt.h:194
map< string, endvar > vars
List of variables in the model and their domain: pr product, sec prod, all products or all products o...
Definition: Opt.h:203
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
unsigned int ** HP_t
Definition: Opt.h:251
Secondary products.
Definition: BaseClass.h:94
double * hessval
Definition: Opt.h:259
double * x_lam
Definition: Opt.h:248
double * jacval
Definition: Opt.h:254
unsigned int * cind_g
Definition: Opt.h:253
All products over r2 couple regions (in-country commercial flows)
Definition: BaseClass.h:98
unsigned int * cind_L_total
Definition: Opt.h:258
const int gix(const string &varName, const int &r1Ix, const int &r2Ix, const int &prIx, const int &r2IxTo=0) const
Get the index in the concatenated array gived a certain var name, the reg lev1 index, the reg lev2 index and the prod. index.
Definition: Opt.cpp:1351
All products (primary+secondary)
Definition: BaseClass.h:95
vector< string > allPr
Definition: Opt.h:195
const int gdt ( const string &  varName)

Get the domain type of a given variable.

Definition at line 1292 of file Opt.cpp.

1292  { // get domain type
1293  VarMap::const_iterator p;
1294  p=vars.find(varName);
1295  if(p != vars.end()) {
1296  return p->second.domain;
1297  }
1298  else {
1299  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "Asking the domain type of a variable ("+varName+") that doesn't exist!");
1300  return 0;
1301  }
1302 }
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
map< string, endvar > vars
List of variables in the model and their domain: pr product, sec prod, all products or all products o...
Definition: Opt.h:203
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
const int gdt ( const int &  cn)

Get the domain type of a given constrain.

Definition at line 1305 of file Opt.cpp.

1305  { // get domain type
1306  return cons.at(cn).domain;
1307 }
vector< constrain > cons
Definition: Opt.h:225
void generate_tapes ( Index  n,
Index  m,
Index &  nnz_jac_g,
Index &  nnz_h_lag 

Method to generate the required tapes

Copied from http://bocop.org/

test avec "<=" (avant on avait "<" : bug, acces memoire non allouee)

valgrind : invalid read

test avec "<=" (pour etre coherent avec la remarque ci dessus, mais pas de cas test, a verifier)



Definition at line 918 of file Opt.cpp.

