French Forest Sector Model (FFSM++)

Laboratoire d'Economie Forestière - LEF - Nancy, France

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en:doc:home [2017/05/02 14:35]
Antonello Lobianco [Published Articles]
en:doc:home [2024/05/07 09:34] (current)
Antonello Lobianco [Published Articles] Added Thomas article
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 ===== Published Articles ===== ===== Published Articles =====
-  * A. Lobianco, S. Caurla, P. Delacote, A. Barkaoui (2016), "[[|Carbon mitigation potential of the French forest sector under threat of combined physical and market impacts due to climate change.]]", Journal of Forest Economics, Accepted paper awaiting publication + 
-  * A. Lobianco, P. Delacote, S. Caurla, A. Barkaoui (2015), “[[|Accounting for active management and risk attitude in forest sector models. An impact study on French forests]]”, Environmental Modeling and Assessment, Paper accepted, awaiting publication+  * Lorang, E., Lobianco, A. & Delacote, P. (2023) "[[|Increasing Paper and Cardboard Recycling: Impacts on the Forest Sector and Carbon Emissions]]", Environ Model Assess, 28.  
 +  * Riviere, M., Pimont, F., Delacote, P., Caurla, S., Ruffault, J., Lobianco, A., Opitz, T. and Dupuy, J.L., (2022). "[[|A Bioeconomic Projection of Climate‐Induced Wildfire Risk in the Forest Sector]]". Earth's Future, 10(4) 
 +  * T. Beaussier, S. Caurla, V. Bellon-Maurel, P Delacote, E. Loiseau (2022), "[[| Deepening the territorial Life Cycle Assessment approach with partial equilibrium modelling: First insights from an application to a wood energy incentive in a French region]]", Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 179 
 +  * Delacote P., Lobianco A., Caurla S., Bontemps J.D., Lungarska A., Mérian P., Rivière M., Barkaoui A. (2021), "[[|The loop effect: how climate change impacts the mitigation potential of the French forest sector]]”, Journal of Forest Economics, 36(3) 
 +  * M. Riviere, C. Sylvain (2020) "[[|Landscape implications of managing forests for carbon sequestration.]]", Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research 
 +  * C. Petucco, A. Lobianco, S. Caurla (2019), "[[|Economic evaluation of an invasive forest pathogen at a large scale: the case of ash dieback in France]]", Environmental Modelling and Assessment 
 +  * A. Lobianco, S. Caurla, P. Delacote, A. Barkaoui (2016), "[[|Carbon mitigation potential of the French forest sector under threat of combined physical and market impacts due to climate change.]]", Journal of Forest Economics, Volume 23 
 +  * A. Lobianco, P. Delacote, S. Caurla, A. Barkaoui (2016), “[[|Accounting for active management and risk attitude in forest sector models. An impact study on French forests]]”, Environmental Modeling and Assessment 21(3)
   * S. Caurla, S. Garcia, A. Niedzwiedz (2015), "[[|Store or export? An economic evaluation of financial compensation to forest sector after windstorm. The case of Hurricane Klaus]]", Forest Policy and Economics, Volume 61, December 2015, Pages 30-38, ISSN 1389-9341   * S. Caurla, S. Garcia, A. Niedzwiedz (2015), "[[|Store or export? An economic evaluation of financial compensation to forest sector after windstorm. The case of Hurricane Klaus]]", Forest Policy and Economics, Volume 61, December 2015, Pages 30-38, ISSN 1389-9341
   * A. Lobianco, P. Delacote, S. Caurla, A. Barkaoui (2015), "[[|The importance of introducing spatial heterogeneity in bio-economic forest models: Insights gleaned from FFSM++]]", Ecological Modelling, Volumes 309–310, 10–24 August 2015, Pages 82-92, ISSN 0304-3800   * A. Lobianco, P. Delacote, S. Caurla, A. Barkaoui (2015), "[[|The importance of introducing spatial heterogeneity in bio-economic forest models: Insights gleaned from FFSM++]]", Ecological Modelling, Volumes 309–310, 10–24 August 2015, Pages 82-92, ISSN 0304-3800
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   * F. Lecocq, S. Caurla, P. Delacote, A. Barkaoui and A. Sauquet (2011), "[[|Paying for forest carbon or stimulating fuelwood demand? Insights from the French Forest Sector Model]]", Journal of Forest Economics, 17(2), 157–168   * F. Lecocq, S. Caurla, P. Delacote, A. Barkaoui and A. Sauquet (2011), "[[|Paying for forest carbon or stimulating fuelwood demand? Insights from the French Forest Sector Model]]", Journal of Forest Economics, 17(2), 157–168
   * A. Sauquet, S. Caurla, F. Lecocq, P. Delacote, A. Barkaoui and S. Garcia (2011), "[[|Estimating armington elasticities for sawnwood and application to the french forest sector model.]]", Resource and Energy Economics 33(4), 771–781   * A. Sauquet, S. Caurla, F. Lecocq, P. Delacote, A. Barkaoui and S. Garcia (2011), "[[|Estimating armington elasticities for sawnwood and application to the french forest sector model.]]", Resource and Energy Economics 33(4), 771–781
