French Forest Sector Model ++
This is the complete list of members for Pixel, including all inherited members.
addMort | Pixel | |
area | Pixel | |
area_l | Pixel | |
avalCoef | Pixel | |
b2s(const bool &bool_h) const | BaseClass | |
b2s(const vector< bool > &bool_h) const | BaseClass | |
BaseClass() | BaseClass | |
beta | Pixel | |
cachedDouble | Pixel | private |
changeMapValue(map< K, V > &mymap, const K &key, const V &value, const int &error_level=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR) | BaseClass | inline |
changeValue(const string &layerName_h, const double &value_h, const bool &setNoValueForZero=false) | Pixel | |
clearCache() | Pixel | inline |
correctInputMultiplier(const string &multiplierName, const string &forName, double coefficient=1) | Pixel | |
cumAlive | Pixel | |
cumAlive_exp | Pixel | |
cumTp | Pixel | |
cumTp_exp | Pixel | |
d2s(const double &double_h) const | BaseClass | |
d2s(const vector< double > &double_h) const | BaseClass | |
debugMap(const map< iisskey, V > &mymap) | BaseClass | inline |
debugMap(const map< K, V > &mymap, const K &key) | BaseClass | inline |
deltaArea | Pixel | |
expectedAnnualIncome_carbon | Pixel | |
expectedAnnualIncome_timber | Pixel | |
expectedReturns | Pixel | |
expectedReturnsNotCorrByRa | Pixel | |
expType | Pixel | |
expTypePrices | Pixel | |
findMap(const map< K, V > &mymap, const K &key, const int &error_level=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR, const V ¬FoundValue=numeric_limits< V >::min()) const | BaseClass | inline |
getAvg(const vector< K > &v) | BaseClass | inline |
getCachedDouble() const | Pixel | inline |
getDoubleValue(const string &layerName_h, const bool &returnZeroForNoValue=false) const | Pixel | |
getDoubleValue(const string &parName, const string &forName, const string &dClass, const int &year, const bool &returnZeroForNoValue=false) | Pixel | |
getID() const | Pixel | inline |
getMax(const vector< K > &v) | BaseClass | inline |
getMaxPos(const vector< K > &v) | BaseClass | inline |
getMin(const vector< K > &v) | BaseClass | inline |
getMinPos(const vector< K > &v) | BaseClass | inline |
getMultiplier(const string &multiplierName, const string &forName, int year=DATA_NOW) | Pixel | |
getMyRegion(const int &rLevel=2) | Pixel | |
getPastRegArea(const int &ft_idx, const int &year) | Pixel | |
getPathMortality(const string &forType, const string &dC, int year=DATA_NOW) | Pixel | |
getPixelsAtDistLevel(int distLevel_h) const | Pixel | |
getPos(const K &element, const vector< K > &v, const int &msgCode_h=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR) | BaseClass | inline |
getPxComments() const | Pixel | inline |
getSd(const vector< K > &v, bool sample=true) | BaseClass | inline |
getSpModifier(const string &ft) | Pixel | |
getSTData(const string &parName, const string &forName, int year, const string &d2="", double naToReturn=RETNA) | Pixel | |
getType(const string &type_h) const | BaseClass | |
getX() const | Pixel | inline |
getY() const | Pixel | inline |
hArea | Pixel | |
hProductivity | Pixel | |
hVol | Pixel | |
hVol_byPrd | Pixel | |
i2s(const int &int_h) const | BaseClass | |
i2s(const vector< int > &int_h) const | BaseClass | |
ID | Pixel | private |
incrMapValue(map< K, V > &mymap, const K &key, const V &value, const int &error_level=MSG_CRITICAL_ERROR) | BaseClass | inline |
incrOrAddMapValue(map< K, V > &mymap, const K &key, const V &value) | BaseClass | inline |
initialDc0Area | Pixel | |
inVector(const K &element, const vector< K > &v) | BaseClass | inline |
l2region | Pixel | private |
mort | Pixel | |
msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const string &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const | BaseClass | |
msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const int &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const | BaseClass | |
msgOut(const int &msgCode_h, const double &msg_h, const bool &refreshGUI_h=true) const | BaseClass | |
MTHREAD | BaseClass | protected |
newYear() | Pixel | |
normSample(const double &avg, const double &stdev, const double &minval=NULL, const double &maxval=NULL) const | BaseClass | |
normSample(normal_distribution< K > &d, std::mt19937 &gen, const K &minval=NULL, const K &maxval=NULL) const | BaseClass | inline |
optDc | Pixel | |
optDcChosen | Pixel | |
optFtChosen | Pixel | |
Pixel(double ID_h, ThreadManager *MTHREAD_h) | Pixel | |
portfolioVarRa | Pixel | |
positionsToContent(const vector< T > &vector_h, const vector< int > &positions) | BaseClass | inline |
pxComments | Pixel | private |
pxX | Pixel | private |
pxY | Pixel | private |
refreshGUI() const | BaseClass | |
regArea | Pixel | |
resetMapValues(map< K, V > &mymap, const V &value) | BaseClass | inline |
s2b(const string &string_h) const | BaseClass | |
s2b(const vector< string > &string_h) const | BaseClass | |
s2d(const string &string_h) const | BaseClass | |
s2d(const string &string_h, const bool &replaceComma) const | BaseClass | |
s2d(const vector< string > &string_h, const bool &replaceComma=false) const | BaseClass | |
s2i(const string &string_h) const | BaseClass | |
s2i(const vector< string > &string_h) const | BaseClass | |
setCachedDouble(double cachedDouble_h) | Pixel | inline |
setCoordinates(int x_h, int y_h) | Pixel | inline |
setMyRegion(ModelRegion *region_h) | Pixel | inline |
setPastRegArea(const double &value, const int &ft_idx, const int &year) | Pixel | |
setPxComments(std::string pxComments_h) | Pixel | inline |
setSpModifier(const double &value, const int &ftindex) | Pixel | inline |
setValue(const string &layerName_h, const double &value_h) | Pixel | inline |
spMods | Pixel | private |
stringTo(const std::string &s) const | BaseClass | |
swap(const int &swap_what) | Pixel | |
tokenize(const string &str, vector< string > &tokens, const string &delimiter=" ") const | BaseClass | |
toString(const T &x) const | BaseClass | |
toString(const T &x) const | BaseClass | |
tp | Pixel | |
untokenize(string &str, vector< string > &tokens, const string &delimiter=" ") const | BaseClass | |
usePortfolio | Pixel | |
values | Pixel | private |
vectorToMap(const vector< K > &keys, const V &value=0.0) | BaseClass | inline |
vHa | Pixel | |
vHa_exp | Pixel | |
vIter | Pixel | mutableprivate |
vMort | Pixel | |
vMortAdd | Pixel | |
vol | Pixel | |
vol_l | Pixel | |
vReg | Pixel | |
vSum(const vector< int > &vector_h) const | BaseClass | inline |
vSum(const vector< double > &vector_h) const | BaseClass | inline |
vSum(const vector< vector< int > > &vector_h) const | BaseClass | |
vSum(const vector< vector< double > > &vector_h) const | BaseClass | |
~BaseClass() | BaseClass | |
~Pixel() | Pixel |