918  {
919  /// Copied from http://bocop.org/
920  Number *xp = new double[n];
921  Number *lamp = new double[m];
922  Number *zl = new double[m];
923  Number *zu = new double[m];
925  adouble *xa = new adouble[n];
926  adouble *g = new adouble[m];
927  adouble *lam = new adouble[m];
928  adouble sig;
929  adouble obj_value;
931  double dummy;
932 // double *jacval;
934  int i,j,k,l,ii;
936  x_lam = new double[n+m+1];
938 // cout << " Avant get_start" << endl;
939  get_starting_point(n, 1, xp, 0, zl, zu, m, 0, lamp);
940 // cout << " Apres get_start" << endl;
942  //if(initOpt){ // that's funny, if I use this I get it slighly longer times, whatever I then use trace_off() or trace_off(1) (save to disk, seems unnecessary). If I use regenerated tapes I have also slighly inaccurate results.
943  trace_on(tag_f);
945  for(Index idx=0;idx<n;idx++)
946  xa[idx] <<= xp[idx];
948  eval_obj(n,xa,obj_value);
950  obj_value >>= dummy;
952  trace_off();
954  trace_on(tag_g);
956  for(Index idx=0;idx<n;idx++)
957  xa[idx] <<= xp[idx];
959  eval_constraints(n,xa,m,g);
962  for(Index idx=0;idx<m;idx++)
963  g[idx] >>= dummy;
965  trace_off();
967  trace_on(tag_L);
969  for(Index idx=0;idx<n;idx++)
970  xa[idx] <<= xp[idx];
971  for(Index idx=0;idx<m;idx++)
972  lam[idx] <<= 1.0;
973  sig <<= 1.0;
975  eval_obj(n,xa,obj_value);
977  obj_value *= sig;
978  eval_constraints(n,xa,m,g);
980  for(Index idx=0;idx<m;idx++)
981  obj_value += g[idx]*lam[idx];
983  obj_value >>= dummy;
985  trace_off();
986  //} // end of if initOpt()
990  rind_g = NULL;
991  cind_g = NULL;
993  options_g[0] = 0; /* sparsity pattern by index domains (default) */
994  options_g[1] = 0; /* safe mode (default) */
995  options_g[2] = -1; /* &jacval is not computed */
996  options_g[3] = 0; /* column compression (default) */
998  jacval=NULL;
1000  sparse_jac(tag_g, m, n, 0, xp, &nnz_jac, &rind_g, &cind_g, &jacval, options_g);
1002  options_g[2] = 0;
1003  nnz_jac_g = nnz_jac;
1005  unsigned int **JP_f=NULL; /* compressed block row storage */
1006  unsigned int **JP_g=NULL; /* compressed block row storage */
1007  unsigned int **HP_f=NULL; /* compressed block row storage */
1008  unsigned int **HP_g=NULL; /* compressed block row storage */
1009  unsigned int *HP_length=NULL; /* length of arrays */
1010  unsigned int *temp=NULL; /* help array */
1012  int ctrl_H;
1014  JP_f = (unsigned int **) malloc(sizeof(unsigned int*));
1015  JP_g = (unsigned int **) malloc(m*sizeof(unsigned int*));
1016  HP_f = (unsigned int **) malloc(n*sizeof(unsigned int*));
1017  HP_g = (unsigned int **) malloc(n*sizeof(unsigned int*));
1018  HP_t = (unsigned int **) malloc((n+m+1)*sizeof(unsigned int*));
1019  HP_length = (unsigned int *) malloc((n)*sizeof(unsigned int));
1020  ctrl_H = 0;
1022  hess_pat(tag_f, n, xp, HP_f, ctrl_H);
1024  indopro_forward_safe(tag_f, 1, n, xp, JP_f);
1025  indopro_forward_safe(tag_g, m, n, xp, JP_g);
1026  nonl_ind_forward_safe(tag_g, m, n, xp, HP_g);
1028  for (i=0;i<n;i++)
1029  {
1030  if (HP_f[i][0]+HP_g[i][0]!=0)
1031  {
1032  if (HP_f[i][0]==0) // number of non zeros in the i-th row
1033  {
1034  HP_t[i] = (unsigned int *) malloc((HP_g[i][0]+HPOFF)*sizeof(unsigned int));
1035  for(j=0;j<=(int) HP_g[i][0];j++)
1036  {
1037  HP_t[i][j] = HP_g[i][j];
1038  }
1039  HP_length[i] = HP_g[i][0]+HPOFF;
1040  }
1041  else
1042  {
1043  if (HP_g[i][0]==0) // number of non zeros in the i-th row
1044  {
1045  HP_t[i] = (unsigned int *) malloc((HP_f[i][0]+HPOFF)*sizeof(unsigned int));
1046  for(j=0;j<=(int) HP_f[i][0];j++)
1047  {
1048  HP_t[i][j] = HP_f[i][j];
1049  }
1050  HP_length[i] = HP_f[i][0]+HPOFF;
1051  }
1052  else
1053  {
1054  HP_t[i] = (unsigned int *) malloc((HP_f[i][0]+HP_g[i][0]+HPOFF)*sizeof(unsigned int));
1055  k = l = j = 1;
1056  while ((k<=(int) HP_f[i][0]) && (l <= (int) HP_g[i][0]))
1057  {
1058  if (HP_f[i][k] < HP_g[i][l])
1059  {
1060  HP_t[i][j]=HP_f[i][k];
1061  j++; k++;
1062  }
1063  else
1064  {
1065  if (HP_f[i][k] == HP_g[i][l])
1066  {
1067  HP_t[i][j]=HP_f[i][k];
1068  l++;j++;k++;
1069  }
1070  else
1071  {
1072  HP_t[i][j]=HP_g[i][l];
1073  j++;l++;
1074  }
1075  }
1076  } // end while
1078  // Fill the end of the vector if HP_g[i][0] < HP_f[i][0]
1079  for(ii=k;ii<=(int) HP_f[i][0];ii++)
1080  {
1081  HP_t[i][j] = HP_f[i][ii];
1082  j++;
1083  }
1085  // Fill the end of the vector if HP_f[i][0] < HP_g[i][0]
1086  for(ii=l;ii<=(int) HP_g[i][0];ii++)
1087  {
1088  HP_t[i][j] = HP_g[i][ii];
1089  j++;
1090  }
1092  }
1093  }
1094  HP_t[i][0]=j-1; // set the first element with the number of non zeros in the i-th line
1095  HP_length[i] = HP_f[i][0]+HP_g[i][0]+HPOFF; // length of the i-th line
1096  }
1097  else
1098  {
1099  HP_t[i] = (unsigned int *) malloc((HPOFF+1)*sizeof(unsigned int));
1100  HP_t[i][0]=0;
1101  HP_length[i]=HPOFF;
1102  }
1104 // if (i==(int)n-1)
1105 // {
1106 // cout << " DISPLAY FINAL TIME HP : " << endl;
1107 // for (ii=0;ii<=(int)HP_length[i];ii++)
1108 // cout << " -------> HP[last][" << ii << "] = " << HP_t[i][ii] << endl;
1109 // }
1110  }
1112 // cout << " Avant les boucles" << endl;
1113 // cout << " m = " << m << endl;
1115  for (i=0;i<m;i++)
1116  {
1117 // cout << i << " --> nnz JP_g = " << JP_g[i][0]+1 << " -- ";
1118  HP_t[n+i] = (unsigned int *) malloc((JP_g[i][0]+1)*sizeof(unsigned int));
1119  HP_t[n+i][0]=JP_g[i][0];
1121 // cout << HP_t[n+i][0] << endl;
1123  for(j=1;j<= (int) JP_g[i][0];j++)
1124  {
1125  HP_t[n+i][j]=JP_g[i][j];
1126 // cout << " ---------> " << HP_t[n+i][j] << endl;
1127 // cout << " --> HP_length[" << JP_g[i][j] << "] = " << HP_length[JP_g[i][j]] << " -- HP_t[" << JP_g[i][j] << "][0] = " << HP_t[JP_g[i][j]][0]+1 << endl;
1128  // We write the rows allocated in the previous "for" loop
1129  // If the memory allocated for the row is not big enough :
1130  if (HP_length[JP_g[i][j]] <= HP_t[JP_g[i][j]][0]+1) //! test avec "<=" (avant on avait "<" : bug, acces memoire non allouee)
1131  {
1132 // cout << " ---------> WARNING " << endl;
1133 // cout << " At index " << JP_g[i][j] << endl;
1136  // save a copy of existing vector elements :
1137  temp = (unsigned int *) malloc((HP_t[JP_g[i][j]][0]+1)*sizeof(unsigned int));
1138  for(l=0;l<=(int)HP_t[JP_g[i][j]][0];l++)
1139  {
1140  temp[l] = HP_t[JP_g[i][j]][l]; //! valgrind : invalid read
1141 // cout << " -------> l = " << l << " -- " << temp[l] << endl;
1142  }
1144 // cout << " -----------> DISPLAY " << endl;
1145 // for(l=0;l<=(int)HP_t[JP_g[i][j]][0];l++)
1146 // {
1147 // temp[l] = HP_t[JP_g[i][j]][l]; //! valgrind : invalid read & write
1148 // cout << " -------> HP[machin][" << l << "] = " << HP_t[JP_g[i][j]][l] << endl; //! valgrind : invalid read
1149 // }
1152  // Free existing row, and allocate more memory for it :
1153 // cout << " Avant free --> pointeur = " <<HP_t[JP_g[i][j]]<< endl;
1154  unsigned int machin = JP_g[i][j];
1155  free(HP_t[machin]); // !Problem double free or corruption
1156 // cout << " Apres free --> pointeur = " <<HP_t[JP_g[i][j]]<< endl;
1158  HP_t[JP_g[i][j]] = (unsigned int *) malloc(2*HP_length[JP_g[i][j]]*sizeof(unsigned int));
1159  HP_length[JP_g[i][j]] = 2*HP_length[JP_g[i][j]];
1161  // Put back the values in this bigger vector :
1162  for(l=0;l<=(int)temp[0];l++)
1163  HP_t[JP_g[i][j]][l] =temp[l];
1164  free(temp);
1166 // HP_t[JP_g[i][j]] = (unsigned int*) realloc (HP_t[JP_g[i][j]], 2*HP_length[JP_g[i][j]] * sizeof(unsigned int));
1167 // HP_length[JP_g[i][j]] = 2*HP_length[JP_g[i][j]];
1168  }
1169  HP_t[JP_g[i][j]][0] = HP_t[JP_g[i][j]][0]+1; // The size of the row is one greater than before
1170  HP_t[JP_g[i][j]][HP_t[JP_g[i][j]][0]] = i+n; // Now adding the element at the end //! valgrind : invalid write
1171  }
1172  }
1173 // cout << " Apres les boucles" << endl;
1175  for(j=1;j<= (int) JP_f[0][0];j++)
1176  {
1177  if (HP_length[JP_f[0][j]] <= HP_t[JP_f[0][j]][0]+1) //! test avec "<=" (pour etre coherent avec la remarque ci dessus, mais pas de cas test, a verifier)
1178  {
1179  temp = (unsigned int *) malloc((HP_t[JP_f[0][j]][0])*sizeof(unsigned int));
1180  for(l=0;l<=(int)HP_t[JP_f[0][j]][0];l++)
1181  temp[l] = HP_t[JP_f[0][j]][l];
1182  free(HP_t[JP_f[0][j]]);
1183  HP_t[JP_f[0][j]] = (unsigned int *) malloc(2*HP_length[JP_f[0][j]]*sizeof(unsigned int));
1184  HP_length[JP_f[0][j]] = 2*HP_length[JP_f[0][j]];
1185  for(l=0;l<=(int)temp[0];l++)
1186  HP_t[JP_f[0][j]][l] =temp[l];
1187  free(temp);
1188  }
1189  HP_t[JP_f[0][j]][0] = HP_t[JP_f[0][j]][0]+1;
1190  HP_t[JP_f[0][j]][HP_t[JP_f[0][j]][0]] = n+m;
1191  }
1193  HP_t[n+m] = (unsigned int *) malloc((JP_f[0][0]+2)*sizeof(unsigned int));
1194  HP_t[n+m][0]=JP_f[0][0]+1;
1195  for(j=1;j<= (int) JP_f[0][0];j++)
1196  HP_t[n+m][j]=JP_f[0][j];
1197  HP_t[n+m][JP_f[0][0]+1]=n+m;
1199  set_HP(tag_L,n+m+1,HP_t); // set sparsity pattern for the Hessian
1201  nnz_h_lag = 0;
1202  for (i=0;i<n;i++)
1203  {
1204  for (j=1;j<=(int) HP_t[i][0];j++)
1205  if ((int) HP_t[i][j] <= i)
1206  nnz_h_lag++;
1207  free(HP_f[i]);
1208  free(HP_g[i]);
1209  }
1210  nnz_L = nnz_h_lag;
1212  options_L[0] = 0;
1213  options_L[1] = 1;
1215  rind_L_total = NULL;
1216  cind_L_total = NULL;
1217  hessval = NULL;
1219  sparse_hess(tag_L, n+m+1, -1, xp, &nnz_L_total, &rind_L_total, &cind_L_total, &hessval, options_L);
1221  rind_L = new unsigned int[nnz_L];
1222  cind_L = new unsigned int[nnz_L];
1223  rind_L_total = (unsigned int*) malloc(nnz_L_total*sizeof(unsigned int)); //! test
1224  cind_L_total = (unsigned int*) malloc(nnz_L_total*sizeof(unsigned int)); //! test
1226  unsigned int ind = 0;
1228  for (int i=0;i<n;i++)
1229  for (unsigned int j=1;j<=HP_t[i][0];j++)
1230  {
1231  if (((int) HP_t[i][j]>=i) &&((int) HP_t[i][j]<n))
1232  {
1233  rind_L[ind] = i;
1234  cind_L[ind++] = HP_t[i][j];
1235  }
1236  }
1238  ind = 0;
1239  for (int i=0;i<n+m+1;i++)
1240  for (unsigned int j=1;j<=HP_t[i][0];j++)
1241  {
1242  if ((int) HP_t[i][j]>=i)
1243  {
1244  rind_L_total[ind] = i;
1245  cind_L_total[ind++] = HP_t[i][j];
1246  }
1247  }
1249  for (i=0;i<m;i++) {
1250  free(JP_g[i]);
1251  }
1253  free(JP_f[0]);
1254  free(JP_f);
1255  free(JP_g);
1256  free(HP_f);
1257  free(HP_g);
1258  free(HP_length);
1260  delete[] lam;
1261  delete[] g;
1262  delete[] xa;
1263  delete[] zu;
1264  delete[] zl;
1265  delete[] lamp;
1266  delete[] xp;
1268 }
#define tag_g
unsigned int * cind_L
Definition: Opt.h:256
unsigned int * rind_L
Definition: Opt.h:255
virtual bool get_starting_point(Index n, bool init_x, Number *x, bool init_z, Number *z_L, Number *z_U, Index m, bool init_lambda, Number *lambda)
Definition: Opt.cpp:664
unsigned int * rind_L_total
Definition: Opt.h:257
int nnz_L_total
Definition: Opt.h:261
#define tag_f
unsigned int * rind_g
Definition: Opt.h:252
int options_g[4]
Definition: Opt.h:262
#define tag_L
int nnz_jac
Definition: Opt.h:260
unsigned int ** HP_t
Definition: Opt.h:251
double * hessval
Definition: Opt.h:259
bool eval_obj(Index n, const T *x, T &obj_value)
Definition: Opt.cpp:220
double * x_lam
Definition: Opt.h:248
double * jacval
Definition: Opt.h:254
unsigned int * cind_g
Definition: Opt.h:253
bool eval_constraints(Index n, const T *x, Index m, T *g)
Definition: Opt.cpp:311
unsigned int * cind_L_total
Definition: Opt.h:258
int options_L[4]
Definition: Opt.h:263
#define HPOFF
Definition: Opt.h:38
int nnz_L
Definition: Opt.h:261
bool get_bounds_info ( Index  n,
Number *  x_l,
Number *  x_u,
Index  m,
Number *  g_l,
Number *  g_u 

