[[en:download|Download FFSM++]] \_\_ - \_\_ [[http://ffsm-project.org/referenceManual/html/files.html|Browse source code]] \_\_ - \_\_[[https://sourceforge.net/p/ffsm-project/tickets/|Open a support request or bug ticket]] \_\_ - \_\_ [[en:private:|Intranet (private area)]]
{{ :wiki:ffsm_gui_w.png?600 |Screenshot of the model during execution}}
{{ :wiki:ffsmflowchart.png?600 |Flowchart of the main components}}
//Given the importance of anthropogenic determinants in forest ecosystems within Europe, the objective of the FFSM++ model is to link the evidence arising from biological models with socio-economic determinants, where the expected returns of forest investments represent the main drivers.//
//An (inventory-based) forest dynamic model is hence coupled with a (partial equilibrium) market module and a (micro-based) management one in a national level forest sector model for France (FFSM++).//
The model is fully open source (GPL3) with the sole exception that if you publish some document based on a modified version of FFSM++ you need to publish also the modifications you made. [[http://ffsm-project.org/referenceManual/html/COPYING_source.html|Read the complete Licence]].
{{:en:forest_sector_modelling.pdf|Download a broad presentation of FFSM++ (Nov 2016)}}
^ Documentation ^ Team ^ Usage ^ Development ^
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* [[:en:team:home#past_members|Past members]]
* [[:en:team:home#external_contributors|External contributors]]
* [[en/doc/installation|Installation and usage instructions]]
* [[en/doc/iodata|Input-output data management]]
* [[en/doc/gisdata|Preparation of the spatial data (GIS layers)]]
* [[en/doc/units|Detail of the units emploied]]
* C++ version (FFSM++):
* [[en/dev/development|Development instructions]]
* [[en/dev/initialisation_mkt|Initialisation of the market module]]
* [[http://ffsm-project.org/referenceManual/html/files.html|Browse source code]]
* [[http://ffsm-project.org/referenceManual/html/|Reference Manual]]
* [[http://ffsm-project.org/codestats|Development statistics]]
* [[https://ffsm-project.org/download/src/ffsm_pp_src_dailySnapshots_latest.tgz|Download latest source code]]
* [[https://github.com/LEFNancy/ffsm_pp|Browse GIT repository]] //(private due to some third-party copyrighted data)//
* GAMS version:
* [[https://github.com/LEFNancy/ffsm|Browse source code]] //(private)//
* [[https://github.com/LEFNancy/ffsm/archive/master.zip|Download latest version (zip)]] //(private)//
**Latest development:**
[[en:dev:gitlogfull|Read more..]]