-  * <typo fc:gray>C. Petucco, A. Lobianco, S. Caurla (2017), "Economic evaluation of an invasive forest pathogen at a large scale: the case of ash dieback in France.", Paper under revision. {{:en:doc:supplementary_material_ash_2017_eare_r0.7z|Supplementary material.}}</typo> 
 ===== Working Papers ===== ===== Working Papers =====
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   * J. Barthès, F. Lecocq, S. Caurla, P. Delacote, A. Barkaoui (2012), "[[|Would an Economy-Wide Carbon Tax Hinder or Help the Forest Sector? Insights from the French Forest Sector Model]]", Cahier du LEF 2012-04   * J. Barthès, F. Lecocq, S. Caurla, P. Delacote, A. Barkaoui (2012), "[[|Would an Economy-Wide Carbon Tax Hinder or Help the Forest Sector? Insights from the French Forest Sector Model]]", Cahier du LEF 2012-04
   * A. Sauquet, F. Lecocq, P. Delacote, S. Caurla, A. Barkaoui, S. Garcia (2011), "[[|Estimating Armington elasticities for sawnwood and application to the French Forest Sector Model]]", Cahier du LEF 2011-02   * A. Sauquet, F. Lecocq, P. Delacote, S. Caurla, A. Barkaoui, S. Garcia (2011), "[[|Estimating Armington elasticities for sawnwood and application to the French Forest Sector Model]]", Cahier du LEF 2011-02
-  * S. Caurla, F. Lecocq, P. Delacote, A. Barkaoui (2010), "[[|The French Forest Sector Model: version 1.0. Presentation and theoretical foundations]]", Cahier du LEF 2010-04+  * S. Caurla, F. Lecocq, P. Delacote, A. Barkaoui (2010), "[[|The French Forest Sector Model: version 1.0. Presentation and theoretical foundations]]", Cahier du LEF 2010-04
   * F. Lecocq, S. Caurla, P. Delacote, A. Barkaoui, A. Sauquet (2010), "[[|Retributing forest carbon vs. stimulating fuelwood demand insights from the french forest sector model]]", Cahier du LEF 2010-02   * F. Lecocq, S. Caurla, P. Delacote, A. Barkaoui, A. Sauquet (2010), "[[|Retributing forest carbon vs. stimulating fuelwood demand insights from the french forest sector model]]", Cahier du LEF 2010-02
   * S. Caurla, P. Delacote, F. Lecocq, A. Barkaoui (2009), "[[|Fuelwood consumption, restrictions about resource availability and public policies: impacts on the French forest sector]]", Cahier du LEF 2009-03   * S. Caurla, P. Delacote, F. Lecocq, A. Barkaoui (2009), "[[|Fuelwood consumption, restrictions about resource availability and public policies: impacts on the French forest sector]]", Cahier du LEF 2009-03
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 ===== Miscellaneous ===== ===== Miscellaneous =====
 +  * Riviere, M. (2021),"[[|Prospective analysis in the forest sector when facing environmental challenges: insights from large-scale bioeconomic modelling]]", PhD Thesis
 +  * Beaussier T. (2020), "[[|Évaluation économique et environnementale du développement régional d’une filière en interaction multi-secteur et multi-échelle : le cas de la filière forêt-bois du Grand Est]]", PhD Thesis
 +  * Roux A. (coord.), Colin A. (coord.), Dhôte J.-F. (coord.), Schmitt B. (coord.), Bailly A., Bastien J.-C., Bastick C., Berthelot A. Bréda N., Caurla S., Carnus J.-M., Gardiner B., Jactel H., Leban J.-M., Lobianco A., Loustau D., Marçais B., Meredieu C., Pâques L., Rigolot E., Saint-André L., Guehl J.-M., (2020). "[[|Filière forêt-bois et atténuation du changement climatique : entre séquestration du carbone en forêt et développement de la bioéconomie.]]", Versailles, éditions Quæ, 170 p.
 +  * Roux  A.,  Dhôte  J.-F.  (Coordinateurs),  Achat  D.,  Bastick  C.,  Colin  A.,  Bailly  A., Bastien J.-C., Berthelot A., Bréda N., Caurla S., Carnus J.-M., Gardiner B., Jactel H., Leban J.-M., Lobianco A.,  Loustau  D.,  Meredieu  C.,  Marçais  B.,  Martel  S.,  Moisy  C.,  Pâques  L.,  Picart-Deshors  D.,  Rigolot  E.,  Saint-André  L.,  Schmitt B.  (2017).  "[[ |Quel  rôle  pour  les  forêts  et  la  filière  forêt-bois  françaises  dans l’atténuation du changement climatique? Une étude des freins et leviers forestiers à l’horizon 2050. Rapport d’étude pour le Ministère de l’agriculture et de l’alimentation]]", INRA and IGN, 101 p. + 230 p. (annexes).
   * S. Caurla (2012), "{{{{:doc:these_finale_06022012.pdf|Modélisation de la filière forêt-bois française. Évaluation des impacts des politiques climatiques}}", PhD Thesis, AgroParisTech   * S. Caurla (2012), "{{{{:doc:these_finale_06022012.pdf|Modélisation de la filière forêt-bois française. Évaluation des impacts des politiques climatiques}}", PhD Thesis, AgroParisTech
   *  Colin, A. & Chevalier, H. (2010), Calibration du module biologique du ffsm, Technical report, Inventaire Forestier National.   *  Colin, A. & Chevalier, H. (2010), Calibration du module biologique du ffsm, Technical report, Inventaire Forestier National.
en/doc/home.1493728552.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/18 16:44 (external edit)