Method to return the bounds for my problem

Definition at line 634 of file Opt.cpp.

634  {
636  // Set the bounds for the endogenous variables..
637  for (Index i=0; i<n; i++) {
638  x_l[i] = getBoundByIndex(LBOUND,i);
639  x_u[i] = getBoundByIndex(UBOUND,i);
640  }
642  // Set the bounds for the constraints..
643  for (Index i=0; i<m; i++) {
644  int direction = getConstrainDirectionByIndex(i);
645  switch (direction){
646  case CONSTR_EQ:
647  g_l[i] = 0.;
648  g_u[i] = 0.;
649  break;
650  case CONSTR_LE0:
651  g_l[i] = -2e19;
652  g_u[i] = 0.;
653  break;
654  case CONSTR_GE0:
655  g_l[i] = 0.;
656  g_u[i] = 2e19;
657  break;
658  }
659  }
660  return true;
661 }
double getBoundByIndex(const int &bound_type, const int &idx)
Return the bound of a given variable (by index)
Definition: Opt.cpp:1538
int getConstrainDirectionByIndex(int idx)
Return the direction of a given constrain.
Definition: Opt.cpp:1522
bool get_nlp_info ( Index &  n,
Index &  m,
Index &  nnz_jac_g,
Index &  nnz_h_lag,
IndexStyleEnum &  index_style 

Method to return some info about the nlp

Definition at line 551 of file Opt.cpp.

