FFSM++  1.1.0
French Forest Sector Model ++
output_parser_lib.py File Reference

Go to the source code of this file.




def prepare_data ()
def reset_output ()
def plotMultivariable (scenarios_h, variables_h, region, title, filename, printLegend=True, fwidth=10, fheight=15)
def plotCarbonChart (scenarios_h, region, title, filename)
def plotLegend (scenarios_h, filename, title_h="")
def plotVectorChart_inner (origin, end1, endt, xlabel, ylabel, filename, comp1_color='red', totcomp_color='blue', diffcomp_color='green')
def printTable (ref_scenario, comparing_scenarios, variables_h, regions_h, years_h, title, filename, singleComparation=False, refYear=0)
def printAATable (ref_scenarios, comparing_scenarios, regions_h, years_h, title, filename, refYear=0)
def printCarbonTable (ref_scenario, comparing_scenarios, region, year_start, year_end, title, filename, avg=False, singleComparation=True)
def printTableRecord (cvar_label, d, el, nscen, valRScenario, valCScenarios, singleComparation)
def title (cat, level, title)
def text (cat, text_h)
def myunicode (astring)