====== Detail of the measure units employed by FFSM ====== ===== Input ===== TODO ===== Output ===== In the results csv files: * ''vol'' - "volumes": Mm³ (at the end of the year) * `forArea` - "area": ha (at the end of the year) * `regArea` - "regeneration area": ha * `vReg` - "regeneration area": ha * `vMort` - yearly death volumes: Mm³ * `hV` - "harvested volumes": Mm³ (assumed at the beginning of the year) * `hr` - "harvested rate": ratio * `harvestedArea` - "harvested area": ha * `hProductivity` * `expReturns` - "expected returns": €/ha * `sumExpReturns` * `pol_fiSub` - Rate of subsides to forest investments: rate: [0,1[ → subside; 1 → no intervention; ]1,+inf[ → tax * `polBal_fiSub` - Amount of subsides to forest investments: M€ * Some importan notes: * V (volumes) -> at the end of the year * In (inventary) -> at the beginning of the year * Area -> at the end of the year * Harvesting -> at the beginning of the year * Volumes are in Mm^3, Areas in the model in Ha (10000 m^2), in the layers in m^2, vHa in m^3/ha. Prices are in €/m^3. * Policy balances (- -> public cost,subside; + -> public revenue) and surpluses are in milion € * * BALANCE: * PROD_forLocal (sl) + PROD_forExp (sa) + IMP (da) + sum_reg(reg_trade_in) = CONS_fromLocal (dl) + CONS_fromImp (da) + EXP (sa) + sum_reg(reg_trade_out) * note that this means that sl includes alread reg_trade_out, and dl includes already reg_trade_in