552  {
555  if(initOpt){
556  // does this initialisation code only once
557  priPr = MTHREAD->MD->getStringVectorSetting("priProducts");
558  secPr = MTHREAD->MD->getStringVectorSetting("secProducts");
559  othPr = MTHREAD->MD->getStringVectorSetting("othExogenousProducts");
560  allPr = priPr;
561  allPr.insert( allPr.end(), secPr.begin(), secPr.end() );
562  nPriPr = priPr.size();
563  nSecPr = secPr.size();
564  nAllPr = allPr.size();
565  nOthPr = othPr.size();
566  std::vector<int> l1regIds = MTHREAD->MD->getRegionIds(1, true);
567  nL2r = MTHREAD->MD->getRegionIds(2, true).size();
568  firstYear = MTHREAD->MD->getIntSetting("initialYear");
569  secondYear = firstYear+1;
570  worldCodeLev2 = MTHREAD->MD->getIntSetting("worldCodeLev2");
572  for(uint i=0;i<l1regIds.size();i++){
573  std::vector<int> l2ChildrenIds;
574  ModelRegion* l1Region = MTHREAD->MD->getRegion(l1regIds[i]);
575  std::vector<ModelRegion*> l2Childrens = l1Region->getChildren(true);
576  for(uint j=0;j<l2Childrens.size();j++){
577  l2ChildrenIds.push_back(l2Childrens[j]->getRegId());
578  }
579  if(l2ChildrenIds.size()){
580  l2r.push_back(l2ChildrenIds);
581  }
582  }
584  // Create a vector with all possible combinations of primary products
586  nPriPrCombs = priPrCombs.size();
588  // put the variables and their domain in the vars map
591  // declaring the contrains...
594  // calculate number of variables and constrains..
597  // cache initial positions (variables and constrains)..
600  // cache initial positions (variables and constrains)..
601  cachePositions();
603  //tempDebug();
605  //debugPrintParameters();
607  } // finish initialisation things to be done only the first year
609  previousYear = MTHREAD->SCD->getYear()-1; // this has to be done EVERY years !!
611  n = nVar; // 300; // nVar;
612  m = nCons; // 70; // nCons;
614  overharvestingAllowance = MTHREAD->MD->getDoubleSetting("overharvestingAllowance",DATA_NOW);
618  generate_tapes(n, m, nnz_jac_g, nnz_h_lag);
620  //if(initOpt){
621  // calculateSparsityPatternJ();
622  // calculateSparsityPatternH();
623  //tempDebug();
624  //}
626  // use the C style indexing (0-based)
627  index_style = C_STYLE;
629  initOpt=false;
630  return true;
631 }
The required data is for the current year.
Definition: BaseClass.h:73
void declareConstrains()
declare the constrains, their domain, their direction and their associated evaluation function ...
Definition: Opt.cpp:84
int getIntSetting(const string &name_h, int position=0, int reg=WORLD) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1105
vector< string > priPr
Definition: Opt.h:193
vector< vector< int > > createCombinationsVector(const int &nItems)
Return a vector containing any possible combination of nItems items (including any possible subset)...
Definition: ModelData.cpp:2055
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
ModelData * MD
the model data object
Definition: ThreadManager.h:72
double overharvestingAllowance
Allows to harvest more than the resources available. Useful when resources got completelly exausted a...
Definition: Opt.h:222
int nVar
Definition: Opt.h:212
vector< vector< int > > priPrCombs
A vector with all the possible combinations of primary products.
Definition: Opt.h:198
int secondYear
Definition: Opt.h:219
int nL2r
Definition: Opt.h:211
Scheduler * SCD
the scheduler object (simulation-loops scheduler)
Definition: ThreadManager.h:75
void declareVariables()
declare the variables, their domains and their bounds
Definition: Opt.cpp:59
vector< vector< int > > l2r
Definition: Opt.h:197
vector< string > getStringVectorSetting(const string &name_h, int reg=WORLD) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1129
vector< string > secPr
Definition: Opt.h:194
int nAllPr
Definition: Opt.h:210
int nOthPr
Definition: Opt.h:207
int firstYear
Definition: Opt.h:218
int getYear()
Definition: Scheduler.h:49
int nPriPr
Definition: Opt.h:206
int nPriPrCombs
Definition: Opt.h:208
void cachePositions()
cache the exact position index (initial+f(r1,r2,p,r2To) for each variable and constrain ...
Definition: Opt.cpp:1386
vector< int > getRegionIds(int level_h, bool excludeResidual=true)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:366
double getDoubleSetting(const string &name_h, int position=0, int reg=WORLD) const
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1109
vector< ModelRegion * > getChildren(bool excludeResidual=true)
Returns a pointer to the parent regions.
Definition: ModelRegion.cpp:55
int worldCodeLev2
Definition: Opt.h:220
int previousYear
Definition: Opt.h:217
int nCons
Definition: Opt.h:213
ModelRegion * getRegion(int regId_h)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:346
void copyInventoryResourses()
Copy the inventoried resources in the in vector for better performances.
Definition: Opt.cpp:1845
int nSecPr
Definition: Opt.h:209
vector< string > othPr
Definition: Opt.h:196
vector< string > allPr
Definition: Opt.h:195
bool initOpt
Definition: Opt.h:224
virtual void generate_tapes(Index n, Index m, Index &nnz_jac_g, Index &nnz_h_lag)
Definition: Opt.cpp:918
void calculateNumberVariablesConstrains()
calculate the number of variables and constrains
Definition: Opt.cpp:1455
void cacheInitialPosition()
cache the initial positions of the variables and the constrains
Definition: Opt.cpp:1370

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool get_starting_point ( Index  n,
bool  init_x,
Number *  x,
bool  init_z,
Number *  z_L,
Number *  z_U,
Index  m,
bool  init_lambda,
Number *  lambda 

Method to return the starting point for the algorithm

Definition at line 664 of file Opt.cpp.

665  {
667  // function checked on 20120724 on a subset of 3 regions and 4 products. All variables initial values are correctly those outputed by gams in 2006.
668  //int thisYear = MTHREAD->SCD->getYear();
669  //int initialOptYear = MTHREAD->MD->getIntSetting("initialOptYear");
670  //if(thisYear != initialOptYear) return true;
672  //msgOut(MSG_DEBUG,"Giving optimising variables previous years value as starting point");
673  // Here, we assume we only have starting values for x, if you code
674  // your own NLP, you can provide starting values for the others if
675  // you wish.
676  assert(init_x == true);
677  assert(init_z == false);
678  assert(init_lambda == false);
680  VarMap::iterator viter;
682  // fixing the starting points for each variable at the level of the previous years
683  for (viter = vars.begin(); viter != vars.end(); ++viter) {
684  //string debugs = viter->first;
685  int vdomtype = viter->second.domain;
686  if(vdomtype==DOM_PRI_PR){
687  for(uint r1=0;r1<l2r.size();r1++){
688  for(uint r2=0;r2<l2r[r1].size();r2++){
689  for(uint p=0;p<priPr.size();p++){
690  x[gix(viter->first,r1,r2,p)]= gpd(viter->first,l2r[r1][r2],priPr[p],previousYear);
691  }
692  }
693  }
694  } else if (vdomtype==DOM_SEC_PR) {
695  for(uint r1=0;r1<l2r.size();r1++){
696  for(uint r2=0;r2<l2r[r1].size();r2++){
697  for(uint p=0;p<secPr.size();p++){
698  x[gix(viter->first,r1,r2,p)]= gpd(viter->first,l2r[r1][r2],secPr[p],previousYear);
699  }
700  }
701  }
702  } else if (vdomtype==DOM_ALL_PR) {
703  for(uint r1=0;r1<l2r.size();r1++){
704  for(uint r2=0;r2<l2r[r1].size();r2++){
705  for(uint p=0;p<allPr.size();p++){
706  x[gix(viter->first,r1,r2,p)]= gpd(viter->first,l2r[r1][r2],allPr[p],previousYear);
707  }
708  }
709  }
710  } else if (vdomtype==DOM_R2_ALL_PR) {
711  for(uint r1=0;r1<l2r.size();r1++){
712  for(uint r2=0;r2<l2r[r1].size();r2++){
713  for(uint p=0;p<allPr.size();p++){
714  for(uint r2To=0;r2To<l2r[r1].size();r2To++){
715  x[gix(viter->first,r1,r2,p,r2To)]= gpd(viter->first,l2r[r1][r2],allPr[p],previousYear,i2s(l2r[r1][r2To]));
716  }
717  }
718  }
719  }
720  } else {
721  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR,"Try to setting the initial value of a variable of unknow type ("+viter->first+")");
722  }
723  }
725  //msgOut(MSG_DEBUG,"Finisced initial value assignments");
727  return true;
728 }
vector< string > priPr
Definition: Opt.h:193
string i2s(const int &int_h) const
integer to string conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:219
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
vector< vector< int > > l2r
Definition: Opt.h:197
Primary products // domain of variables and constrains: primary, secondary, all products or all produ...
Definition: BaseClass.h:93
vector< string > secPr
Definition: Opt.h:194
map< string, endvar > vars
List of variables in the model and their domain: pr product, sec prod, all products or all products o...
Definition: Opt.h:203
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
Secondary products.
Definition: BaseClass.h:94
All products over r2 couple regions (in-country commercial flows)
Definition: BaseClass.h:98
const double gpd(const string &type_h, const int &regId_h, const string &prodId_h, const int &year=DATA_NOW, const string &freeDim_h="") const
Definition: Opt.h:168
const int gix(const string &varName, const int &r1Ix, const int &r2Ix, const int &prIx, const int &r2IxTo=0) const
Get the index in the concatenated array gived a certain var name, the reg lev1 index, the reg lev2 index and the prod. index.
Definition: Opt.cpp:1351
int previousYear
Definition: Opt.h:217
All products (primary+secondary)
Definition: BaseClass.h:95
vector< string > allPr
Definition: Opt.h:195
double getBoundByIndex ( const int &  bound_type,
const int &  idx 

Return the bound of a given variable (by index)

Definition at line 1538 of file Opt.cpp.

1538  {
1540  map <int, string>::const_iterator p;
1541  p=initPos_rev.upper_bound(idx);
1542  p--;
1543  VarMap::const_iterator p2;
1544  p2=vars.find(p->second);
1545  if(p2 != vars.end()) {
1546  if (bound_type==LBOUND){
1547  if (p2->second.l_bound_var == ""){ // this var don't specific a variable as bound
1548  return p2->second.l_bound;
1549  } else {
1550  return getDetailedBoundByVarAndIndex(p2->second,idx,LBOUND);
1551  }
1552  } else if (bound_type==UBOUND){
1553  if (p2->second.u_bound_var == ""){ // this var don't specific a variable as bound
1554  return p2->second.u_bound;
1555  } else {
1556  return getDetailedBoundByVarAndIndex(p2->second,idx,UBOUND);
1557  }
1558  } else {
1559  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "Asking the bound with a type ("+i2s(bound_type)+") that I don't know how to handle !");
1560  }
1561  }
1562  else {
1563  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "Asking the bound from a variable ("+p->second+") that doesn't exist!");
1564  }
1565  return 0.;
1566 }
double getDetailedBoundByVarAndIndex(const endvar &var, const int &idx, const int &bType)
Return the bound of a given variable given the variable and the required index. Called by getBoundByI...
Definition: Opt.cpp:1569
string i2s(const int &int_h) const
integer to string conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:219
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
map< string, endvar > vars
List of variables in the model and their domain: pr product, sec prod, all products or all products o...
Definition: Opt.h:203
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
map< int, string > initPos_rev
A map with the name of the variable keyed by its initial position in the index.
Definition: Opt.h:201
int getConNumber ( constrain con)

Return the position in the cons vector.

Definition at line 1666 of file Opt.cpp.

1666  {
1667  for(uint i=0;i<cons.size();i++){
1668  if( cons[i].name == con->name
1669  && cons[i].comment == con->comment
1670  && cons[i].domain == con->domain
1671  && cons[i].direction == con->direction){
1672  return i;
1673  }
1674  }
1675  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR,"Constrain didn't found in list.");
1676 }
int direction
Definition: Opt.h:275
string name
Definition: Opt.h:271
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
vector< constrain > cons
Definition: Opt.h:225
string comment
Definition: Opt.h:273
int domain
Definition: Opt.h:274
constrain * getConstrainByIndex ( int  idx)

Definition at line 1592 of file Opt.cpp.

1592  {
1593  for(uint i=0;i<cons.size();i++){
1594  if(i!=cons.size()-1){
1595  if (idx >= gip(i) && idx < gip(i+1)){
1596  return &cons[i];
1597  }
1598  } else {
1599  if (idx >= gip(i) && idx < nCons){
1600  return &cons[i];
1601  }
1602  }
1603  }
1604  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "Asking contrain direction for an out of range contrain index!");
1605 }
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
const int gip(const string &varName) const
Get the initial index position of a given variable in the concatenated array.
Definition: Opt.cpp:1274
vector< constrain > cons
Definition: Opt.h:225
int nCons
Definition: Opt.h:213
int getConstrainDirectionByIndex ( int  idx)

Return the direction of a given constrain.

Definition at line 1522 of file Opt.cpp.

1522  {
1523  for(uint i=0;i<cons.size();i++){
1524  if(i!=cons.size()-1){
1525  if (idx >= gip(i) && idx < gip(i+1)){
1526  return cons[i].direction;
1527  }
1528  } else {
1529  if (idx >= gip(i) && idx < nCons){
1530  return cons[i].direction;
1531  }
1532  }
1533  }
1534  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "Asking contrain direction for an out of range contrain index!");
1535 }
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
const int gip(const string &varName) const
Get the initial index position of a given variable in the concatenated array.
Definition: Opt.cpp:1274
vector< constrain > cons
Definition: Opt.h:225
int nCons
Definition: Opt.h:213
double getDetailedBoundByVarAndIndex ( const endvar var,
const int &  idx,
const int &  bType 

Return the bound of a given variable given the variable and the required index. Called by getBoundByIndex().

Definition at line 1569 of file Opt.cpp.

1569  {
1570  // Tested 2015.01.08 with DOM_ALL_PR, DOM_PRI_PR, DOM_ALL_PR, DOM_R2_ALL_PR.
1571  int r1,r2,p,r2to;
1572  unpack(idx,var.domain,gip(var.name),r1,r2,p,r2to,true);
1573  //cout << "getBoundByVarAndIndex():\t" << var.name << '\t' << idx << '\t' << gip(var.name) << '\t' << r1 << '\t' << r2 << '\t' << p << '\t' << r2to << endl;
1574  //cout << " --variables:\t" << var.l_bound_var << '\t' << var.u_bound_var << '\t' << "" << '\t' << l2r[r1][r2] << '\t' << "" << '\t' << allPr[p] << '\t' << l2r[r1][r2to] << endl;
1575  if(bType==LBOUND){
1576  if(r2to){
1577  return gpd(var.l_bound_var,l2r[r1][r2],allPr[p],DATA_NOW,i2s(l2r[r1][r2to]));
1578  } else {
1579  return gpd(var.l_bound_var,l2r[r1][r2],allPr[p],DATA_NOW,i2s(l2r[r1][r2to]));
1580  }
1581  } else {
1582  if(r2to){
1583  return gpd(var.u_bound_var,l2r[r1][r2],allPr[p]);
1584  } else {
1585  //cout << gpd(var.u_bound_var,l2r[r1][r2],allPr[p]) << endl;
1586  return gpd(var.u_bound_var,l2r[r1][r2],allPr[p]);
1587  }
1588  }
1589 }
The required data is for the current year.
Definition: BaseClass.h:73
string i2s(const int &int_h) const
integer to string conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:219
vector< vector< int > > l2r
Definition: Opt.h:197
int domain
Definition: Opt.h:281
void unpack(int ix_h, int domain, int initial, int &r1_h, int &r2_h, int &p_h, int &r2to_h, bool fullp=false)
Return the dimensions given a certain index, domain type and initial position.
Definition: Opt.cpp:1609
const int gip(const string &varName) const
Get the initial index position of a given variable in the concatenated array.
Definition: Opt.cpp:1274
string u_bound_var
A variable giving the upper bound. If present, the value defined in the variable overrides u_bound...
Definition: Opt.h:286
const double gpd(const string &type_h, const int &regId_h, const string &prodId_h, const int &year=DATA_NOW, const string &freeDim_h="") const
Definition: Opt.h:168
string name
Definition: Opt.h:280
string l_bound_var
A variable giving the lower bound. If present, the value defined in the variable overrides l_bound...
Definition: Opt.h:285
vector< string > allPr
Definition: Opt.h:195
int getDomainElements ( int  domain)

return the number of elements of a domain

Definition at line 1488 of file Opt.cpp.

1488  {
1489  int elements = 0;
1490  switch (domain){
1491  case DOM_PRI_PR:
1492  return nL2r*nPriPr;
1493  case DOM_SEC_PR:
1494  return nL2r*nSecPr;
1495  case DOM_ALL_PR:
1496  return nL2r*nAllPr;
1497  case DOM_R2_PRI_PR:
1498  for(uint r1=0;r1<l2r.size();r1++){
1499  elements += l2r[r1].size()*l2r[r1].size()*nPriPr; // EXP(i,j,p_pr)
1500  }
1501  return elements;
1502  case DOM_R2_SEC_PR:
1503  for(uint r1=0;r1<l2r.size();r1++){
1504  elements += l2r[r1].size()*l2r[r1].size()*nSecPr; // EXP(i,j,p_tr)
1505  }
1506  return elements;
1507  case DOM_R2_ALL_PR:
1508  for(uint r1=0;r1<l2r.size();r1++){
1509  elements += l2r[r1].size()*l2r[r1].size()*nAllPr; // EXP(i,j,prd)
1510  }
1511  return elements;
1512  case DOM_SCALAR:
1513  return 1;
1515  return nL2r*nPriPrCombs;
1516  default:
1517  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "Asking for an unknown domain type ("+i2s(domain)+")");
1518  }
1519 }
string i2s(const int &int_h) const
integer to string conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:219
int nL2r
Definition: Opt.h:211
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
vector< vector< int > > l2r
Definition: Opt.h:197
Primary products // domain of variables and constrains: primary, secondary, all products or all produ...
Definition: BaseClass.h:93
int nAllPr
Definition: Opt.h:210
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
Secondary products over r2 couple regions (in-country commercial flows)
Definition: BaseClass.h:97
Secondary products.
Definition: BaseClass.h:94
int nPriPr
Definition: Opt.h:206
Primary products over r2 couple regions (in-country commercial flows)
Definition: BaseClass.h:96
int nPriPrCombs
Definition: Opt.h:208
Scalar variable (not used)
Definition: BaseClass.h:99
All products over r2 couple regions (in-country commercial flows)
Definition: BaseClass.h:98
All possible combinations of primary products (2^ number of primary products)
Definition: BaseClass.h:100
All products (primary+secondary)
Definition: BaseClass.h:95
int nSecPr
Definition: Opt.h:209
int getVarInstances ( const string &  varName)

build the matrix of the positions for a given variable or contrain

return the number of instances of a variable, given his domain type

Definition at line 1768 of file Opt.cpp.

1768  {
1769  return getDomainElements(gdt(varName));
1770 }
const int gdt(const string &varName)
Get the domain type of a given variable.
Definition: Opt.cpp:1292
int getDomainElements(int domain)
return the number of elements of a domain
Definition: Opt.cpp:1488
const double gfd ( const string &  type_h,
const int &  regId_h,
const string &  forType_h,
const string &  diamClass_h,
const int &  year = DATA_NOW 
) const

Definition at line 169 of file Opt.h.

169 {return MTHREAD->MD->getForData(type_h, regId_h, forType_h, diamClass_h, year);};
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
ModelData * MD
the model data object
Definition: ThreadManager.h:72
const double getForData(const string &type_h, const int &regId_h, const string &forType_h, const string &freeDim_h, const int &year=DATA_NOW)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1281
const int gip ( const string &  varName) const

Get the initial index position of a given variable in the concatenated array.

Definition at line 1274 of file Opt.cpp.

1274  { // get initial position
1275  map<string, int>::const_iterator p;
1276  p=initPos.find(varName);
1277  if(p != initPos.end()) {
1278  return p->second;
1279  }
1280  else {
1281  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "Asking the initial position in the concatenated array of a variable ("+varName+") that doesn't exist!");
1282  return 0;
1283  }
1284 }
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
map< string, int > initPos
A map that returns the initial index position in the concatenated array for each variable.
Definition: Opt.h:200
const int gip ( const int &  cn) const

Return the initial index position of a certain constrain.

Definition at line 1287 of file Opt.cpp.

1287  { // get initial position
1288  return cInitPos.at(cn);
1289 }
vector< int > cInitPos
A vector that returns the initial index position in the concatenated array for each constrain...
Definition: Opt.h:202
const int gix ( const string &  varName,
const int &  r1Ix,
const int &  r2Ix,
const int &  prIx,
const int &  r2IxTo = 0 
) const

Get the index in the concatenated array gived a certain var name, the reg lev1 index, the reg lev2 index and the prod. index.

Definition at line 1351 of file Opt.cpp.

1351  {
1352  // attenction, for computational reasons we are not checking the call is within vectors limits!!!
1353  map <string, vector < vector < vector < vector <int> > > > >::const_iterator p;
1354  p=vpositions.find(varName);
1355  if(p != vpositions.end()) {
1356  return p->second[r1Ix][r2Ix][prIx][r2IxTo];
1357  }
1358  else {
1359  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "Asking the position of a variable ("+varName+") that doesn't exist!");
1360  return 0;
1361  }
1362 }
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
map< string, vector< vector< vector< vector< int > > > > > vpositions
cached position in the concatenated vector for each variables. Dimensions are l1reg, l2reg, prod, (l2To region).
Definition: Opt.h:204
const int gix ( const int &  cn,
const int &  r1Ix,
const int &  r2Ix,
const int &  prIx,
const int &  r2IxTo = 0 
) const

Get the index in the concatenated array gived a certain constrain, the reg lev1 index, the reg lev2 index and the prod. index.

Definition at line 1365 of file Opt.cpp.

1365  {
1366  return cpositions[cn][r1Ix][r2Ix][prIx][r2IxTo];
1367 }
vector< vector< vector< vector< vector< int > > > > > cpositions
cached position in the concatenated vector for each variables. Dimensions are contrain number...
Definition: Opt.h:205
const int gix_uncached ( const T &  v_or_c,
int  r1Ix,
int  r2Ix,
int  prIx,
int  r2IxTo = 0 

Get the index in the concatenated array gived a certain var name (string) or constrain index (int), the reg lev1 index, the reg lev2 index and the prod. index.

Definition at line 1310 of file Opt.cpp.

1310  {
1312  // attenction, for computational reason we are not checking the call is within vectors limits!!!
1314  int dType = gdt(v_or_c);
1315  int othCountriesRegions = 0;
1316  int othCountriesRegions_r2case = 0;
1317  for (uint i=0;i<r1Ix;i++){
1318  othCountriesRegions += l2r[i].size();
1319  }
1320  for (uint i=0;i<r1Ix;i++){
1321  othCountriesRegions_r2case +=l2r[i].size()*l2r[i].size();
1322  }
1324  switch (dType){
1325  case DOM_PRI_PR:
1326  return gip(v_or_c)+(othCountriesRegions+r2Ix)*nPriPr+prIx;
1327  case DOM_SEC_PR:
1328  return gip(v_or_c)+(othCountriesRegions+r2Ix)*nSecPr+prIx;;
1329  case DOM_ALL_PR:
1330  return gip(v_or_c)+(othCountriesRegions+r2Ix)*nAllPr+prIx;
1331  case DOM_R2_PRI_PR:
1332  return gip(v_or_c)+(othCountriesRegions_r2case)*nAllPr+(r2Ix*nPriPr+prIx)*l2r[r1Ix].size()+r2IxTo;
1333  case DOM_R2_SEC_PR:
1334  return gip(v_or_c)+(othCountriesRegions_r2case)*nAllPr+(r2Ix*nSecPr+prIx)*l2r[r1Ix].size()+r2IxTo;
1335  case DOM_R2_ALL_PR:
1336  return gip(v_or_c)+(othCountriesRegions_r2case)*nAllPr+(r2Ix*nAllPr+prIx)*l2r[r1Ix].size()+r2IxTo; // new 20120814, looping r1,r2,p,r2to
1337  // initial position + (other countries region pairs + same country other regions from pair + regions to)* number of all products+product
1338  //return gip(v_or_c)+(othCountriesRegions_r2case+r2Ix*l2r[r1Ix].size()+r2IxTo)*nAllPr+prIx; // looping r1,r2,r2to,p
1339  case DOM_SCALAR:
1340  return gip(v_or_c);
1342  return gip(v_or_c)+(othCountriesRegions+r2Ix)*nPriPrCombs+prIx;
1343  default:
1344  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR,"Try to calculate the position of a variable (or constrain) of unknow type.");
1345  return 0;
1346  }
1347 }
const int gdt(const string &varName)
Get the domain type of a given variable.
Definition: Opt.cpp:1292
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
vector< vector< int > > l2r
Definition: Opt.h:197
Primary products // domain of variables and constrains: primary, secondary, all products or all produ...
Definition: BaseClass.h:93
int nAllPr
Definition: Opt.h:210
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
const int gip(const string &varName) const
Get the initial index position of a given variable in the concatenated array.
Definition: Opt.cpp:1274
Secondary products over r2 couple regions (in-country commercial flows)
Definition: BaseClass.h:97
Secondary products.
Definition: BaseClass.h:94
int nPriPr
Definition: Opt.h:206
Primary products over r2 couple regions (in-country commercial flows)
Definition: BaseClass.h:96
int nPriPrCombs
Definition: Opt.h:208
Scalar variable (not used)
Definition: BaseClass.h:99
All products over r2 couple regions (in-country commercial flows)
Definition: BaseClass.h:98
All possible combinations of primary products (2^ number of primary products)
Definition: BaseClass.h:100
All products (primary+secondary)
Definition: BaseClass.h:95
int nSecPr
Definition: Opt.h:209
const double gpd ( const string &  type_h,
const int &  regId_h,
const string &  prodId_h,
const int &  year = DATA_NOW,
const string &  freeDim_h = "" 
) const

Definition at line 168 of file Opt.h.

168 {return MTHREAD->MD->getProdData(type_h, regId_h, prodId_h, year, freeDim_h);};
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
ModelData * MD
the model data object
Definition: ThreadManager.h:72
const double getProdData(const string &type_h, const int &regId_h, const string &prodId_h, const int &year=DATA_NOW, const string &freeDim_h="")
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1216
bool intermediate_callback ( AlgorithmMode  mode,
Index  iter,
Number  obj_value,
Number  inf_pr,
Number  inf_du,
Number  mu,
Number  d_norm,
Number  regularization_size,
Number  alpha_du,
Number  alpha_pr,
Index  ls_trials,
const IpoptData *  ip_data,
IpoptCalculatedQuantities *  ip_cq 

Return information on each iteration

Definition at line 1759 of file Opt.cpp.

1759  {
1760  int itnumber = iter;
1761  if(itnumber%10==0){
1762  msgOut(MSG_DEBUG,"Running ("+i2s(itnumber)+" iter) ..");
1763  }
1764  return true;
1765 }
string i2s(const int &int_h) const
integer to string conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:219
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
Print a debug message, normally filtered out.
Definition: BaseClass.h:58
const Number & mymax ( const Number &  a,
const Number &  b 

Definition at line 1749 of file Opt.cpp.

1749  {
1750  return (a<b)?b:a;
1751 }
const adouble & mymax ( const adouble &  a,
const adouble &  b 

Definition at line 1753 of file Opt.cpp.

1753  {
1754  return (a<b)?b:a;
1755 }
Opt& operator= ( const Opt )
void sfd ( const double &  value_h,
const string &  type_h,
const int &  regId_h,
const string &  forType_h,
const string &  diamClass_h,
const int &  year = DATA_NOW,
const bool &  allowCreate = false 
) const

Definition at line 171 of file Opt.h.

171 {MTHREAD->MD->setForData(value_h, type_h, regId_h, forType_h, diamClass_h, year, allowCreate);};
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
ModelData * MD
the model data object
Definition: ThreadManager.h:72
void setForData(const double &value_h, const string &type_h, const int &regId_h, const string &forType_h, const string &freeDim_h, const int &year=DATA_NOW, const bool &allowCreate=false)
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1412
void spd ( const double &  value_h,
const string &  type_h,
const int &  regId_h,
const string &  prodId_h,
const int &  year = DATA_NOW,
const bool &  allowCreate = false,
const string &  freeDim_h = "" 
) const

Definition at line 170 of file Opt.h.

170 {MTHREAD->MD->setProdData(value_h, type_h, regId_h, prodId_h, year, allowCreate, freeDim_h);};
ThreadManager * MTHREAD
Pointer to the Thread manager.
Definition: BaseClass.h:467
ModelData * MD
the model data object
Definition: ThreadManager.h:72
void setProdData(const double &value_h, const string &type_h, const int &regId_h, const string &prodId_h, const int &year=DATA_NOW, const bool &allowCreate=false, const string &freeDim_h="")
Definition: ModelData.cpp:1352
void tempDebug ( )

Definition at line 1733 of file Opt.cpp.

1733  {
1735  cout << "Num of variables: " << nVar << " - Num of constrains:" << nCons << endl;
1736  cout << "IDX;ROW;COL" << endl;
1737  for(uint i=0;i<nzhelements.size();i++){
1738  cout << i << ";" << nzhelements[i][0] << ";" << nzhelements[i][1] << endl;
1739  }
1741  cout << "Dense jacobian: " << nCons * nVar << " elements" << endl;
1742  cout << "Dense hessian: " << nVar*(nVar-1)/2+nVar << " elements" << endl;
1743  //exit(0);
1745 }
int nVar
Definition: Opt.h:212
vector< vector< Index > > nzhelements
nzero elements for the hessian matrix
Definition: Opt.h:227
int nCons
Definition: Opt.h:213
void unpack ( int  ix_h,
int  domain,
int  initial,
int &  r1_h,
int &  r2_h,
int &  p_h,
int &  r2to_h,
bool  fullp = false 

Return the dimensions given a certain index, domain type and initial position.

Definition at line 1609 of file Opt.cpp.

1609  {
1610  ix_h = ix_h-initial;
1611  double ix=0;
1612  bool r2flag = false;
1613  int pIndexToAdd = 0;
1614  int np=0;
1615  if(domain==DOM_PRI_PR || domain==DOM_R2_PRI_PR) {
1616  np = nPriPr;
1617  } else if (domain==DOM_SEC_PR || domain==DOM_R2_SEC_PR) {
1618  np = nSecPr;
1619  } else if (domain==DOM_ALL_PR || domain==DOM_R2_ALL_PR) {
1620  np = nAllPr;
1621  } else if (domain=DOM_SCALAR){
1622  r1_h=0;r2_h=0;p_h=0;r2to_h=0;
1623  return;
1624  } else {
1625  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR,"unknow domain ("+i2s(domain)+") in unpack() function.");
1626  }
1627  if(domain==DOM_R2_PRI_PR || domain==DOM_R2_SEC_PR ||domain==DOM_R2_ALL_PR){
1628  r2flag = true;
1629  }
1630  if(fullp && (domain==DOM_SEC_PR || domain==DOM_R2_SEC_PR)){ // changed 20140107 (any how, previously the unpack() function was not used!!)
1631  pIndexToAdd = nPriPr;
1632  //cout << "pindexToAdd: " << pIndexToAdd << endl;
1633  }
1635  for (uint r1=0;r1<l2r.size();r1++){
1636  for (uint r2=0;r2<l2r[r1].size();r2++){
1637  for (uint p=0;p<np;p++){
1638  if(!r2flag){
1639  if(ix==ix_h){
1640  r1_h=r1;
1641  r2_h=r2;
1642  p_h=p+pIndexToAdd;
1643  r2to_h=0;
1644  return;
1645  }
1646  ix++;
1647  } else {
1648  for (uint r2To=0;r2To<l2r[r1].size();r2To++){
1649  if(ix==ix_h){
1650  r1_h=r1;
1651  r2_h=r2;
1652  p_h=p+pIndexToAdd;
1653  r2to_h=r2To;
1654  return;
1655  }
1656  ix++;
1657  }
1658  }
1659  }
1660  }
1661  }
1662  msgOut(MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, "Error in unpack() function. Ix ("+i2s(ix_h)+") can not be unpacked");
1663 }
string i2s(const int &int_h) const
integer to string conversion
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:219
void msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const
Overloaded function to print the output log.
Definition: BaseClass.cpp:50
vector< vector< int > > l2r
Definition: Opt.h:197
Primary products // domain of variables and constrains: primary, secondary, all products or all produ...
Definition: BaseClass.h:93
int nAllPr
Definition: Opt.h:210
Print an error message and stop the model.
Definition: BaseClass.h:62
Secondary products over r2 couple regions (in-country commercial flows)
Definition: BaseClass.h:97
Secondary products.
Definition: BaseClass.h:94
int nPriPr
Definition: Opt.h:206
Primary products over r2 couple regions (in-country commercial flows)
Definition: BaseClass.h:96
Scalar variable (not used)
Definition: BaseClass.h:99
All products over r2 couple regions (in-country commercial flows)
Definition: BaseClass.h:98
All products (primary+secondary)
Definition: BaseClass.h:95
int nSecPr
Definition: Opt.h:209

Member Data Documentation

vector<string> allPr

Definition at line 195 of file Opt.h.

unsigned int* cind_g

Definition at line 253 of file Opt.h.

unsigned int* cind_L

Definition at line 256 of file Opt.h.

unsigned int* cind_L_total

Definition at line 258 of file Opt.h.

vector<int> cInitPos

A vector that returns the initial index position in the concatenated array for each constrain.

Definition at line 202 of file Opt.h.

vector<constrain> cons

Definition at line 225 of file Opt.h.

vector< vector < vector < vector < vector <int> > > > > cpositions

cached position in the concatenated vector for each variables. Dimensions are contrain number, l1reg, l2reg, prod, (l2To region).

Definition at line 205 of file Opt.h.

bool debugRunOnce

Definition at line 221 of file Opt.h.

int firstYear

Definition at line 218 of file Opt.h.

double* hessval

Definition at line 259 of file Opt.h.

unsigned int** HP_t

Definition at line 251 of file Opt.h.

bool initOpt

Definition at line 224 of file Opt.h.

map<string, int> initPos

A map that returns the initial index position in the concatenated array for each variable.

Definition at line 200 of file Opt.h.

map<int, string> initPos_rev

A map with the name of the variable keyed by its initial position in the index.

Definition at line 201 of file Opt.h.

vector< vector < vector <double> > > ins

A copy of the inventoried resourses by region and primary product combination. It works also with dynamic loading of the region and the in, but it may be slower.

Definition at line 199 of file Opt.h.

double* jacval

Definition at line 254 of file Opt.h.

vector< vector <int> > l2r

Definition at line 197 of file Opt.h.

int nAllPr

Definition at line 210 of file Opt.h.

int nCons

Definition at line 213 of file Opt.h.

int nEqualityConstrains

Definition at line 214 of file Opt.h.

int nGreaterEqualZeroConstrains

Definition at line 216 of file Opt.h.

int nL2r

Definition at line 211 of file Opt.h.

int nLowerEqualZeroConstrains

Definition at line 215 of file Opt.h.

int nnz_jac

Definition at line 260 of file Opt.h.

int nnz_L

Definition at line 261 of file Opt.h.

int nnz_L_total

Definition at line 261 of file Opt.h.

int nOthPr

Definition at line 207 of file Opt.h.

int nPriPr

Definition at line 206 of file Opt.h.

int nPriPrCombs

Definition at line 208 of file Opt.h.

int nSecPr

Definition at line 209 of file Opt.h.

int nVar

Definition at line 212 of file Opt.h.

vector<vector <Index> > nzhelements

nzero elements for the hessian matrix

Definition at line 227 of file Opt.h.

vector<vector <Index> > nzjelements

nzero elements for the jacobian matrix. nzelements[i][0] -> row (constrain), nzelements[i][1] -> column (variable)

Definition at line 226 of file Opt.h.

int options_g[4]

Definition at line 262 of file Opt.h.

int options_L[4]

Definition at line 263 of file Opt.h.

vector<string> othPr

Definition at line 196 of file Opt.h.

double overharvestingAllowance

Allows to harvest more than the resources available. Useful when resources got completelly exausted and the model refuses to solve.

Definition at line 222 of file Opt.h.

int previousYear

Definition at line 217 of file Opt.h.

vector<string> priPr

Definition at line 193 of file Opt.h.

vector< vector <int> > priPrCombs

A vector with all the possible combinations of primary products.

Definition at line 198 of file Opt.h.

unsigned int* rind_g

Definition at line 252 of file Opt.h.

unsigned int* rind_L

Definition at line 255 of file Opt.h.

unsigned int* rind_L_total

Definition at line 257 of file Opt.h.

int secondYear

Definition at line 219 of file Opt.h.

vector<string> secPr

Definition at line 194 of file Opt.h.

map<string, endvar> vars

List of variables in the model and their domain: pr product, sec prod, all products or all products over each subregion pair (exports)

Definition at line 203 of file Opt.h.

map<string, vector < vector < vector < vector <int> > > > > vpositions

cached position in the concatenated vector for each variables. Dimensions are l1reg, l2reg, prod, (l2To region).

Definition at line 204 of file Opt.h.

int worldCodeLev2

Definition at line 220 of file Opt.h.

double* x_lam

Definition at line 248 of file Opt.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: